RFK Jr is our Best and Brightest hope for recreating a Bona fide Democracy.. I have been an independent for almost 10 yrs, glad he’s done wasting time with the DNC...

We have to do everything we possibly can to get him elected....

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I was surprised to see Bobby run on the DNC ticket to begin with, considering that it's not democratic at all. Good to see he's renounced it, as did Tulsi. What say Tulsi for VP?

Roger T

The Occupied South

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He needs a solid VP for assassination insurance. Tulsi is one of the few people that I would trust.

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Roger that. Run independent (small "i") like George Washington, who had a thing or two to say about the party system. Da?

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Dear Mr. Conte,

The Kennedy Beacon is a real breath of fresh air! Thank you for it and for keeping the faith!

John Martine

Grateful Kennedy Massachusetts Volunteer, Hampshire Troop

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Thanks. I am honored to write for all of you.

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Unsubscribing from DCCC WEBSITE, when asked for a reason? “I’m voting independent if you catch my drift.” I replied, “Bobby Jr had me at Standing Rock.@

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Most are vastly underestimating RFKs ability to pull Republican support.

Hopefully, we will begin to see three way polling. There is a segment of 50% - "in the middle" of the hyperpartisans on either extreme - who will rush to support RFK

That could become a landslide.

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Kudos to Senator Rand Paul who called on X for Biden to provide Secret Service protection to RFK Jr

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Newsom and Harris. Bobby Snr would take his favourite toy away if he couldnt beat that level of competition.

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I read in the New York post link that RFK met with the head of the national libertarian party recently and that she seemed amenable to him running as their candidate but he did not commit. I know that the mises caucus libertarians like RFK for many reasons, but there are some major Irreconcilable differences between what I understand of his platform and their key positions.

All libertarians want to essentially dismantle almost all of the executive branch federal bureaucracy including the EPA. From every speech I've heard from RFK, it seems that he's more inclined to use the federal bureaucracy to work for the people rather than the powerful. I'm honestly on the fence, because unless some sort of constitutional amendment is passed that prevents the next deep state president from turning the federal bureaucracy against the people again, dismantling it may be the best option. Abolishing all the agencies and firing all the employees would take the federal bureaucracy out of the equation for a generation, because it couldn't be rebuilt overnight no matter how much they wanted to.

I've always leaned libertarian and I am a big fan of the Mises caucus, but I was starting to warm to the idea of RFK using the bureaucracy for the people. However, I don't think the founders envisioned the growth of anything like the federal bureaucracy and arguably they knew better.

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Libertarian party ballot access is certainly appealing. However, I also do wonder if libertarian has become a dirty word in the Trump era, because so many populists have also claimed that mantle. Just to be clear, I am not anti-populist, but the People's party poll the other day indicated that the vast majority of the rest of the population is. Only a 13% favorable rating. Only thing that ranked worse was communist.

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So well said!

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If Kennedy gets enough votes to beat Biden, it will be a victory for the entire world, which will be much better off without without this globalist puppet destroying everything it took hundreds of years to build up. Getting rid of the skid mark Biden has left will not be easy but it is doable.

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Transformation again! What does he mean by that? I find a lot of his statements troubling.

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Is this location confirmed? Where did you hear that?

"Monday, October 9, at Independence Hall"

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Communicate with Trump and you will find he will shame the Dems into responsible behavior. I would like to see a joint Dem/Rep Convention where delegates (from each state) for Democrat vote for their candidate and the delegates for Republicans vote for their candidate. Political differences don’t have to be hateful and the same people (Real Americans) can stand fore differences together. What if doing that marginalized the two big parties enough to make them ineffective. Be bold or go home.

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I am Phillip Brewster, I was investigating bill gates and vaccine in the 90s because I had recognized him from a hellraiser prerelease movie party I had escaped from in 1987.

I am a network infrastructure technician and electrician, I had come across the first dark web in the 90s, the first dark web was much different than it is today, it was on UN servers and was created by some of John Macafees network programmers. The first dark web was erased by the y2k lie.

It had stuff on it Mr Kennedy would find very interesting. Gorge Bush senior was an operation paperclip clip CIA handler un the 50s and 60s. He brought over Joseph Mengla and kept him at a base in Mauntauk New York where he further developed vaccines that brain washed people, and stole there memories. Making them programmable shooters.

That's why Sirhan sirhan and Oswald could not remember anything after shooting the Kennedys, it's also why people can't remember getting vaxxed in kindergarten. Fauci has been vaxxing us with hormone suppression in the vaccines for over 50 years, deliberately dumbing down Americans.

The proof is in there own language. The word kovvid comes from the hellraiser movie and ancient Yiddish in reverse. Dybbok divvok kovvid means demon possessed item in ancient Yiddish in reverse straight from the hellraiser movie I escaped from and was assaulted at by bill gates and his hellraiser crew at a hellraiser prerelease movie party in nyc in 1986. I escaped severely assaulted and I saw kids local to NYC get murdered in a Satanist sacrifice.

I never reported it because I was 11 years old and I didn't want to get in trouble for sneaking out.

Don't take the operation warp speed Dybbok-divvok kovvid hellraiser vaccine, it was created by a screaming baby eater club I escaped from.

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Hears' hoping that Mr. Kennedy abandons Keynesian economics in favor of recognition of the vital role that capitalism plays in in making Americans prosperous.

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