What is missing here is RFK showing support for the Palestinian people and a call to end the genocide of Israel. He needs to include the monetary considerations as with the massive gas fields in Palestinian waters that Israel and the US have been preventing development by the Palestinians. Israel came into being with the hegemonic and racist goal of stealing the land and its resources with ethnic cleansing being the goal for over 100 yrs of Zionism.

Not to forget, Zionism is a political ideology and has nothing to do with religion, Judiaism or any of the fundamentalist Christian sects that are Zionist.

RFK has lost large numbers of support for his support of the ongoing genocide by Israel. It puts the lie to his claim to heal the divide and to support equality for all and his claim that he 'understands" racism. He needs to rethink his position. He needs to call for ceasefire. He needs to stop worrying about AIPAC and the Israel Lobby. The numbers out on the street over this is approaching the millions that turned out against Viet Nam. They are in the millions world wide. The People are fed up with the corporate support of genocidal Israel. At the very least Kennedy needs to stop claiming support for this mass murder.

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It is heartbreaking, if not disqualifying, to see Kennedy continue to duck the issue of Israel's neverending acts of genocide. You can spare us the endless praise of his "independence" if he fails to show independence of Zionist and Neocon warmongering.

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Since listening to and watching (twice!) Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro's interview with Kim Iversen on Rumble from Oct 13th... i'm now on board with you, Richard. Rabbi Shapiro explained it all so well. No wonder Dennis Kucinich is gone from this campaign. And so many others... i had much more faith in RFK Jr to be consistent on peace advocacy.

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Alas, while I agree with you that Rfk Jrs stance on Israel and Palestine is repulsive, and it is now the issue that has me leaning away from voting for him, Zionism is not just a political ideology. Zionism is a religious ideology. It is a pillar of Judaism. It is the ideology that was spoken to Abraham by Yahweh in the Torah when he promised the land of Levant to Abraham's descendants. It is the ideology that fueled the genocidal campaigns of Moses to acquire that land. Moses is commanded by Yahweh in the Torah to slaughter all the men, boys, and women who have ever been with men, and enslave all the virgin females. He was commanded during his conquest of the "Promised Land". What we are now witnessing in Palestine is simply a horrifying logical repetition of what is clearly written about in the Torah. Calling Zionism just a political ideology is a denial of the genocide that is recorded in the Torah. People need to stop apologizing for the religions of Yahweh worship in their brutalities and absurdities. No one should worship Yahweh. What is happening in Palestine is *biblical*.

I understand that this would offend, and even enrage, billions of people. But humanity should be long past worshipping wrathful tyrannical gods who are recorded supposedly having commanded genocide and slavery. Reading this passage from Numbers 31 should appall every human with a mustard seed of compassion, and it should not be denied:

"And Moses was angry with the officers of the army, the commanders of thousands and the commanders of hundreds, who had come from service in the war. 15 Moses said to them, “Have you let all the women live? 16 Behold, these caused the people of Israel, by the counsel of Balaam, to act treacherously against the Lord in the matter of Pe′or, and so the plague came among the congregation of the Lord. 17 Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. 18 But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. "

No one should call themselves a Jew or Christian after reading that. If Yahweh exists, and wants to make a correction, he should offer it to us all personally. Otherwise he should be denounced by us all. Just as the vast majority of humanity now reject Zeus or Poseidon or Voldemort.

