I'm Jewish man in my 60s, and I have to say I find Kennedy position on the situation in Israel to be inconsistent with his position on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Israel is an apartheid state that has illegally occupied land for decades and has built settlements on them in clear violation of international law. They have been brutalizing the Palestinian people during this entire period of time, and much of it has gone unreported in the past just as the Ukrainian brutalization of ethnic Russians went unreported. I'm not excusing the barbaric act of Hamas. They are a bloodthirsty deranged group and I have no sympathy for them.

However, the Palestinian people have been painted into a corner. Many Kennedy supporters flocked to him because he had a rational perspective on how the Russians had been provoked into attacking Ukraine., Kennedy appears to be acting as if every action Israel is taking right now is fully justified. If we don't want endless war in the Middle East, the United States needs to stop voting down UN security council resolutions that are meant to force Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories and return all of the land that they have illegally taken. I don't see any other solution to this problem other than a complete genocide of the Palestinian people. Some might argue that if Israel were to take this action, they would put themselves in a much weakened position. Perhaps this is true. However, if they did the right thing, they would be fully justified in all our war if the Palestinians ever even fired a bullet over the border again. And I would be taking the opposite side of this argument in that scenario.

People should read this article:


I think this is what Kennedy's position should be in a perfect world. I will admit that it would probably be a tactical political error, as there is almost complete unanimity in American politics and voters about what to do. However, there was also complete unanimity in launching a 20 year war against Afghanistan even though it was Saudi Arabia that funded the World Trade Center attacks. Not to mention the war against Iraq even though they had literally nothing to do with the world trade center attacks at all and as a result are now a close ally of Iran.

Maybe we just need to get RFK into office and hope he will do the right thing when he is there. We can be 100% sure that either Trump or Biden will do the absolutely wrong thing. I still think RFK is the best choice by far because his instincts lean toward peace. However, make no mistake. His current posturing is a bad look.

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I am a 60 something Christian woman. I appreciated your analysis, including your reference to the Saudi’s role in 9/11. Every ill-fated intervention (and every abridgment of our civil liberties) that flowed from that event was based on lies and has left both that whole region and our domestic existence much worse off.

This was one reason that I shuddered when the Hamas attack was characterized by some as “Israel’s 9/11.” For some people that very language is like broadcasting “this brutal attack — that killed real civilians — was nonetheless a ‘false flag’ means to an end.”

Even I find elements of the official narrative to be implausible. And just why was that music festival — notably with an international crowd — moved so close to the border just two days before the attack?

As I have commented previously, I don’t think current Democratic powerbrokers are sincere in their professed support of Israel but it is the third rail in American politics. Sorta makes you wonder if Florida plays an outsized role in national elections.

Bottomline, I think that Bobby’s statement was over-wrought Perhaps most glaringly, Bobby said the US should offer more support than we already do — when Israel has received vast sums of US taxpayer dollars. I think a more circumspect response could have possible rather than one so costly to growing his voter base.

I find this policy misstep demoralizing because I too think he is still “the best of the lot.” So I’d like to ask the Kim Iverson’s of the world who exactly replaces her lost vote for RFK Jr.

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Very well-said. 100% agree. And thank you for your witness and steadfast logical consistency. I hope that I would do the same if a country that I had ethnic attachment to (Ireland) had been victimized by an apparent war crime.

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I take nothing at face value & appreciate your thoughts.

Personally, I don't know how anyone can confidently draw conclusions about any of it though. With war comes propaganda and Palestinians see opportunity in martyrdom...even for their own children. I am sure they are not the only ones that understand the deaths of babies, children, innocent people can be exploited to garner support and condemn enemies. There's always a not-so-hidden-hand escaping blame while we rush to judgment.

A shadow global government seeks to destroy 'nationalism'. In the end, they will have Israel. They will succeed through divisive-hate and laugh while we tear each other apart and make it so, so easy for them.

First they came for all of us...in an orderly fashion.

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Thank you for this beautifully thought out and well written comment and for the link to the Irish Times article.

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I know that in this Brave New World Prayer is "not done." Or spoken of.

However, just like the yearnings of the human heart, the deep focus of intent that is Prayer, is real, despite what the "keepers of our reality" have to say about it.

Connecting with The Great Spirit which moves in ALL Things is a part of our human essence, and a powerful truth of this World as well; doing so, and Praying for Peace, Worldwide, by the majority of human beings is the only act Powerful Enough to change the trajectory of endless war, death, suffering & disease that the false "rulers" of this world have chosen for us.

Yes, radical reasonableness and moderation are needed, actually required today.

But even more so is Mahatma Gandi's greatest weapon- Silent Prayer. Prayers for Peace, for Liberty, for Justice.

