If RFK Jr. gets into the White House, the first thing he signs should be an Executive Order abolishing the CIA that murdered his father and uncle.

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And rename Dulles Airport to RFK airport (since there's already a JFK airport).

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Nicole - Dulles airport is named actually named after John Foster Dulles, Secretary of

State & also from the corrupt law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell w/ his equally corrupt

brother Allen Welsh Dulles. Another of their great feats was their assistance of ZYCLON - B gas, from American's to guys named Hitler, Bormann, Mengle, etc., for their concentration camps because bullets were too expensive & too slow. Even when they stacked living people to shoot through/kill several at a time w/ one bullet. Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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I know it's named for Allen Dulles, that's why it needs to be changed. Former CIA director who orchestrated JFK's assassination then headed the investigation into the assassination. He doesn't deserve to be remembered. But you see how the agencies use the same playbook today investigating themselves after they do something nefarious and unconstitutional.

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Nicole WB - Respectfully disagree.

Which Dulles brother is the airport named after?

Between his stints of government service, Dulles was a corporate lawyer and partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. His older brother, John Foster Dulles, was the secretary of state during the Eisenhower administration and is the namesake of Dulles International Airport.

Both also quietly helped Adolph Hitler w/ Hitler's BEST American Corporate friend,

Henry Ford. Hitler had a life size picture in his office autographed by Henry Ford, delivered

by one of the Dulles brothers.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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Disagree with what? That it should be renamed? It's named after nazi supporters who assassinated JFK. It is their WW2 nazi assets (Operation Paperclip) that started the OSS which became the CIA, and planted assets in Ukraine.

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Nicole - Then as now, Politely/Respectfully telling you that you were totally wrong. Dulles International Airport is NOT named after Allen Welsh Dulles, former CIA, but after His Brother John Foster Dulles by President Dwight David Eisenhower. Enjoyed your diatribe though. Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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I wouldn't want my family's name on that sewer.

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But Dulles doesn't deserve to be remembered having orchestrated JFK's assassination.

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You must have tapped into the rare database that claims he had anything to do with it.

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ALWAYS...Behind the CIA is Mi5/6 controlled by 'The City of London' and BIS in Basel, Switzerland...The Club of 300 or old Venetian Black Nobility. This encompasses the Underworld Mobs, Monarchies and ALL TOTALITARIAN Govt. It's all CONNECTED.

RFK Jr.'s Grandfather is recorded to have once said, "In the end, everybody does business with everybody." HE KNEW AND RFK Jr. KNOWS THIS NOW.


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Blaze - I have not researched/studied MI 5/6 enough since ties w/ James Jesus Angleton. I have deeply focused most on Majestic Twelve & The 303 Group. Are you

aware of any connections. All comments pro/con always welcomed. Thank you.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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Sincerely apologize about not getting back with you sooner...I missed this comment and only returned due to an accumulation of Emails not answered. Sometimes, I have so much on the plate I miss some Emails. It's NOT intentional.

The best place to find information about Mi5/6 concerning their role in the U.S. Establishment is to begin with WWII, the Dulles Bros., and several books addressing Intelligence as well as 'The Tower of Basel' by Adam Labore. Names are tied together and mentioned almost haphazardly when others have conducted their research. It's not difficult to discern the many contributions, infiltration and treasonous activities of the Twin Agencies taking orders from the groups you're more knowledgeable with. I am NOT as familiar with the groups you mention...But, will find some time to do a bit of digging this coming weekend.

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Any control the City of London has is direct, not through any British government agency.

Because the City of London holds a lot of countries' sovereign debt, like that of the US, since before they bought Lincoln, they don't play politics. They just exercise control to ensure their loans are producing.

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That is a very naive statement. The Godfather's DO NOT GET THEIR HANDS DIRTY WITH DIRECT WET WORK. They order the Capo's.

All Hierarchical Power is modeled upon God's and that includes Satan/Lucifer in Hell.

THE CITY OF LONDON IS Dante's center of hell and

The Rothschilds most certainly are the top of Hell's Hierarchy on Earth.



They've owned the EU Monarchy, Peerage and Governing Bodies for centuries....THE CLUB OF 300 and the family at the top is the Rothschild's.