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I dont know about all this. Zionism is a poltical ideology. Focusing on that is not apologizing for the use of religion for horrible abuses. I personally don't ever use the Bible or Torah as authority for anything. It was written by men over many 100's of years often being edited depending on the era and the translator. Recently an Israeli acquaintance posted something about a dream that Joshua? had about the Jews being given the land of Palestine. My take was that a man had a dream and could not tell the difference betw a dream and reality. Today that might be diagnosed as psychotic behavior with the person put on psychotropic drugs. He laughed and agreed with my humor. Zionism was created during the 19c in Europe which is very important to know. Those men were products of European society even tho they also had the experience of living as Jews who often suffered persecution as they did in Russia and Ukraine with some violent pogroms against them. But they also were part of thriving communities often being professionals and business owners and doing quite well. This also meant they were part of the culture with its class based elitisms and prejudices, often against darker skinned people. They knew in those years that Palestine was populated with Arab people who had their own developed culture but they wrote bluntly they would just have to be removed. So it was the ideology of Zionism with its goal of controlling all of Palestine that became the core of the development of current day Israel. The UK knew about the Palestinians but saw no problem in ignoring them and carving up their land without their permission. That mentality was expressive of the imperialism that was rampant in the white supremacist European mindset then. Remember that mindset operated viciously during the Crusades of the Catholic Church and its brutal Inquistion against the pagan society of Europe which was heavily influenced by the women whom the Church called witches and burned about 2 million of them in order to gain control of the population. So we need to understand the big picture of the period and the context in which the Balfour Declaration was made and the US/European interests in having a white, Europeanized State in the midst of the ME with all its oil controlled by Arabs. Was it Biden who said if Israel didn't exist it would have to be created to ensure US interests had a base in that region.

Whatever history can be gleaned from the religious books in conjunction with information from archeology and other sources we know that people have been fighting over resources for survival as well as wealth and power forever. The history of the Jews is no different and that context is simply human and material. Today, Israel uses religion as a weapon to produce guilt and wage a power struggle to impose itself quite violently and with prejudice. They could have been different and acted with some humility and appreciation for having a homeland but one to be shared as they originally agreed. But it was their political ideology that was their base and still is. We see what is it about and how genocidal it was and still is. Kennedy needs to have a much deeper understanding of this history and stop believing so much of the emotional marketing.

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"Zionism was created during the 19c in Europe which is very important to know. "

Slight correction: *modern* Zionism and the particular term was created during the 19c century in Europe. The *return to zion* - aka Zionism -- has roots, as I have already mentioned, going back to the formation of Judaism. Those in the 19th century who wanted to *return to zion* were motivated by a desire to return to their "homeland", which was acquired through *genocide*. The levant is *not* the homeland of the Jews. Jews conquered it thousands of years ago. The notion that Jews have a "right to the land of Israel" is the foundation of Zionism, and is derived from the Torah. Jews have repeatedly attempted to conquer Israel after other nations expelled them. And they have repeatedly attempted to return and settle there without conquering it.

Genesis 12:1

"The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

2“I will make you into a great nation,

and I will bless you;

I will make your name great,

and you will be a blessing. a

3I will bless those who bless you,

and whoever curses you I will curse;

and all peoples on earth

will be blessed through you.” b

4So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran. 5He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there.

6Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. 7The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him."

That is the beginning of Zionism. It is also a foundational myth of Judaism. And you will notice that even in Jewish mythology itself, it wasn't originally Abraham's land. "Canaanites" were already there. So how did Abraham's supposed descendants get it? There is where Moses comes in:

Numbers 13

"The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Send men to explore Canaan, which I’m giving to the Israelites. Send one leader from each of their ancestors’ tribes.”

"We came to the land to which you sent us; it flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. 28 Yet the people who dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large; and besides, we saw the descendants of Anak there. 29 The Amal′ekites dwell in the land of the Negeb; the Hittites, the Jeb′usites, and the Amorites dwell in the hill country; and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and along the Jordan.”"

So Moses went out to take the land they came upon. And what did he do? Well, I quoted Numbers 31 in my last comment. That was one of the atrocities he commanded. But overall, he conquered the land, committed genocide, enslaved people, and various other evils. *That* is how, according to the Torah, Jews acquired the land of Israel. And whenever Jews were removed from Israel, their desire to return to Israel, a return Zion, was motivated by the nostalgic and perverse notion that the land was theirs because it was once conquered through genocide by Moses. It is the same notion that motivated the Zionists in the 19th century. It is the same notion today that Zionists are inevitably resting on when they talk about the "homeland" of Jews. Its a religious idea. And an appalling one. "Jewish Supremacism" didn't pop up in the 19th century White Supremacist swamps. The notion that Jews had the right to rule the land of Israel goes back thousands of years. It just got more traction and financial support in the 19th century than it had in a long time. The "gathering of exiles" though is a central theme in Jewish religious literature. Yes, various racial ideologies were ascending in the 19th century, and therefore the racial elements of Judaism (it is a religion that routinely racializes its members) became very prominent, even to the point of Ben Gurion, for example, referring to "Hebrews" sometimes, rather than "Jews." The Torah also referred to the people of Moses as "Hebrews":