For that which has been hidden to be Exposed. For the wicked to receive Justice. For the wounded to be Healed.

The sick Recovered. And for the hearts of Men to turn towards their world and all those in it with Love, Appreciation & Respect.

We must let go of Fear, Anger, Vengeance, Greed & Lust. We are where we are because men have chosen those instead of Peace, Charity, Kindness, Truthfulness & Love.

It's really that simple. So pray, Pray without ceasing for the male & female human heart to change. That's the only way forward now.

And Pray for PEACE in the Middle East and all over our BEAUTIFUL PLANET EARTH.


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I love what you say—but I would stress that prayer for change must be with our heart, hands and mind. Action can be a form of prayer.

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Yes- Faith without works is dead, &,

By their fruits yea shall know them.

And all other wisdom traditions will say the same, ultimately.

But, action without wisdom has perhaps caused more human misery than actual evil intent.

We do need to act.

However most of our actions support the current system. It's very difficult for us to step out of our paradigm and grasp all the ways we are giving our power, our lives, hearts & minds, to forces feeding off of human pain and suffering.

So Prayer, deep, powerful, intentional Prayer, is the only way I know to guide us to the most productive ways to help ourselves and others step out of "Babylon." Or Ignorance.

We want things like:

Local, Organic Food.

Freedom of Speech

High level Education

Clean Energy Production (which solar & wind & lithium aren't,)

Non- toxic everything.

Justice for the Oppressed.

A Healed and Peaceful World!

Right? But how do we actually get there?

Yes, I can try to change things "out there" but "out there" is really a movie screen. (Plato & Cave,) (David Icke & All that Ever Was,)

so truly to change "out there" I must first change "in here."

The problem with the World of Men, (& that of some women,) is that they try to do the first without tackling the second, (imho,) which Must Come First in order to be successful with the genuine Second, the "Out There" part.

Lol. We are in a mess of our own making and we will not solve it without changing our consciousness.

War is not the answer, nor is fighting the war machine.

Disease is not the answer, nor are the battles against "the virus."

Profits are not the answer, neither is socialism.

Technology is not the answer, nor is it the end of humanity.

Words are not the answer, nor are they, in themselves harmful. (You may disagree, but I have looked at this one for a long time...and that's where I land, in the end. You do you.) ; ))

But The Human Heart is the Answer. That I do know.

And connected to The Great Spirit, can do all things. Peace.


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Well said Katherine.

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Beautiful! Prayer

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Wow. Offering a link to the 12 Steps is a humble and humane gesture. Thank you

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If only Washington DC functioned by the 12 steps and traditions of A.A., America would be a far better place. “Principles before Personalities”(egos/self-interest). Dreams are still free.....

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I really like the horseshoe image and hope it gets shared far and wide. I think the ends do connect because corrupt politicians who act on behalf of the establishment... act on behalf of the establishment.

It’s the same agenda.

Now is a real opportunity for Kennedy to make “the statement” which sets him apart, as both the strongest peace and anti establishment candidate. It didn’t seem like he wrote the one I saw, but maybe a typical campaign PR person. Trump is 100% criticized. Everything that comes out of that man’s mouth generates MSM backlash, outrage, criticism. Sometimes even amid his own supporters. And yet, that IS his appeal. That rawness and fearless, unapologetic truth. Trump did it again. He criticized Netanyahu. Deservedly. Because we all secretly suspect the unspeakable. And it’s really gratifying when someone starts to say it. What happened there? How did it happen? How will it end? We are watching and waiting. Will the Palestinian people be genocided while the world applauds, and then the land absorbed?

We want government to protect us.

Yet so many times, government fails so miserably (Lahaina, 9/11, Pearl Harbor) you start to suspect ... they didn’t fail. Not the real plan. And here we are watching and waiting again, for a leader who will be different.

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“Everything that comes out of that man’s mouth generates MSM backlash, outrage, criticism. Sometimes even amid his own supporters. And yet, that IS his appeal. That rawness and fearless, unapologetic truth. Trump did it again. He criticized Netanyahu. Deservedly. Because we all secretly suspect the unspeakable. And it’s really gratifying when someone starts to say it.”

I think there is a lot to this. But the pundit class continues to misunderstand Trump because he doesn’t play by their accepted rules, see that CNN link.

When Trump says the for instance that a group is “smart” is that praise or an accurate assessment? One could accurately say that Stalin was smart without saying anything about whether he was good or evil. Duh.

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RFK,Jr.’s take on Israel leaves me unable to continue supporting him. I thought he was against war. I can agree with him on many other issues, but I can’t go along with the extermination of Palestinians.

