Superior piece of work.. Thank you! Yes indeed when one executes a Global Pysop such as the one that's engulfed the world for the previous 4 yrs.. one must have a Global Censorship Complex established before full release of the Slow Kill Bio-Weapon, so the stage was set with the methodical systematic destruction of the various G20 Constitutions over the last 25yrs.

Big Brother's Psyop Great Reset required years of planning ... and will not stop till more Americans Wake Up..

We are making progress. We are close to Nuremberg 2..

It will be much easier with RFK Jr.'s Presidential Leadership... Let's get him in there..

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My definition of an NGO is an organisation setup by government because it does something that the government shouldn’t really be able to do.

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The worst kind of outsourcing.

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Adam, thank you for covering this very important topic. The story of the Twitter revelations and uncovering the state power behind the curtains are critical in the fight against tyrany. The corporations and oligarchy are using our own government against our people. Reasonable discussion has been held back or eliminated and this destroys democracy. Let's keep spreading this information to counter the overwhelming corporate blackout of the truth. And get Mr Kennedy elected in this new year!!!

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RFK JR All the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No defence against these criminals will be effective, short of executing them and/or those close to them.

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Matt Taibbi has covered the subject in detail, but Adam wrote an excellent summary. Personally, I was unaware of the censorship complex until June 2021, when I first dug into the ivermectin controversy and looked at the data and evidence for myself.

Of course, prior to then, I was unaware of the censorship because how do you see/read what has been censored? I wish I would have known prior to being one of the first to get the Phizer shot in Dec '20 (firefighters and other health professionals offered first). After my 2nd shot, I got DVT in my calves and then PE in my lungs and spent 3 days on an IV blood thinner drip in the hospital.

Of course, I didn't realize it was a vaccine injury until a year later ("safe & effective" & anaphylatic shock "only" "rare" SAE), after I discovered the voices (including RFK Jr) whom had been silenced by this organized censorship industrial complex.

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"A reasonable reader of the report is likely to be taken aback by this zealous attitude that has more in common with the language of communist revolutionaries than with that of responsible American public servants.."

They sound like communists because they probably are, most of their staff went to elite universities and that is basically those universities' product, communists.

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Great article, thank you!

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There is so much more to CTI than is being discussed. Pick any platform Whitney Webb has been on discussing this over the last few weeks, and a couple years ago. Here's one incase you're interested in listening. https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/cti-league-impending-false-flag/

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I once served as an expert advisor to the Democrat-dominated House Select Committee on The Climate Crisis. After repeatedly advising the Committee that there was no such crisis, I was prevented from presenting further such advise to the Committee by the federal contractor that operated the computer interface between the members of the Committee and experts like me.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, Ca


1-650-519-6636 (mobile)

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Excellent research! It would be great to see a follow-on story on whether the Censorship-Industrial Complex is also infiltrating universities. The Wilmer Hale law firm reportedly gave the presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT scripts to follow in last week’s disastrous Congressional hearing on anti-semitism on campuses. Who is behind that coordination?

It is sadly established that many ‘wrong think’ groups or individuals on campuses have been drummed out for not agreeing with the regime narrative.

Did CTIL or any other governmental organizations participate?

Here is a decent article about the 1st Amendment hypocrisies.


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The whole country needs to read this article

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"The Censorship Industrial Complex Was Invented to Kill Peaceful Populism"

I fully agree!

So why does Kennedy want to censor honest discussion on Palestine?

Why are his talking points the same as Israel and the US Government?

Why is he not talking about the Horrible Israeli Occupation, Apartheid, Racism, Anti-Semitism by Israel against Palestinians who are all Semites, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide and Mass Child Sacrifice of Children of Palestine by the Israel utilizing US taxpayer supplied weapons?

Why does he not call out Netanyahu and his Government leaders Disgusting Genocidal Anti-Semitic Racist Tirades against the Palestinian Semites?

Is he owned by the Zionist Lobby?

Is he Epstein Blackmailed?

Is he afraid?

If he is any of the above he is no better than trump or biden in this regard.

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This is an extremely important report that fully documents how the Biden administration marked the start of the final takeover of America by an international "Globalist" totalitarian regime enabled by the Deep State. This totalitarian regime has been on full display through the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine on behalf of the Neonazi regime created there in the US-sponsored coup of 2014. This regime has also been on display through the total US military enabling of Israel's current campaign of genocide in Gaza including US veto of the UN's cease-fire resolution. We are in the last days of the US as a democratic nation. Let's hope RFK, Jr., can reverse this disaster, but he obviously needs the help of an awakened citizenry. Please check out my new book "Our Country, Then and Now" for my own contribution.


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Great reporting!

The #HonestMedia Project is doing extensive coverage of Censorship as well as #DisinfoDupe reporters.

Check them out here 👉 https://honestmediaproject.substack.com/

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