Exodus 2:11

"One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. 12 Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”"

Although Jews are a religious group, and people of any race can be a Jew, the religious tradition of Judaism has commonly conflated race and religion. It continues to this day -- whenever someone criticizes Israel or Judaism, there will be some Jews (and non Jews) who accuse that person of "anti-semitism", as if criticizing Judaism or Israel is *racism* rather than just either religious criticism or political criticism. And it now serves a valuable political function, since racism is now widely accepted as immoral, but religious criticism or political criticism is understood as being more okay. Albeit you will still find people who think that "respecting religion" should be some sort of moral obligation, as if every cult that is created deserves everyone's honor.

Anyway, I agree it is valuable to research the 19th century Zionist movement, but its also important to research Judaism in general, and the Torah in particular, because there would have been no 19th century political movement that adopted the term "Zionism" without the Torah and the religious desire for Jews to "return to Zion", that is a hill in Jerusalem, the land conquered by genocide by their religious ancestors. That desire to return was not new to the 19th century, only the particular term was. Look up Joseph Nasi and Sabbatai Zevi, from the 16th and 17th centuries respectively. Or look into the Jewish revolt against Heraclius in 613. Again, it goes back to the mythical Abraham.

Also -- while the 19th century Zionism is often described as being organized heavily by "secular" Jews, that is an oxymoron. There are no "secular Jews" just like there are no "secular Christians"; tribal loyalty to a mythological tribe is religious. And particularly, if a person believes that tribe has some sort of metaphysical right to rule land, and it derives from a book of mythology, its certainly religious. They just weren't "orthodox".

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When the Zionist Rothschilds are the Top of the Hierarchy of Evil running the world for over 1000 years...WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

Issue: they have NO loyalties to country, ethnicity or religion...Simply Satan/Lucifer and the , theft, greed, lies and murder their Addiction to Power based upon breaking the first commandment by thinking themselves God...THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

Hamas is yet another of it's creations to perpetrate division, upheaval and War on Demand...Also, having no loyalty to anything except their CITY OF LONDON MASTERS ran through the Intelligence Complex of the U.K. which also runs the U.S. as well as Mossad.


The world's people must come together and TAKE OUT THE CITY OF LONDON and the Intl Death Cult operating out of it for 1000 years.

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There are other ways of providing leadership than making demands. The shared enthusiasm for violence, retribution, and territorial integrity offer significant room for mutual understanding. RFK Jr. may be altering the unspoken dynamic to align for the purpose you propose?

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Wish you were right. However, in contradiction, Kennedy has spoken very sharply in support of Israel and bought into their hasbara (extreme lies/propaganda) with no voice for the harm promoted by an illegal Occupation that has been brutal, race based and murderous. You can find whatever language you like but not if it promotes support for this genocidal goal of Israel. In statements I have heard him make he clearly knows only the Israel side of their story and not the real history of Zionism with its racist core.

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Perhaps. He's established clear principles of listening to the other side.

Im not familiar with any support he has offered the "genocidal goals of Israel", but I would appreciate a better understanding of his position on settlements displacing people.

I think both sides can portray the other as murderous and claim righteousness. I believe RFK jr. choses to move past that, while not denying it.

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Anyone who categorically supports Israel without question is in support of the illegal settlements that the US funds. I have no knowledge, nor could I find any comments by RFK on this. However, it makes no difference as Israel was founded on Zionist ideology which included the plan to remove; ie, ethnic cleansing, of the Palestinians. Writings exist from late 19c so these people came into a land lived in by others, the Palestinians for over 800 yrs with the goal of stealing what they had and removing them which is genocide by international definition. What is known is Kennedy's absence of any statement that defends the lives of the Palestinians and their right to exist, their right to defend themselves, and their right to overthrow the Occupation.

