20 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Thank you for this. 100 percent behind you. Just voted for Bobby on the Maryland ballot. Health issues totally ignored by all other candidates in my state. Shameful. They are VERY big on abortions but nothing on health and prevention.

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Voting for RFK Jr will cause Trump to lose! RFK Jr himself asked us all not to do that.

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I am also voting for Bobby so the Independent party gets the 5% popular vote needed to become an official party. It will not "cause Trump to lose" because I would not have voted at all otherwise. In that regard, it's neither a "throwaway" vote, nor a vote for anyone else.

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Not in Maryland, unless the public polling is more wildly off than usual. I am completely thrilled with the partnership between DJT and RFKJ and Elon Musk (whose recent contribution to free speech by purchasing DNC-controlled Twitter is inestimable). Kennedy as a Democratic candidate was ruthlessly squashed, but his candidacy caused the scales to fall from many eyes. He will do great things in a Trump Administration and beyond.

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My thoughts exactly.

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19 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

RFK is the only voice trying to find the cause of autism. The vaccine industry is very powerful, as if we haven’t figured that one out by now. The increase of childhood vaccines is insane! And still the building of MRNA facilities to increase the use/ requirement of those vaccines is growing greatly. This has got to be given the attention, research and money to find out what is causing this.

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It is hugely significant that the health of Americans is becoming center stage. We can thank Bobby Kennedy jr. for that since at great personal cost, he has refused to quit despite facing persecution, shunning, misrepresentation, and a long list of other lies. As mentioned, the main interest of the other side is to push abortions. Such a contrast in focus. Our next generation is worth fighting for despite the fact they have mostly been failed in the past decade or more. Here’s to hope for a healthier, happier, more vibrant future.

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19 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

so well put, Mr Conte! I too will support Bobby to the ends of the earth and back! he has no skin in the game, he had no reason to trash his own life in order to support US! to him, WE matter, our kids matter. to the other pols... we literally do not exist. we are swept under the rug. no community has been more thoroughly gas lit and marginalized.

I do believe that if you count extended family and friends of the ASD affected, we number well over 5 million! I literally cannot go into a grocery store and not encounter an individual with autism, we are EVERYWHERE. add to that number the dedicated special needs teachers and therapists, who KNOW what's going on with developmental disorders of all sorts! one such woman was my companion to attend the Rescue the Republic rally in DC. she has no disabled children yet as another disaffected former Democrat, she was a hard-working Kennedy volunteer here in Indiana and we connected thru the volunteer organization. we made the 12+ hr drive to DC together, where we met many other wonderful like-minded folks from around the country. these are connections that the Powers-that-Be did NOT count on happening and they discount us at their peril!

we WILL make our voices heard! maybe not on the increasingly-irrelevant corporate media, but we are many and we don't give up. our bottom line, imho, is that we DON'T want others to 'join our club'; we want others to have healthy kids. healthy kids literally are our FUTURE.

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"he has no skin in the game, he had no reason to trash his own life in order to support US"

Everyone has skin in the game, however collaboration continues to escape you

DJT is a billionaire whose life has been attacked a thousand times more than RFK however that comparison should not need to be made.

Do understand that low IQ children, adoloescents, and adults make great slaves. All by design.

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Low IQ adults cannot get/keep jobs. They are useless as slaves. You want your slaves moderately intelligent.

I have two autistic neighbors, young men. One did well in school, but now he doesn't talk,. Neither has a job or drives a car. Their blessed mothers take care of them--what happens when the mommas age and die?

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exactly. if anything, the 'slaves' will be the educated (read: indoctrinated) folks who think every right taken away is for their 'safety'.

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I was referring to RFK jr not having a family member with autism, (as my comment was directed at Mr Conte specifically). Bobby aligned himself with the autism community over a decade ago. simply asking questions about vaccines got him vilified and worse. yet he is still fighting for us and with us.

there's nothing about 'collaboration' that escapes me; I just didn't bring it up specifically. your criticism is completely unfounded and frankly, makes no sense in this context.

I made no mention of nor comparison with Trump. its certainly not a competition over which has been attacked more. however since you brought him up - I do believe that his son is disabled in some way yet he has never been public about it (which is his right, of course but still...)

and btw, people affected with autism do NOT necessarily have low IQ.

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Inaccurate Assessment. Bobby sounds like the 7 year old neighbor boy, not a 70 yr old Pres. contender. The collaboration is the fact that RFK blindsided clueless Beaconites and yes its does and did excape them including authors, deferring to DJT whether or not Beaconites like it. Tisk tisk.

There were innumeral false accusasions about DJT over many months by clueless Beaconites who were blindsided by the rather obvious collaboration.

Not suggesting a competition that previously existed here on the Beacon whether you referenced it in you post or not. Subs have thousands of readers, they are not personal correspondence. Ponder that factoid.

Critical thinking is a skill set, you entered the discussion by posting on Sub.

Esther is pretty sure she comprehends relative intelligence. She does not.

Dumbing down is one very predictable outcome for the vaxxed now quaxed.