Here is a lengthy LINK:


I will be back with another Link about the Rockefellers who are SMALL POTATOES IN COMPARISON.


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If it is naive, at least it isn't psychotic.

Ron Unz doesn't always get the details right.

If it is on Youtube, it may as well be on Wikipedia.

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About time people begin to know those controlling this planet and implementing the endless 'Wars For Profit' ARE PSYCHOTIC/SOCIOPATHIC.

The Alex Jones/Aaron Russo Interview was saved years ago before the OBastard Capo's escalated the Censorship Agenda since the Trump victory over their Puppet Princess.

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The creator is still in control and letting us exercise our free wills.

Aaron Russo's excellent video hasn't been mentioned since his untimely death.

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And then all hell will break loose. You think trump got dumped on. wait till you see what they do to rfk jr

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We have to surround him with our light swords to protect him

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We all need to help fight the fight and we do that by asking our friends and family to read articles like this. We need to print out such information and educate our communities.

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Agreed, Malissa. Please do share far and wide!

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RFK Jr. is a fighter, not a joiner like Trump, who never stopped swimming in a swamp he'd long been swimming laps in.

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Who am I to not support and vote for a man willing to sacrifice his life for his country? He's wise and wizened. I think maybe he needs to find a possible running mate. A Black activist? CW perhaps?

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TULSI GABBARD a Hawaiian gentle souled fierce warrior who stands up to dnc elites and is crossover appeal. Two smeared truth tellers to dismantle shit.

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Joanna - I have always thought that Dr. Ben Carson would be the BEST VP FOR RFK.

Brilliant, cool, calm, collected, well spoken & well thought out in the Mold of a Colin

Powell BUT NOT MILITARY. Had enough Military/Pentagon forever. Study OPERATION NORTHWOODS to really make you sick about our so called Military leaders.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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Why a black activist?

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It appears inclusive. Whether it is or not is in the hands of both two men or one man and one woman.

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Awesome article. Kennedy’s courage to speak the truth is inspiring. Kennedy 2024!!

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CIA is out of control and must go. They have never stopped what they were doing just got better at hiding it

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Guy - Respectfully agree w/ you to a degree. But my interviews, research, studies, & writings lean toward the CIA was the Execution Arm of Majestic Twelve who gave the

actual "...removal order of Lancer." Today there is a Deep State & Global Octopus w/

Unlimited Access, Assets, Control, etc. Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicgo, Illinois.

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What is critical to know about the Church Committee is that Senator John Tower was its vice-chairman. Not only did he have close ties to the CIA, but he had documents exposing E. Howard Hunt's plans of a 'fake' assassination that was infiltrated and became the 'real deal' on that fateful day in November.

Tower was a friend of Dallas Sheriff, Bill Decker. Decker was friends with Det. Sgt. Gary Wean of Ventura Police Dept. through a mutual friend, actor Audie Murphy. After the real assassination Hunt's men went into total panic, and Tower wanted to tell someone who could be trusted what happened, and give them the sealed documents he had for safe keeping. Wean wrote about this in his book, 'There's a Fish in the Court House', Chapter 44, which I posted on my website: https://by-julietbonnay.com/2021/11/jfk-assassination-senator-john-tower-on-how-hunts-big-event-went-horribly-wrong/

I had a lot of trouble believing this when I first read it, but I have since read a lot more of Wean's writing to know that he is genuine. He was in Los Angeles doing the Hollywood beat and uncovered the drug trafficking coming from China, and child trafficking coming from South America, for which he was fired. He also had Marilyn Monroe's place staked out on the night she was murdered and knew that Bobby Kennedy had nothing to do with it, but knew who did. He fought judicial corruption in California with every fiber of his being and presented evidence of it, along with a petition from the people to investigate it, to the Senate in 1987, where it was shelved. By Joe Biden.

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Frank Church died of cancer not long after--maybe the same kind of fast-acting cancer that killed Jack Ruby, and was developed as described in the book, "Dr. Mary's Monkey." Bobby, be careful who feeds you.

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Yes bring your own water and food everywhere you go...