I have seen Kennedy as a super bright and well researched person despite others questioning this about him. However, on this issue I think the only source of information is the hasbara of Israel and Zionists in this country. He has been unwilling to sit down and have a real conversation as he agreed to do with Max Blumenthal but still has avoided this venue. If he wanted a more progressive venue for addressing a big demographic this would be it but he is not stepping up to the plate. This does not feel good nor bode well for him

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i was thinking that for a good while, too. sadly, no longer.

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It’s an Outrage that Fauci has secret service protection that WE pay for!!! Bobby needs the protection ! It is frustrating that the criminal Biden admin is denying it!!! They are Despicable!!!

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Ms. Marquette,

Thank you. I am [edit-ch] sympathetic to the issue of displaced persons, to use the horribly inadequate and sterile phrase.

I agree that RFK jr. needs to recognize and synthesize the exchange he had with Glenn Greenwald, and the outcome of the unfortunately delayed debate with Max Blumenthal.

The somewhat redundant and inflammatory "categorically supports...unquestionably" rhetoric causes people to become defensive and harden positions. I would consider joining a boycott of further financial contributions to the campaign pending clarification on the limits of the right for a country to defend itself as it applies to Gaza and the West Bank/Golan, etc.

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RFK Jr. Please apply your Wonderful Courage, Insight, Intelligence, Wisdom and Energy into the Destruction of the Palestinian People for almost 100 years but especially the past 2 decades and Speak the Truth on it and take the Necessary Actions to Stop this Genocide!!!

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Most all of the comments here go directly into the main issues and causes of the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians. Wonderful, people are seeing the Truth!

I just finished Norman Finkelstein's (who lost all 4 Grandparents in the Holocaust) book "GAZA" written in 2018 which exposes the GENOCIDE AND ETHNIC CLEANSING OF GAZA THE PAST 20 YEARS UP TO 2018. SINCE THEN IT GOT EVEN WORSE. This book showed the Absolute Inhumanity and Murder by the Zionists against virtually defenseless Palestinians. It was so horrifying I had a hard time finishing it, though I have read all of Finkelstein's other books.

Some years ago I read, Israeli Jew Ilan Pape's "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" and I was amazed by the Zionist Cruelty and how the US and the World covered up the Zionist Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing!

Many Jewish people in the USA, Israel and Globally were/are against this.

RFK Jr. we Love your Strength, Quest for the Truth, Knowledge, Courage, Discernment, Amazing Research Abilities, Knowledge of Right and Wrong, Speaking Truth to Power For the Downtrodden and Your Goodness. But about 10,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women have been murdered the past week or so in Gaza, seemingly about 25,000 Missing most of whom are presumed dead, by the Insane Psychotic Zionist Israeli Military who are targeting Gaza "The Largest Open Air Concentration Camp in the World" (put there by the Zionist Israeli's) utilizing American provided Bombs, Missiles, Air Planes and the Moronic Prostitutes in the US Government are giving $14 Billion more to Israel.

You, your Dad and your Uncle (JFK) spoke out and took action against Horrific Racism against Blacks and Native Americans and JFK did his best to stop Israel from having Atomic Bombs (Dimona) which may have contributed to his murder. You must do the same regarding the Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians or you will lose many of your best supporters!

In his dual role as Finance Minister and adjunct Minister in the Ministry of Defense, Bezalel Yoel Smotrich intends to implement ideas set forth in his "Decisive Plan" (2017)[33] which, according to Ben-Yishai, foresees: “Flood(ing), simply so, the areas of Judea and Samaria with settlements and Jewish settlers. When this happens, the Palestinians are supposed to understand that they have no chance to get a state of their own, and they would have to choose between one of the three options – a life of subjugation under Israeli rule, emigration, or a Shahid [martyr] death”.[34] (Please note this is VERY IMPORTANT! These are the "choices" ISRAHELL gives the Palestinians the True Semites and originators of Palestine. In simple terms and what the Palestinians have lived under for decades :





IMPORTANT VIDEO: The True Face of Israel (What is Really Happening in Gaza)

Great Exposure by Max. You won't see this on the mainstream media.

