RFK 2 ALL THE WAY. Hope Bobby runs the table & cleans house of all the crooks & dead wood

on Both sides. Frankly, Bobby provides here in Writing The Truth of What He Stands for. I have

no clue what any game plan for either Biden or Trump is other than attacking each other. Bobby

is laying out ideas, programs, theories, thoughts, etc., of how to CHANGE THINGS IN OUR TIME,

A VERY NOBLE GOAL & IDEAL TO ME. Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois.

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Thanks for your support, Bruce!

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Just a nit...in the last paragraph, it should be "turn off the computer"...we do not need another "turn of the computer"...lol. Thanks for these excellent summaries.

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Good catch! Thank you, Dr. K.

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Dear Mr. Conte & Ms. Rossi,

Where could I email my suggestion that Mr. Kennedy go to Hawaii and publicly state his deeply heart-felt thoughts and feelings smack dab in the middle of the devastation?

Thank you!

John Martine


Florence, MASS.

P.S. In the last line of this article, my guess is, you meant to write "off".

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That's not a bad suggestion! We're not affiliated with the campaign but it looks like you can reach out via their Contact Us page: https://www.kennedy24.com/contact

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"If the allegations against the Bidens are true, they are worse than Nixon’s crimes."

Hollywood mythology of Watergate as fierce adversarial press taking down a crimial in the Oval Office is light years from reality & crew of NeoCon/NeoLib successor crimes make Nixon look like a Boy Scout. How quaint is stealing some paper files from a few targets compared w full surveillance w every detail of movements, contacts, spending & free speech managed by nice folks at Booz Allen former Snowden employer running NSA as cost plus contractor out of reach of FOIA aided by hit squads at DoJ..FBI etc.. resolving door deep state media w censorship power... it's all far worse than whatever your most corrupt notion might be.

Fun tools pre-2015 and current database. https://www.usaspending.gov/



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Thank you Kennedy Beacon team for delivering this to my inbox every day. I look forward to reading up from one place all the news Bobby and campaign related. Holding you all in my heart.

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Aliyah, thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot, and we're glad to have you with us.

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Such sensible wisdom. Tragically, all that some trained-like-animals-liberals will take from this entire article are two names - one of a news outlet they've been trained to despise without ever reading it (and perhaps there are various points of disagreement, but not deserving of hate), and the other of a good man who absolutely, certainly, in no way deserves the slanderous hate that has come his way.

The hammering again and again how "bad" anything on the right is, with Breitbart taking a special place in liberal's hate, is effective in getting minds to close down instantly.

I regret being so closed minded, like a good trained liberal, early in covid that I wasn't even curious about hydroxychloroquine. It was always associated with Trump. And Bolsonaro. And the doctors talking about it seemed to have politics that were "right wing". That was all I needed to know to close down. Of course that association was manufactured, the media was silent about promising news of HCQ until Orange Man Bad spoke its name. https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-curious-calm-before-the-storm

I had to learn about the war on covid treatments from the FLCCC, a bit late. But they were more from the left. And Left = Good. Right = Bad. Or so I thought. I'm sorry. How stupid, simplistic, and wrong that is. And when every media and politician on the left ignore wisdom and common sense, and it's only listened to by the "right wing", the media uses that in their "reporting", that ignores substance and goes in circles saying "they have spoken to The Bad Guys." And still, even at this point, people #@%^&!! believe them(!)

When I see my dog following a treat, so focused on that morsel that she'd go anywhere in pursuit of it, with single minded focus, it reminds me how liberals are with the "news". But without the innocence of dogs.

If anyone can unite this fractured nation, it's Robert F Kennedy Jr ... but the media's hold on people's minds is so deep.

There's a huge need for respectful discussion among climate activists and climate skeptics. I didn't know what to think about climate after seeing how #FollowTheScience went in covid. I was convinced it's real and urgent, (yet it seemed to have taken over the narrative and quickly became more important than water, ecosystems, and that felt a bit off). But I never "followed the science" to its actual roots, and I don't know who if any of the many climate activists did. When the covid science was followed to its roots, by capable people with integrity, it's full of manipulation, lies, miscategorization, relative instead of absolute risk, claims so far from reality, etc etc ..

Hearing RFK explain why he believes (human/ carbon / methane caused) climate change is real, that has *Nothing* to do with the current floods of climate "science" and doomsday graphs and headlines, knowing he is a man of honesty, and knowing he is not taking #FollowTheScience at face value with anything, helped me understand that yes, it is real. But it's one of various complex systems, and he's so right that addressing pollution and healing ecosystems will help the climate, without a myopic focus on carbon.

And he would never justify digital prisons or 15 minute cities or whatever authoritarian bullshit they are trying to connect to climate.

(Please, if you're registered not-Dem and need to be to vote for him in your state, please change your registration to vote for RFK! ) He's the opposite of the hypocritical warmongering needle-pushing mess the Dem party has become. But he is the embodiment of the ideals that liberals claim to be for.

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So many excellent points. Thank you very much for sharing, Ellen.

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WHAT is going on???

No Kennedy Beacon for several days!!???

It's remarkable and practical . . . and MUCH appreciated!

I hope it will appear again soon!?!?

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your petition to require biden to debate came to me via promotions. I was unable to sign it there, so I attempted to transfer it to my in box. I could NOT accomplish that, either. Noel S. Cowling

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Very strange. Thanks for letting us know, we'll see if that's something we can address on our end.

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