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Love Jeremy and crew at Covert Action but it is disappointing that they, along with most researchers delving into CIA media influence and covert ops, regularly cite Church Committee published findings while the House counterpart investigation led by Hon. Otis G. Pike remains classified and wholly ignored when the man & committee made equally if not more disturbing discoveries released in part as a whistleblower when Village Voice was still adversarial press


The CIA Report the President Doesn’t Want You to Read

The Pike Papers: Highlights from the suppressed House Intelligence Committee Report

by Village Voice Archives - Originally published February 16, 1976




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I this is very informative and fill in a lot of gaps for me. It makes a lot of sense, unfortunately.

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Didn’t Victoria Nuland tell Congress that we have bio weapon labs in Ukraine? So nothing is new

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All I can say is, never under estimate your enemy. Understand what levels they will go to in trying to defeat you. I think most of know that by now.

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OK, now Kennedy has fired a shot at the powerful CIA and FBI. Now we wait and pray as they will be working full time to derail him. Or worse. Not an accident he does not have secret service protection, even though Dr. Fauchi does.

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The CIA is a huge organization very compartmentalized. They are not all bad. We need a fight inside. We need that the good guys neutralize the bad one.

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It's about time.

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An outstanding well-researched article -- as usual -- congratulations and admiration.

A possible path to sure victory?

-- DNC will prevent RFK victory in primaries. About 40% of Dems might be very pissed off.

-- Trump after winning GOP primary should made a firm commitment to offer to make RFK his Attorney General.

-- Perhaps 90% of Independents (they are nearly 50% of voters) and 40% of Dems might vote for Trump in general election – erasing RINO GOP voters who would be against RFK as AG.

Trump overwhelmingly wins… And - the US uni-party MUST be destroyed, and US politics disinfected.

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Nobody wants Trump again. He's a divider who got nothing done when he had the chance. Got paid by Pfizer to appoint one of their execs to FDA and Vaccine Safety Commission after first offering it to RFK.

RFK can win popular vote in primary. That would make things very uncomfortable for the DNC.

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Let’s hope RFK wins primary - of course.

But - the criminal DNC + Deep State gang will most likely prevent that.

My proposed solution is the second and contingency phase.

Both Trump and RFK are also populists.

PS: If you were Dem now -- wouldn’t you still not vote for Trump seeing the ALL pervasive corruption of the US war Uniparty ??

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Trump has no integrity, he's proven it repeatedly. His whole shtick is calling people insulting names, bragging about himself and appealing to rationally-challenged rural voters.

There's no alternative to RFK. By hook or crook, it has to happen. 2028 is too late. WEF agenda is underway and both parties will sell the country to Blackrock and co. The level of corporate capture is already beyond the pale.

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You cannot wish a win -- you have to win. This always includes having contingency options.

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A Very Insightful and Powerful article Mr. Kozmarov! Thank you!

Great Exposure of the CIA and its bought, paid for and blackmailed moronic coward minions like biden. But no surprise when you consider the Monstrous entity in Orion who controls the CIA.

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Must read:

1. "THE CIA's GREATEST HITS", by Mark Zepezauer, 1994, Oxonian Press, Tuscan, Arizona.

2. "WITHOUT SMOKING GUN", by Kent Heiner & Lt. Colonel Dan Marvin, 2004, Trine Day, Oregon.

Lt. Col. Dan Marvin, a retired Green beret & veteran of two wars was asked by the CIA to assassinate Lt. Comdr William Pitzer for treason & espionage - because Pritzer saved/had the only actual JFK Assassination photos from the CIA. Marvin refused, & later Pritzer was "found suicided."

Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvin is THE ONLY PERSON TO EVER BEAT THE CIA

IN COURT. Afterwards, the Judge asked for autographed copies of all of Marvin's works.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr., has the Brains, Honesty, & Integrity to fight for the truth. Skim these two

books at least, please/thank you. Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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James Earl Sutton-Files a/k/a Jimmy Files, still alive, was THE GRASSY KNOLL SHOOTER, & was working out of Chicago jointly for both the CIA & The Chicago Outfit, under/through Tony Accardo, Sam Giancana, Johnny Rosselli, Charles Nicoletti, while CIA Controller's Ted "The Grey Ghost" Shackely & David Atlee Phillips, Maheu, & others were in the background w/ Dallas Radio Ground's JFK Assassination Controller General Lansdale. PLEASE WATCH, BUT , FOREWARNED DISTURBING & gruesome. Feedback please.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.


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