Please watch at least 20 to 25 minutes and see the Deliberate NAZI Genocide Ethnic Cleansing the Israeli's are Really doing in GAZA. I suggest the watching the first 30 minutes and really all of the video:


Notice in this video the Brutal Cold Insane Murderous actions of the Israeli Jewish Supremacist Executioner! THESE ARE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!


An MP from Israel's ruling Likud party and a recent minister on Wednesday called for all of Gaza to be erased from the earth, saying the coastal enclave should be “wiped out”.

Galit Distel Atbaryan, who until two weeks ago was public diplomacy minister, took to Facebook after being shown footage of the 7 October Palestinian attack on Israeli communities.

Distel Atbaryan posted on Facebook that the video prompted her to deliver a message to her fellow Israelis, urging them to cease internal arguments and concentrate on the “monsters” in Gaza.

“Invest that energy in one thing,” she wrote. “Erasing all of Gaza from the face of the earth.”

Distel Atbaryan said she wished to see “the brave monsters” flee over Gaza’s southern barrier into Egypt, “or let them die”.

“Gaza needs to be wiped out,” she added, saying that “Nazis” in the occupied West Bank needed to be targeted too.

A “vengeful and vicious” Israeli military was required, she said. “Anything less than that is immoral.”



On Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. “They are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” (So these Psychopaths are going back 3000 years to justify Murder, Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing).

Why do most media's around the world try to make the Hamas Breakout on October 7th seem like murder of innocent Israelis that just happened in a bubble instead of the Truth that Palestine is ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED for 75 years, plus 20 years prior to the Artificial Founding of Israel of Zionist Murderous Terrorism against Palestinians and British Military, by Insane, Genocidal, Apartheid, Jewish Supremacist Zionist Israel and Palestine has a right to fight the Occupation by most any means. Further, October 7th was nothing more than a raid by Hamas with ZERO: Tanks, Armored vehicles, Air Force, Navy or Army against one of the most powerful militaries in the world thanks to the hundreds of Billions of dollars in US AID to Israel.

This does not mean all Jewish Israelis are bad and all Palestinians are good.

Russia: “Israel” is an occupation state and has no right to defend itself

Nebenzia Russian Envoy to the UN stressed that “Israel has no right to self-defense in the current conflict because it is an occupying power.”



Scott Ritter: Russia, Israel, and the Law of War Regarding Civilians

Russia has cited the inherent right of individual and collective self-defense, as enshrined in Article 51 of the Charter, as justification for the initiation of its military operation.

Article 51 reads as follows:

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

HOW DARE THE PALESTINIANS FIGHT BACK WHEN THEY ARE BEING GENOCIDED!!! They have an Absolute Right to Fight Back under International Law.

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How about "Robert Kennedy on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza"?

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Cornel West just came out strongly for the Palestinians in their struggle against Israeli genocide in Gaza.

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Too bad he wants like a 30 dollar federal minimum wage or some such nonsense. There are libertarian candidates who oppose what the US government is doing to support Israel's behavior with Palestine and they aren't supporting a bunch of really insane policies that would destroy the economy.

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"RFK Jr. on the humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border"

Where is RFK Jr. on the humanitarian crisis in Palestine? The US government is funding that crises. Why is RFK Jr. supporting those atrocities when he is supposed to be the "Peace" candidate and he makes videos about "spirituality". Does his "spirituality" include giving money and weapons to a foreign government to carry out the wanton destruction of an imprisoned population? I'm so over the bullshit of politicians.

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The two parties have no idea of the breadth and depth of this movement. They will be shocked on election day.

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yes, however if our candidate doesn't shift gears on this disaster unfolding in Israel with OUR funding and other support... he may not be the one who wins out. :-(

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Americans are hurting! Working class like us are the working poor!that is why our movement is gaining momentum!!

