Recipe for disaster: Mix four psychiatric drugs with six violent video games, then add chemical laden food supply, aerial spraying, three vax shots, and a very discouraging outlook for the future. Blend for 2 years and add volatile rhetoric and voila, the recipe is complete.

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And bullying. A parent just broke a teacher's nose because the administrators wouldn't do anything about their kid being bullied. Where are the progressives who control education and claim to care about children so much? Is their anti-discipline lunacy making things even worse?

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Trusting public education to schools is analogous to trusting ones health to doctors when both are simply lackeys for the corporate hog. Now that the reveals are spead up over 100 fold it is time to wake up... It will be chaotic.

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while my comment is not about discipline, I would like to chime in:

most parents of special needs kids have had at least one (if not several) experience(s) with school STAFF doing the actual bullying. I can't tell you how many parents I have advised to stand up to these folks and be a real advocate for child, yet so many have been intimidated into accepting sub-standard education or even talked into drugging their kids! parents need to grow a pair and a situation degrading into violence should never have to happen in the first place! THEY work for YOU, parents!

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its so freaking obvious yet...

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Thank you for this excellent piece. I was prescribed Prozac in the early 1990s and was on it for ten years till it stopped “working” for my anxiety and depression. Then I was put on Celexa for twelve years. I had been prescribed Paxil and Wellbutrin and a few others during this time period also but I didn’t stay on those. I hated the side effects of all of them. I finally weaned off Celexa in May 2015 and never returned to SSRIs. Weaning off is what saved me because the withdrawal symptoms are real for people who’ve been on an SSRI for years. There’s a very helpful website called survivingantidepressants.org that provided me with excellent information and support. I highly recommend it and I’m very happy Bobby is aware of and speaking out about SSRIs because Pharma needs to be investigated for pushing them on vulnerable people.

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My consulting physician has confirmed that it was the hospital where my father was confined for minor surgery that killed him. Iatrogenic illness is a national catastrophe. I am glad that people are starting to realize that. Mr. Kennedy is helping.

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Not only is it a major catastrophe it is deliberate genocide. It has not been different in decades just now patently obvious...

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Almost all psych drugs are box labeled for CYP2D6 metabolic problems, which impact up to 20% of citizens. Common adverse effects of an inability to metabolize these powerful drugs are suicidality and homicidality. I lost 37 years of my life to this problem and after the FDA published these warnings in 2018 (even though they knew all along), I spent two years presenting to regulatory agencies in Colorado to request a rule change so prescribers would have to test for metabolic conditions prior to prescribing and they all refused. I was Patrick Kennedy's dog & pony show for parity and he changed my story to suit his agenda. They KNOW these drugs drive violence & suicide yet they refuse to act.

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tragic story Amy, why did you go for it?? Why did you become a dog and pony show?

why did you not just say no?

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Think I told you, Paul, that pdrugs remove your ability to self-assess. Think I mentioned that there are many forms of coercion besides adjudication. In the case of me & Patrick Kennedy, I was a vice-president of Mental Health Colorado and they would have fired me had I asserted or even voiced my personal beliefs. At that time - 16 years ago, I think I mentioned to you earlier - I felt it was a more powerful action to work as an insurgent inside the industry.

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howz about just say no???

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You can not "just say no" to psychiatric or addiction medications - they are often court-ordered. They attach your finances or lock you up if you say no after that. Saying no indicates that you are unable to make the correct decisions to take the best care of yourself, which in most states is enough reason for a civil commitment. Behavioral health is a dangerous animal; people with diagnoses have limited civil rights in this country.

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Thank You! Very well written.

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I'm gun safety advocate — lost a son to a gun tragedy — and a gun owner. Thank you for sharing this story. I agree this is a complicated issue and everything that Bobby has proposed needs to be looked into. Unfortunately, I fear that most gun violence prevention groups will not support this, it goes against their narrative that guns are the problem. I have come to believe after spending almost 8 yrs in this work that their solutions is to regulate and ban firearms. I, on the other hand am a lonely voice that supports ownership and educates that all guns should be stored when not in use. My org, Lock Arms For Life, meets gun owners where they are with simple tools like education and free gun locks. We work with partners like law enforcement, health care, medical institutions, schools and state and local governments. We bring awareness — summer safety campaigns, billboards and bus ads, targeted ads, social media. We mail free gun locks. We encourage best practices (training) for people who might thinking of owning, handling a gun is a physical skill. We want people to know the laws in their state. We'd love to see electives courses in high schools that cover topics like mental health, firearm safety and community service. I could go on and on about our work but I'll save that for another time. Again, thank you sharing.

