I would much rather see RFK start a new party (please see my comment yesterday on https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/friday-news-roundup-biden-continues) than run as a member of the Libertarian party, which I have come to regard as the party of pseudo-Libertarians. I checked out my local branch of that party several years ago when I first became an ex-Democrat, attending one of their meetings in person in hopes of getting them interested in trying to get the fluoride out of our tap water on the grounds that it clearly qualifies as medication without informed consent. They made it clear to me that they couldn't care less about that.

What we really need is an entirely new party that won't be just another going-nowhere "third party" like the Libertarians, but will ultimately come to replace the current Democratic party in the same way that the brand new Republican party replaced the Whig party back in the 1850s and promptly got Abraham Lincoln elected as President.

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Yeah. Running with the Libertarian bunch would be a tragic mistake. The folks at the "Reason" rag trashed him so no love there. Additionally, I doubt RFK j would align himself with a political philosophy that believes any absurd nonsense that pops into someone's head should be a right.

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New party has a lot of work to get on the ballot.

Might as well jump into a turnkey party.

Green party would be nice too if the sheep dog Cornell West would step aside or join as VP.

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Rfk should be clear about the real reason why we have this crisis.

Our economic policy destroys nations and creates influxes.

Also, it's Reagan's fault for starting the real issue... He stopped enforcing the laws that penalized companies that used illegal immigrants as labor.

Rfk's campaign should be to simply enforce the laws that were supposed to prevent these issues!

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I usually just skim these headlines, but as Slate’s seemed particularly egregious, I couldn’t help myself. So I read it.

It mainly talked about how Harris was staying on the ticket, “so get over it.” It argued that historically VPs are rarely dropped from a ticket no matter how often the idea is floated. The specific “arguments” in Harris’s “favor” ran the gauntlet from negative [what if she writes a damning tell-all!?] to wishful thinking [hey maybe she’ll improve!] to blame-shifting [it’s Biden’s low poll numbers].

Although the article mentions VPs potentially finishing out a Presidential term, the author inexplicably fails to see that that is exactly the scenario that worries so many about this ticket. Honestly, do these pundits hear themselves? It doesn’t seem like it to me.

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I don't care which party he is a member of. If he is allowed to run, I'm voting for him.

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Not drug cartels. It’s Human Trafficking.

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Kennedy belongs in the Libertarian Party.

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https://www.kennedy24.com has been unreachable for at least 8 hours. Does anyone have info?

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Biden 2023 is Bobby's best volunteer at this stage. Biden's problem isnt age related. Biden's problem is Biden went on vacation for several weeks. Walk into a dementia patients house and they reach a stage where they have names stuck on all the furniture and lists of daily tasks to complete. They are literally functioning on short-term memory. Biden took two-three weeks off from being president of the USA and now that ability is gone. It wont return. Those brain cells are "gone." He doesnt know how to be president anymore. He knows to shake hands, he knows to walk off stage, he knows to salute. He knows all those things because that is what the list says to do, he doesnt know when to do them because he is just following a list now.

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If RFK, Jr. runs Independent, he will such away voters from Biden and Trump in the General Election. No one will get 270 Electoral votes, so Congress gets to decide. Oh joy. They could pick Biden.

Is RFK, Jr.'s team willing to subject America to a Congressional toss up? Is it really fair to America for RFK, Jr. to suck away Trump votes, just to get a small chance of being selected President by Congress?

Who you think Congress is going to pick?? CONGRESS WILL SELECT BIDEN.

Our ONLY practical hope is Trump.

Please, RFK, Jr., stay in the Democrat party, so Trump retains ALL his votes.


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here's another brilliant song - https://www.bitchute.com/video/SqimKRIBWn4N/

Lyrics underneath the video - just lovely

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This terrible example in Texas of exploitation caused by illegal immigration probably won’t come up during Bobby's visit in Austin tomorrow, but I wish it would. And I wish I had the time to drive over from Houston to see him in person!


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More than anything else, Biden's open borders policy reveals him to be a psychopath.

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