Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon, Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos

in Spring 2016, the AP literally called the entire primary season for Hillary Clinton the night before Super Tuesday and the California primary where Bernie Sanders was polling very close. There was absolutely no reason or precedent for doing this, especially because Sanders was still very competitive, and it's possible that this action significantly influenced the results in California because the "story" was widely carried across all newspapers and online media the next morning.

I'm going to say this again, because at the time, no one I knew grasped the implications of that action: The AP actively interfered in our democratic process to advance the interests of the Clinton campaign (much as the supposedly neutral DNC did during the same primary season, which prompted Tulsi Gabbard to quit). It was at that point that I grasped that the corporate media was entirely captured and that any candidate that threatened the establishment would be prevented from winning by any means possible.

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@Sean Robert Carson

The consolidated corporate (MSM) media exists for one purpose: To make the owners MONEY/KEEP THEM IN POWER.

Those same owners have a lot of OTHER interests, why would those interests NOT be served by their media assets?

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon, Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos

AP also has played a major role in gas lighting the public about the RNA injections that has caused great harm and death and the FDA knows it and is sitting on the truth!

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon, Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos

Yeoman investigative journalism here. This type of response to obvious smear pieces from Big Media will only increase the tsunami of people fed up with disgraceful propaganda looking to find truth and honest journalism from podcasts, independent watchdogs, and other media outlets. Well done!

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Since when did the AP do bad stuff?

Always had. They are the equivalent of the propaganda "pravda" of the USSR.

The only difference is that Russians knew it was bullshit, but Americans trusted western media... Especially during the glory times.

That might explain why rfk Jr has such a naive view of the situation in the middle east.

He was propagandized as a child and young adult by the so called "free* press.

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Color me SHOCKED. It's almost like the MSM can be played by oligarchic interests like some kind of "Mighty Wurlitzer™ Organ"?! Or even made to all repeat a message in harmony like a flock of MOCKINGBIRDs?

The consolidated corporate (MSM) media exists for one purpose: To make the owners MONEY/KEEP THEM IN POWER.

Those same owners have a lot of OTHER interests, why would those interests NOT be served by their media assets?

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon, Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos

You should check out HonestMediaProject.Substack.com - they are spotlighting many #DisinfoDupe journalists there.

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The once respectable AP has morphed into a mendacious Democratic Party mouthpiecel

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Welcome RFK to no longer being part of the glorious Dem/Media complex.

The AP has been slanting stories and running hit pieces against GOP members and non-preferred Dems for many decades. Hell, in 2008 they were running pieces against Obama including the introduction of the Missing Birth Certificate ... until it became inevitable that he was going to beat Hillary. And then they quickly shut down all the negative stories about Him.

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When the subject turns to vaccines, I think the most important question is: Why do the proponents of vaccines never want us to see their evidence?

Everything the proponents of vaccines say is based upon a system of, "Trust us; we REALLY know what's good for you." But they never are required to show proof. It's almost like the kid in elementary school just turning in answers on a math quiz without showing his work, and telling the teacher, "Trust me, I know my answers are correct."

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The deliberate smear campaign by the powerful dark forces (mega money) has been quite affective in painting a picture of RFK jr as a lunatic to be avoided. Not here, I say proudly…articles like yours and wonderful independent news sources with boots on the ground and willing to actually hear what Bobby says are for sure taking hold. Many many thanks to your great article in clarifying the subject in no uncertain terms.

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AP has gone the way of NPR. Sold themselves out.

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As has ALL of legacy/corporate-owned media.

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I no longer trust the AP . They are getting money for this . They sold we the people out. We won’t forget it. Once upon a time they were top journalists. Not they are sell outs after the easy buck. They are on the wrong side of history like the Hitler propaganda machine. They will know it soon enough

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"....claiming that Kennedy’s activism “can impact the smooth running of societies.” Kennedy’s view, unmentioned in the article, is that open debate is necessary in a healthy democratic society." This is in a nutshell, the truth of it. Kennedy is, will and we pray "impact the smooth running of societies"! in this case "societies" being the corporate/governmental maintenance of the status quo. Is it not for this reason that we are here supporting Bobby, to take down the "smooth-running" ( re. anesthetizing) of the profit-making machine that has overtaken our lives.

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Merry Christmas Everyone -


Snicklink Parody: WEF [World Enslavement Forum] Head Klaus Schwab Announces "Vaxxmas Hits '23"




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All I know is Bobby cares about America and restoring the middle class! So sorry we cannot worry about Gaza when OUR democracy is at stake ! No one will help us! We have ridiculous inflation and it’s hard to buy a home!!

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It does not present the type of unbiased, investigative reporting that the AP is generally known for conducting.

Huh ?

Who are you trying to kid with this garbage sentence .

Otherwise an exemplary article

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Exactly. When I read that sentence I thought, "Since when?!"

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A *must read* is Arkmedic's November 2022 substack entitled "The Killing Fields of Samoa: What happened in Samoa in 2019 and why is it so important now?"

An excerpt:

"And you’re asking 'What are you talking about? What happened in Samoa?'

A lot happened. All in one month in November 2019 - just before the PANDEMIC™ struck, you will see that the similarities with the PANDEMIC™ are eerie - down to the same forced lockdowns and forced vaccinations that were only ever intended to enforce medical fascism on a population - because every pandemic plan document prior to 2020 said they were not helpful to contain a viral outbreak.

So let’s then turn to Samoa (and neighbouring Fiji and Tonga) in 2019. Here is the timeline ..."


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