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I'm a teacher - Teachers' unions should get behind the push for the government exploring the links between SSRI's and violence. Granted, some students have medical issues and require medication, but adolescents overall are prescribed entirely too much medicine. While Ritalin may make ADHD students easier to control, other things such as their nutritional intake and lifestyle need examined. If able, adolescents need to learn to cope with competing obstacles that affect their mood to remain focused. For example, those students with behavior disorders who are capable of learning techniques to adjust their own behavior will never learn any social skills if they are over-medicated and in a drug induced haze all the time. If abused, SSRIs can be a barrier to learning.

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thank you. nice to hear that a teacher is informed enough to realize this. for the past two decades, it seems like the suggestion to 'drug' students is motivated by the school's 'needs' more so than the needs of the individual student. ALL drugs have side effects, even if one is not immediately aware of them. people do not have a deficiency of Ritalin but very well may have a deficiency in an essential nutrient. or even a lack of decent sleep.

and oh don't get me started on the pure garbage that passes for food, given to school kids in this country. if they spent money on fixing THAT, maybe all the screams for more funding of mental health services would become moot.

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there is this option known as personal responsibility, just saying

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the teacher above was referring to KIDS. children need to be given correct information and TAUGHT to be responsible. its not that you don't have a valid point, its that you present as so snide and smug, hence rubbing folks the wrong way. everyone comes at an issue from their own unique vantage point. I for one respect that, even if its not MY experience or opinion

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Cyp2D6 Metabolizing enzymes levels within individuals are notoriously culprits for lethal side effects. Genetically a person can be classified as a poor, intermediate, or an ultra rapid 2D6 Metabolizer. Other factors including medications or grapefruit consumption may alter their ability to metabolize SSRIs, statins, and other medications. Decreased metabolism will cause a toxic buildup endangering both the patient and others if the side effects include suicidal and violent tendencies.

The pharmaceutical industry does not support monitoring of individuals for excessive levels of medication over time as it will affect their profits. The corporate captured entities like NIH -FDA- NSF etc need to be disbanded and replaced by novel agencies with funding distribution altered. Example: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy (PSE) supporting nationwide research labs. Research labs conduct double blinded studies while being rewarded with funding to support unhindered research.

An example of NIH control over researcher is demonstrated by going to the Pub ( Pubmed.com) and doing a HeLa cell search. Look at the timeline. Henrietta Lacks died in 1951. Her cervical cancer cells are to science what Micheal Jordan is to Basketball. The first two decades catapulted cellular level science. But the hundred thousand publications this century are a lie. Michael Jordan isn’t going to win a national championship several times a week in his 90s! We cannot cure Henrietta so why would we be studying her cancer cell over current cancer patients? Patients with their immune cells available to us allowing research to possibly save them?

Because if we want to keep our labs funded we do worthless research hindered by the powers that be. Curing Cancer is NOT Allowed! Proving Vaccine Side Effects is NOT Allowed! Studying SSRI links to violence is NOT Allowed!

Free Scientists!

Free Technology!

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It seems like everything is an attack on our kids.

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Please note that the use of ADHD meds and the concurrent growth of mobile data phones are close to 1 to 1. The gun violence has a delay of years but that makes sense as the child gets older and hit puberty after bing on these drugs. The phone culture needs to also be curtailed. It's a big issue and causes a lot of these issues. Kids should not have access to open internet

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Hang on to your hat, this goes WAY beyond SSRIs.

"Beyond The Pale Horse", Wm. Cooper, 1991, page 225

"The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of

military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a

feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily

disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and

hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated

the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the

antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly.

The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd



"Extinction Level Threat: Mind Control, The Missing Link"

Veterans Today, 2016

"Any serious effort by any investigative journalist who tries to report in the Mainstream Media that mind-control is the missing link in all world terrorism and mass-shootings (which just happen to occur in gun-free zones) is quickly neutralized."

"Targeted Individuals: Now that we know it’s real, Will someone finally do something?"

Veterans Today, 2021


Dr. Fred Bell did work for the CIA on MK-Ultra & worked at NASA under Operation Paperclip scientistb Wernher von Braun. Interview, 2010:

"Fred: Right. To start with the drug companies to me started with I.G. Farben, ... German based,

funded by Laurance Rockefeller before World War II and a couple of big banks in NYC. They

went on, Josef Mengele and all these kind of people that were involved, they went on, they made

a deal during World War II to pay out for research projects a certain amount of money for kids, a

certain amount of money for adults ... and this is where the mind control started."

At the end of World War II what happened was six of the major players were indicted on the

dock at Nuremberg but no serious sentencing and the company broke up into Merk and all the

different companies that we know today. That was the beginning of it all.

George: Right. Was Bayer a part of that too?

Fred: Yeah, and then after that they came over here and they started Merk and there was a

psychological split, the Tavistock company had been formed earlier and we can talk about that in

a minute but it controlled the genesis of all the intelligence like the O.S.S. which became the

C.I.A. and so then they went off and did these mind control experiments which we can talk about

in a minute but that's kind of how it all started.