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20 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Thanks for sharing Louis! Over at the teamkenedy.com inbox I send that "must be up to date" link to former supporters to remind that that the private corporation known as the DNC does whatever the hell they want and can change their rules any time they please (not my opinion, it's what their lawyers told a judge) so long as it serves the interests of 3 investment banks that own just about everything a person see, hears, or reads. Even with that link, they just can't believe it. Nor do they believe the DNC is a private corporation masquerading as political party.

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19 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

As a single mom of a 17 year old non verbal autistic child, I thank you, Louis. Our entire lives have been altered by the pharmaceutical industry. Thank you for speaking the truth and giving us a voice.

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Thanks, Heather. We appreciate your support and you sharing your situation with us!

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Kerri Rivera just released a book. She just did an interview on The Medical Rebel on Rumble.

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17 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Thank you with 2 autistic kids I share your concerns. I am voting for Bobby in Kentucky

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19 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Thanks Lewis, for speaking for those who are unable to speak for themselves. I am a MAHA supporter and will vote accordingly.

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The sure sign of broaching a forbidden topic ( and the Pharma bottom line😡) is when their attack dogs go after you. By now it should be obvious that the so called “ regulatory agencies “ are bought and paid for and the so called “ boards” are nothing but industry promoters / protectors all worshiping that bottom line. The other day I heard Senator Rand Paul tell Howie Carr that his committee found that the doctors involved in vaccine approval with US federal agencies were quietly paid 2.7 BILLION dollars for their 😒PARTICIPATION! Gee I wonder if that affected their findings🤬. Further this is all set up so their bribery is almost untraceable as to who and how much!!!

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Indeed!! That was just as true decades ago for those who had eyes to see.

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Louis, thank you for your passion in addressing this issue. I am a clinical psychologist who since 1990 has seen progressive pathology in children with staggering incidence of autism in boys. While etiology of autism has changed from "psychogenic" to "genetic" in the clinical literature since the '70's, my colleagues and I see children who have been brain damaged by vaccine adjuvants crossing the blood brain barrier. I have known of only one physician (Rashid Buttar, now deceased) invested in detoxing children's brains. I have known of zero pediatricians who comprehend any Hepatitis B injection for children (who are required by the CDC Schedule to receive 3 by 18 months). RFK Jr. is the singular public figure explaining the moral imperative to prioritize this issue. The U.S. has the unhealthiest children on the planet, with issues which were not in the DSM when I was in grad school. These children believe "there's something wrong" with them. Doctors prescribe more meds without doing thorough evaluations, and virtually no physicians have sufficient time for clinical consultation. Our allopathic system sadly sustains pathology rather than identifying and treating underlying causes. The Unity Alliance must prevail for the sake of our children!

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thank you for adding your voice, Mr Robinson!

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15 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Well said Lou, as always. Thank you.

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17 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Kudos to you Mr Conte for being a warrior Dad!

I am presently reading "Operation Paperclip" and if history doesn't repeat itself, it darn well rhymes. My life has been enriched by children and families like yours. I'm so happy I may finally see real change in my lifetime.

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17 hrs agoLiked by The Kennedy Beacon

Great article….you should disable the link to donate to the Harris Waltz campaign though!

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My family is not affected by autism, but I CANNOT WAIT to vote for the party THAT WILL RESEARCH THE CAUSES OF AUTISM! No brainer! It’s more important to our country than voting for the party that claims to be for transgender children. MAHA!

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thank you for your support, Anita!

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Huge changes for the better are in the offing!

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While I appreciate what you are saying, I wouldn't vote for Trump at gunpoint - well, maybe at gunpoint, but since I'm alone in the voting booth, that's unlikely. Further, I don't believe that he would be better at listening to the voice of autism than Harris would be. He lies constantly and cares nothing about others. Whatever promises he might have made to RFK Jr., he can't be trusted to carry through on anything.

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My personal experience: Since RFK has sided with DT, I have been investigating and I find many things DT accomplished in office were held back by the media, and much propaganda was spewed. I’m from the NY area and I’m shocked by how the propaganda existed years ago, before he ran for president. I have no doubt he’s not a neoconservative and KH is. Third parties are out. Kennedy will change things, he already has.

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I agree that the propaganda put forth by mainstream media corporations has left us in a place where identifying pertinent information they find inconvenient to acknowledge is very difficult. To vote for DT is to vote for chaotic change which is more likely to be damaging than helpful.

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You are late to the party Yvonne but at least partially in attendance.

You are admitting to previous addiction to the fake news echo chamber.

DJT will continue to work for America, he is happy to collaborate with RFK.

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Hmmm, there's another Beth C on substack? No space, though. Perhaps I'll change my display name to avoid confusion.

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Strongly suspect you are a bot

What lies "Beth" do be specific. And about carrying through howz about doing it yourself

instead of assertions "Beth"?

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Not a bot. Too many lies to list them all. Start with the big one. He didn’t win the election in 2020.

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Too many yup, very bot like// just saying

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yes of course Beth, Howz about the top 3?? Crickets for the Bethster

However if you do reply do list them in order of importance and be clear

And yes he did win by a landslide... Wake up

Continue to out thyself dear. Do reread you sentence composure before posting, in fact do it thrice.

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Oh dear, you believe the big lie! We aren't living in the same reality.

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