Armistice Day is a day to celebrate Peace. We can honor veterans by being a nation committed to peace and celebrating peace., by forming an Advisory Council of Peacemakers to make decisions on war and peace that will enlighten our young people on the evil of wars.

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The best way to thank veterans is to abstain from ALL war -- from the Middle East to the Far East to South America to Africa to Europe -- NO FUNDING, NO ARMS, NO SOLDIERS.

You are losing your base by turning into a hawk. So disappointing. Or was that the point, to be a workaround for the duopoly we're all so done with?

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Any update on Kucinich, on removal of Jeffrey Sachs article?

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So why is Kennedy against Free Speech and supporting Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing? Disgusting!

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What a common sense decision! It's a good idea for batiknal security and it shows the respect veterans are due. #kennedy24

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Should read "national" security. T

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Hearing you take a one sided position in the Israeli/Palestine conflict was so disappointing and in total contradiction to what you have been talking about for months. Condemning Hamas is one thing, but painting the Israel government as flawless and blameless in the larger conflict is ridiculous and alienating to many of your supporters. Have you joined the neo cons now? Do you not have any words of support or compassion for the 10,000 plus Gazans that are being slaughtered every day and any opinion on the humanitarian crisis? Should there be a cease fire or should the Israel government just bomb them out of existence while starving them and denying them the most basic of human needs? Haven't you any thoughts about how to alleviate their suffering? You sound like a hawk these days, not a peace candidate and that is very disturbing. How will that help veterans long term when it sounds like you will support a forever war in the case of Israel but not in the Ukraine? How do you square that? Also, do some homework on the totality of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict going back to the very beginning. Your version is totally one sided and lacking in many, many details but, of course, that is the result of a biased, status quo position.

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A deeply important message on a deeply important day.

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You are too smart not to understand what is going on with Israel and Gaza. My head is spinning. Trying to see what you could be thinking. Come out and call for peace right now. Begging you.

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This is a beautiful message - and yet RFK Jr. continues to support Israel and the brutal war being waged against Palestine. Total disconnect!! This video from Glenn Greenwald speaks the truth that I have been hoping Mr. Kennedy would also speak. I have given up waiting and am withdrawing my support..

His continued silence is appalling to me. https://rumble.com/v3viqzv-system-update-show-180.html

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I could bring up the Veterans Advisory Council at the American Legion.

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I appreciate your support for veterans and agree with your plans but it will be difficult to make the changes and close bases (even if it’s needed)! Being a veteran I loved traveling and feeling safe working at our different military bases around the world! Change is good and necessary just not always easy!

My favorite memories were when we supported national disasters and helped people - I felt that was the best use of our training and mission capabilities for training when I was working in the Air Force!

I support your stance in the world today and understand the necessity and sacrifice toward peace! Stay strong and brave - God bless!

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The best thingsI learned in life were at JFK SWCS!

Only veterans know what it means to be a veteran, and to serve largely pusillanimous, arrogantly-ignorant, & thankless civilians. Especially the vacant/vapid gun-control gun cowards - they're the worst.

The last thing I ever want to hear from a civilian are their feckless opinions about anything military or Constitutional. IDGAFWTA.

RFK Jr. didn't serve. His father served. His uncle's served with distinction, but he didn't 🥱

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Most of the MICIMATT complex investors are veterans.

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