Freedom of speech is the most fundamental pillar of the constitution. Our government along with big tech censors views that the cabal feel are detrimental to their agenda. I want the whole unbiased truth. I will decide what to believe. I don’t want basement dwellers deciding what is allowed on their platforms.

Great job team RFK Jr. Let’s steamroll Biden with the truth!

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Yes! and the DNC aligned media is not covering the July 4 injunction nor its being mostly upheld by the Appellate Court. Disgrace! What is the remedy? How are Jay Bhattacharya, Robert F Kennedy et al. to be recompensed for being muzzled? I am a former Trump voter in a very deep blue state and would vote for RFK Jr in a heartbeat if he were on the ticket along with Trump and any DNC anointed tool. My vote for Trump has never counted because of the State I live in. No candidate appeals to everybody in every way; but I think a lot of us agree that we need an outsider.

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None of the coverage of the Court of Appeals ruling is getting to Democrats (whatever that is). The vast majority is not watching podcasts. With this new ruling it's time for the Kennedy Campaign to stop the silly talk of resurrecting some party/club that no longer exists and start the path towards an independent run. Many of us are donating $$$, volunteer time, and willing to take the occasional insult from friends and family but personally my patience is wearing thin. We are being asked to support the current delusional primary path with a club we have nothing but disdain for and has destroyed my town. By the end of September Dennis K needs to come clean with a viable strategy if not I may not be willing to waste my time supporting a delusional fantasy.

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Agree. Trump lost his chance right after 2020 when the election was clearly fraudulent.

RFKJ's campaign if fresh and I for one cannot support the Democratic Platform, but willingly support RFKJ. Now is the time when the momentum is high to change gears and platforms. I realize it is a mammoth task to organize a new party this close to the 2024 Election. This is a difficult decision and issue. Enjoyed your comment. Thank you

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Thank you. You're spot on. He needs to "change gears" (now!). The confused liberals will fall away and go with Biden but maybe, just maybe an actual movement not connected to a deranged club can get on with it!

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If the DNC wants to use PLEO's/Super-Delegates to overturn the will of the voting public, how do they think that will help them in a general election?

First they say: You can vote. Then they use internal schemes to say that your vote doesn't count; we have made a decision who we will nominate, no matter how many REAL votes that individual had in the primaries. After that, do they expect their disenfranchised voters to turn out in the general election? I'm curious, because I don't know how that's going to work.

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Yeah, I don't know. Maybe they're just assuming that Donald Trump will be his opposition and nothing else matters. I can't rule that out as a worthy strategy. Honestly, I'm all in RFK j (for the moment) but most democrats I know and that's many as I'm in CA are completely fine with Joe Biden.

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We kicked off RFKJ's Day of Service yesterday in Rockaway Beach with Dr Sue Peters - #K24DayOfService #911DayOfService #Kennedy24


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When the government "asks" a private company to do something that it would not otherwise do, it would seem that that is coercion by definition even if there's no explicit threat of consequences. The use of force is always implied. Also interesting that they let some of the worst culprits completely off the hook, including the CDC and the NIH. I suspect big Pharma was threatening people behind the scenes.

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It's unfortunate that the three judge panel gave them an opening to continue to do what they've been doing as long as they are craftier about it. I suspect that those judges are scared of their future prospects if they cross the deep state any further than they did. The Supreme Court will likely feel no such constraints as they are at the top of their careers with lifetime appointments. Onward we go.

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This is a huge first amendment victory. It is good to see there are some sane judges out there. I am concerned about the DNC rigging of the primaries. I hope RFKjr blows the lid off this crap and forces the exposure. Only when the court of public opinion gets loud enough will there by any hope of change

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Excellent news roundup.

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Great job, thank you RFK Jr for fighting for our constitutional rights 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Democracy is at a crossroad. It either shrinks toward totalitarianism or gets a new breath for life, freedom and liberty. I hope there is a succession plan as the corrupt forces aligned with the military industrial complex are lost in fear and will continue to place their love of money and power over the goodness of our nation and world. This movement has to be supported by all of us and not just a wonderful leader who rose up in the darkest of times. "Rigged Primaries & The Kennedy Beacon"


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There is a mantle that Bobby has worn for the last 30 years, and that is the environment. Seriously supporting ecological causes is a place that Biden nor Trump can go based on their records. That's precisely why Bobby should attend the Climate March in NYC on 9/17. No other candidate will attend and it will be filled with many thousands of environmentalists that know and want RFK's action and policy. Reinforce the base.

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So anyway, now we have established that America has lost its sense of humour (though tuning into the Simpsons suggests that it never actually had one), the fact remains Trump was steaming under the hood in that Georgia phone call because he paid for votes he didnt get. he says all he needs is one vote. He bought votes and people didnt honour the deal. I have seen enough criminals steaming under the hood about being double-crossed and not being able to say anything about it to know that is what is happening when I see it. Trump paid for votes in 2020 and he didnt get them. He never had the popular votes. He is one of only five "wins" to not actually have the public on his side.

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Check the numbers. Wikipedia says Trump got nearly 3 million less public votes than Hillary. Trump didnt steamroll the country, Trump bought the electoral colleges. Wikipedia never lies!

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wikipedia is a governemnt site

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Never lies? Seriously?

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It is called humour. Straya still has it

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Hillary Clinton Officially Wins Popular Vote by Nearly 2.9 Million ByABC News

December 22, 2016, 4:35 PM


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Are you certain of that? I would not trust Wikipedia!

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You are not honest here Karina. Don't you remember that night. Even Trump thought he had lost and than, at his big surprised and in fact, everybody, he discovered that he was President. I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton at all but yes, she had few million votes more and it was not a secret revealed by wikipedia.

It doesn't help RFK Jr to play games and hide the truth.

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humour. Google it. You can get it back. Just remember, some things are said and typed in jest.

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Re: Reparations accusations

God forbid any leadership in this country should make it a priority to want to help Black People. "THEY" ( all the racists and bigots) act as if it's a crime. They are outraged at the very mention of it. Do you know what the word reparations means? It means, "to repair". Reparations means to REPAIR the damage that white people did to the Black people of this country who were brought here in chains by white people.

Trauma carries forward generationally. Black people are still being treated abysmally and need EXTRA HELP and PROTECTION. Black people of this country need help REPAIRING the ruptured soul of their beautiful people.

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I was hoping for a story on what happened yesterday outside the hotel where the DNC was meeting. Was there a RFK rally?

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