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I cannot believe that Bobby who is a truly compassionate person is for the irradiation of thePalestinian people. I just do not believe that. We all can hold the Israelis and the Palestinians in our hearts.

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You support pushing Israel into the sea? Do you conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people? Do you think in cliches rather than in critical analysis?

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Many, many neither think critically nor learn from history.

Thus, there is much fruitless even wasteful and harmful repetition.

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Think it was a PR person who wrote about more arms to Israel ! I could not be Bobby! Hoping he becomes more Neutral! We have a lot of hope in your campaign Bobby! PLEASE do NOT antagonize the people who are supporting you Please Do Not become another NeoCon!!

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Can’t consider voting for him if he’s not on the ballot in all 50 states— that would be a wasted vote. He couldn’t be elected.

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I don’t vote based on the illusion that my vote makes a difference. For years now my vote has represented a protest.

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Yeah and that's why I don't get why he didn't go to libertarian or green party.

This independent thing is difficult to get on ballots.

Also Kennedy needs to watch this if he's serious about truly being impartial about the conflict in Israel... Norman Finklestein on the situation


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Libertarian would have been the best option.

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Power, which is what we want Bobby to have, if we believe in the man & the message, comes from how many supporters you truly have.

Getting him in the Whitehouse, given the attacks, road blocks, etc. from our Fascistic Society Today, may not be a reasonable or possible goal.

But, if nearly one third of the nation votes for him, he will be offered a position in the new Administration. And that could really help shift our Nation!

Every single one of us must work to take our Country back! Bobby is just one piece on the playing board. And if you vote for the lesser of the two evils, you are putting evil in power.

; ))

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This horseshoe of the USA political spread is what I was taught in a High School economic class in 1959. My economics teacher praised me for noting that the ends of the horseshoe were nearly touching and I asked if that meant the two ends were the same? He said YES. Haven't we advanced since then knowing this is so so simplistic and a propaganda tool to show how correct Kennedy is because he is in the CENTER of this simplistic horseshoe? Really? This is self aggrandizement in a simple world view.

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As you point out, the political spectrum isn’t lineal, it’s circular. The extremes are essentially the same thing. The problem with the horseshoe analogy is that the entire left/right way of thinking about political ideologies is flawed. Increasingly there is neither left nor right.

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Anyone paying attention knows that it is an Up-Down conflict. Perhaps what many comfortable normies don’t understand is that the Ups are a very small club that they are not in.

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George Carlin

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So the theme of this post is Bobby’s radical centrist position? I would not characterize “reparations” as a centrist view. And it is not associated with centrists either. It is mainly associated with critical race theory ideologues.

The centrist view is “incentives” aligned with getting an economic stake in our regulated capitalist economy. For instance the first time homeowner tax credit program (that was phased out). The Black community was the biggest loser in the mortgage-backed securities bust. Bobby should stick with his message about homeownership and (I would say) asset based wealth creation.

Louis, I really appreciate your work here but I hope it is a reflection of your personal editorial judgment and not that of the campaign.

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Does everyone assume like I do that Bobby will one day in the near future Release the Kraken on the Covid vaccine (and regime) but that he's just biding his time while he establishes his credentials as a solid leader and not just a single issue candidate? I sure hope so. It should get him a lot of votes across the spectrum. And solidify his role as a sort of public defender of the people against abuse and personal injury at the hands of big business.

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What are you exactly referring to…?

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I hardly ever hear RFK make any arguments that the Trump and Biden administrations mishandled Covid. Meanwhile my feed is loaded up with new evidence every day on origins, side effects, natural immunity, damages caused to children by lockdowns etc. The evidence is finally starting to emerge. Some people believe that what happened was a crime against humanity.

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Yup. Although I’d like to think that a lot of people see it as a crime against humanity. The problem with hoping that the Covid issue can move the needle is one of cognitive dissonance. Those of us who have followed the data don’t have any use for “the front runners” already. But those who are now worried that they were duped into harming themselves — or even worse their children — want to ‘move on’ and pretend to themselves that the whole thing never happened. At the same time, I do wonder just how big the anti-covid voter block is among the silent.

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I got shadow-banned on the David Pakeman page for pointing out the Kennedy 4 cant actually use royal colours in their odd public statements. The Kennedys aren't really America's royal family. All those people knighted by Joe and Kathleen aren't really knights. You don't have to call them sir.

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Right democracy starts from within.

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Exactly! The Radical Middle!!!!

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Why I no longer stand with Israel, and never will again – Scott Ritter, Oct. 13

Hamas was created and financed for years by “our beloved” apartheid Bibi (of “Kill Rabin” fame), who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy than religious extremists.

Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution -- just like Bibi and his extremists who, together with US, sabotaged a two-state solution for decades.


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