In addition to Luntz saying that Biden was in no condition to debate RFK, he also said that he debated RFK himself many years ago on environmental policy and admitted that RFK completely crushed him in the debate.

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Not surprising - several of RFK Jr.'s opponents have admitted as much, which is nice!

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If you care about the environment you vote for the environmental lawyer who's successfully sued the polluters in court over 500 times. It's a no-brainer.

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You'd think, James. We need more of your common sense speaking to the voter base.

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The people in the red states are living in toxic zones created by train derailments, like Palestine, Ohio. They're ready for a better life. They like RFK Jr.

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The disaster in East Palestine, Ohio is exactly the kind of corporate and regulatory malfeasance that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has spent decades fighting in the courts of law and public opinion. But more than just scoring political points, serious candidates need to get in there and help those people.

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Environment health / quality is very, very different from "climate change". Pollution is bad and very real. "Climate change" (caused by humans) is very, very dubious.

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It isn't dubious that most of the ice in the North Pole melts in the summer, or that Antactica's ice shelfs are breaking off and falling into the ocean because of rising temperatures. The disasters that these changes will inflict on us are simple to understand. In high school science lab it's the mechanics of water displacement. It's so fundamental a child can grasp it.

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There are many climate skeptics comfortable coming out now: https://clintel.org

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It's a fundamental concept, but not necessarily reflected in the real world in as ubiquitous a way as the institutional narrative suggests. We hear about it when it happens, but in a way that misrepresents the totality of evidence. In the end, the solution is the same: the pollution of our natural environment must stop.

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if there is a debate on Israel check this out: Sheikh Ahmed Aladoan of Amman, a member of Jordan’s well-known Adwan tribe, posted to Facebook this week that there is no such place as “Palestine,” and provided references from the Koran to back up his assertion.One of the Koranic verses provided states that Allah gave the Holy Land to the sons of Israel until the Day of Judgment (Surah Al-Ma’ida, verse 21), and the other (Surah Al-Shara’a, verse 59) says that the land was bequeathed to the Jews.The sheikh turned to those who “distort the words of the Koran,” whom he labeled as liars, and questioned where they had even come up with the name “Palestine.” He insisted their claims to the Land of Israel were forfeit because “Allah is the protector of the Children of Israel.”And if that wasn’t enough, the sheikh went on to turn the tables on the anti-Israel propaganda machine by accusing the Palestinians of killing children, the elderly and women, of using human shields, and of having not an ounce of mercy for even their own children."

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maybe Robert Kennedy is a hardcore zionist ? His bellicose attitude to American Foreign Policy in that speech in South Carolina made me see him in a different light. But David Rothschild - America is a Christian nation. And like Miko Peled said - most Jews are atheist - but they think God gave them Palestine - and the Christian scriptures call it Palestine

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most US Jews could care less about Israel. I was once one of them. The post I made was forwarded to me today. This is headline material to counter Hamas, Iran and all the other morons. Someone met with a head Sunni cleric in Cairo some years ago. He said the same thing.

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The good news is it is only actually 2%

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34% of millenials think the earth is flat. How will Bobby get the flat earther vote without losing the sphere earth vote? 2023, the year when this gets to be a proper question. Honey Fitz would be having the greatest of times.

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Flat Earth, round Earth, something in between - it's your right to believe in what you believe in, and to speak your mind. The shape of the Earth is not on the ballot, but the ability to debate it certainly is.

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