The big thing was drugs and Bayer was involved in that too, the Bayer aspirin people. And the

Bayer company before they were making aspirin was also involved in making a lot of chemical

warfare as well as Merk which is one of the producers of the Tami flu today. At the end of WWII

all these companies broke up but the Rockefeller family was a big financier along with Chase

Manhattan Bank in New York of the beginning of these companies and believe it or not if you

look into the history of a lot of these big drug companies you'll see a lot of indictments and

lawsuits, it's just amazing how corrupt they really are.

* And when we start getting into the drugs, when you realize what effects there is in all these

different drugs, because I spent years doing the schoolyard shootings and interviewing people,

you start to realize that's one of those five things that I mentioned earlier, you can start to see

how it unravels into our society and it effecting all the people out there now. Any kind of

prescription drug you put into your kids is going to cause a problem. There's M.L.A. inhibitors

and S.S.R.I. drugs and either one of them, when the kids come off of that, there going to have

tremendous side effects, one of them considered homicidal ideation.

* And that's always been observed when these kids like up there at Columbine when Dylan

Klebold and Eric Harris were shooting everybody, it was because they were coming OFF of their

prescription drugs. They didn't do it while they were ON them, they did it because they were

coming OFF of them. And this is well known because in those drugs there are two ingredients

they use in most of them. One of them is called meperidene and the other is cyclohexane or

cyclohexene. Together those two make a drug called phencyclidine (PCP) or "angel dust."

George: Well what are they trying to do Fred; control the mind or make money or both?

Fred: * Both. First of all, if we want to go to the big picture, the big picture is they want to

eliminate 80% of the population of this planet and they're doing it by poisoning the foods and

blah, blah, blah. But to do that, they want to make lots of money. So they do that through the

pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most powerful industries

today. And they lie every step of the way."


Aldous Huxley, "The Ultimate Revolution", 1962, Berkeley

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”


Drugs & neurotech mind weapons go hand in hand. The Globalists want the public disarmed before they roll out their Global governance monopoly because they know the public is not going to like it, it is not in the public's best interest & they will do anything they need to in order to accomplish that goal. Consider yourself officially warned.

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A bit off topic, though accurate reporting. Way over the heads of the greatest percentage of readers... A sequel would be a rainbows and blue skies contribution

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Not off topic at all. They are attributing mass shooters to the effects of SSRIs alone. That's not what's happening, and as depressing as that may be, it's also the truth. The rainbows & blue skies contribution is you can't fix a problem if you don't know what the problem is & now we are one step closer to fixing the problem.

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Not just children are being harmed. Doctors are prescribing Cymbalta and Celexa for pain even though they KNOW it causes thinking problems including thoughts of suicide.

Unfortunately, I know two people who have taken their own lives after having been prescribed Cymbalta or Celexa (I don't remember exactly which one) for pain. These people were rational and competent and in no means suicidal before the prescription.

And their loved ones had found that the connection between the suicide and Cymbalta was covered up by the medical examiner and the doctor.

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As long as sheeple go to these mandarins, we really must ask, where to point the finger??

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Medical doctors? These are not psychiatrists prescribing these drugs for pain. It was their family medical doctors.

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I realize it was MD's. They are lackeys for Big Pharma. Still people must defer to them and subjugate themselves. Psychiatry is quackery though all are Medical Doctors.

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It fills me with such hope for Bobby to be elected President. Finally somebody running the country who truly cares about our health and isn't beholden to Big Pharma corruption. We need to support him in every way we can, and pray for his safety. Thank you, Frances, for this excellent article.

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that is fine, it is still a public forum

for that reason, others can learn from foolish preventable mistakes predicated on false beliefs.

It is not desirable or authentic to hand hold when people play the "professional" card

especially in at PUBLIC FORUM. It is not a personal venue despite the vantage point assertion.

I am on a unrelated forum. One extremently bright light has this for his signature tag"

"I am responsible for what I write, not for people understanding it" think about that...

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once again, the MSM make a dubious statement that sounds like 'making claims' and 'wanting to objectively study' are one and the same. it is the author's opinion that the RFK jr makes false claims, yet it is written like its a fact. the undiscerning reader will shake their heads: 'tisk, tisk. here he goes again with the tinfoil hat stuff', never bothering to read/listen to RFK's actual words, only someone else's OPINION of what he is saying. I've pointed this out to at least a half dozen people already, and NOT one seemed willing to go back and see what was actually said. the intellectual laziness is mind boggling.

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No, they are pointing out that most mass shooters have a common thread.

This is common knowledge decades ago, just now sped up "hugely"

The problems is mental illness, not sure we are any closer to a resolution.

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