This is what I posted in my group Celebrate Facebook Freedom, on facebook, and other places. "There are things I dislike about Kennedy. I fear if he were to win, he would join up with the Democrats and try to reform them instead of causing them to fade into oblivion, replaced by a new party. That said, with hope to end the war, and aware that America must resign itself to being one of many nations and a good world citizen, and with hope that he might start a new party in America that stood for what the Democrats stood for before WW2... I feel, at this moment, that everyone who wants to change the system should support him, and deal with his inadequacies later."

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Just watched that entire Prager interview. It was OUTSTANDING. I'm now totally convinced you should be president. (I'd worried a bit about your eagerness to run physical risks. Picking up biting snakes. That you'd been a drug addict. et al I still say please don't yield to this weird temptation physical risks seem to have for you.) I'll now make another [very small, sorry] donation. And when November 2024 gets closer hang a yard sign around my neck or something more wearable.

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Robert Kennedy has the potential to really help this country and humanity create a new world based on honestly, wellness, and compassion. One thing in his interviews and research around energy resources that I think he and his team seriously needs to investigate more and get current on is obtaining energy from space. One such brilliant expert on how we can very soon access Space Energy is from physicist Nassim Haramein. Nassim, over the last 30 years through Resonate Science and now his latest development the International Space Federation offers solutions to the Energy Crisis through gravity fusion. Every country, physicist and influential leaders should be looking into his and other genius solutions to the world’s energy crisis right now. In my opinion, Nassim’s work and other scientists could change the world for the better once it gets applied in the hands of caring, wise, responsible world leaders.

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Focusing on the values that we all share in common is not what Americans need in a candidate for their POTUS.. What they need is an understanding of the process by which this candidate would establish public policies, if elected. This need has not yet been met by JFKJr.

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Uh oh ... Dennis Prager .. "come in to my lair said the spider to the fly".

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“My opinion is that the legacy media is underestimating Kennedy’s popularity with Americans who feel that both political parties have lost the people.” — I agree. I’d like to see a reliable poll of “independents.”

In a way the Darkhorse podcast made the path a little straighter for RFK Jr. with Weinstein’s Quixotic Unity 2020 attempt — which he claims was actively suppressed on social media. He and other self-identified “politically homeless” use the pejorative “Uniparty” for the opposition label. So maybe it’s not just for Trump supporters? Actually the history of the term is much longer: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/17/steve-bannon-populist-ralph-nader-215839/

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I think legacy media is correct that RFK Jr will pull more Republican votes.

On a much more basic level, a majority of the population has become aware that most politicians are corrupt and acting on behalf of elitist who are pushing Agenda 21; that the destruction of our country is deliberate; and that America as we know it is already disintegrated.

Kennedy and Trump are similar in that they seek to resuscitate.

Kennedy and Biden are opposite. Biden is out to destroy.

-Biden supporters are deep into the mass hypnosis. They believe and do what MSM tells them to do.

-MSM will not tell them to vote for RFK Jr, anymore then it will tell them to vote for Trump.

-MSM will do to RFK Jr what they did to Trump (and worse) because RFK Jr is an eve bigger threat to the Globalist agenda.

While Patriotic Americans are preoccupied debating over who will do a better job resuscitating, the corrupt establishment will sneak in and gurney away the patient ...straight to the morgue.

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