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you are absolutely correct, Shanna!! and i LOVE that sooo much!! however, as MLK Jr. said during the year before he was assassinated: war and poverty are linked.

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And so will the MSM!

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Rfk did some nice work taking an objective and rigorous accounting of the atrocity that is the legacy of Anthony Fauci and the beast he serves. The blowback rfk endured came from those heavily invested in the beast and fauci's side of things - the exact opposite of objectivity - steeped in falsity - nothing remotely resembling rational, objective truth - but rather mealy mouthed obfuscation promoting the company line, toxic destructive, shamelessly hypocritical. When rfk turns his attention to the questions regarding Israel his honest objectivity goes out the window and he morphs into the exact same kind of two faced hypocritical entity he was so effective in discrediting involving the vaxx scams. Nothing remotely to do rigorously researched objective truth, but rather disgusting partisan side taking that runs roughshod over historical facts and rational reckoning, he turns into the monster he'd previously faced down, two faced, hypocritical, shamelessly partisan obfuscating mealy mouthed obvious bs, like that 2 faced mayor of Halloween town in nightmare before Christmas 🎄

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Great to see a focus by the RFK jr team on restoring vibrant health, truth and integrety to America and medicine. Great that the RFKjr is in conversation with such Drs of integrety, truth, transparency and lifestyle based medicine such as Dr. Malhotra, Dr. Hyman, Dr. Kory, Dr. Merick, etc. The best way to reduce health care costs, chronic disease and countless human suffering is to clean up the environment, provide incentives for clean, healthy foods and activity, and facilitate and inspire people to be and stay healthy! It is time to ackhowledge and give resources to integrative doctors and practitioners who not only help people with disease but also that prevent people from getting crippling , unnecessary long term chronic disease. The medical ownership, power and dictatorship of big Pharma must be broken!!

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When he takes on this fake Pandemic, tell me how brave he is. He said Fauci faked other Pandemics, plural, but that this one was real. See Sage Hana’s Substack for more details.

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Once a supporter, a donor, and a volunteer to coordinate for the Kennedy24 campaign in my south Texas county, but no longer. I quit! The unconscionable stand and commentary of RFK Jr on the unfolding tragedy in Israel Palestine coming from a "Peace Candidate" is beyond hypocrisy and well into the realm of intellectual dishonesty. There are two sides to this conflict, and among supporters of each side there are evil doers devoid of humanity. The many victims of these evil doers are the innocents of both sides. Prominent among the evil doers are those who pour support, money, and weapons onto one side in the conflict. Also prominent among the evil doers are those who deny the urgent need for a cease fire and a negotiated settlement leading to Peace, as demanded by the bulk of the international community. Both those who continue to hold innocent hostages from the other side and those who continue to deploy weapons of mass destruction against the other side are evil. In my lexicon, evil is absolute rather than relative. There is no lesser evil. I am appalled to hear the voice of RFK Jr loud in unconditional support of the evil on one side and loud in condemnation of the evil on the other side.

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Are the rigid binaries really necessary and enlightening?

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Eligible voters are not the same thing as registered voters. Eligible voters are anybody who is eligible to register. No possible way that eligible voters decreased in 2022.

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Yes, but there may have been advantages unrealized in prolonging the democratic primary, demonstrating the corruption and hypocrisy, securing delegates in early contests, and then going independent, all the while working to establishing ballot access?

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Yes, where has RFK Jr. gone? From reports , Biden now has US boots on the ground in Gaza. Trump is bellowing for war like a madman. Will we ever again get a real peace candidate?

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i am concerned that Mrs. Fox feels the need to publicize ballot access issues, this is familiar to everyone who is aware of the phrase 'electoral politics', right?

I sure hope the decision to go Independent had already thoroughly gamed the logistical, financial, demographic complexity .. too late now.

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The DNC has decided on their nominee! And with their super delegates Going independent was the only way!

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I live in NH. IF I wanted to vote for Biden I’d have to write him in...he isn’t even going to be on our ballot. How arrogant! But I don’t care because I’m an Independent voter 🙂

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