Say what you will about the shameful display at the hearing, it was a free gift which RFK made the absolute most of, with no teleprompter, no notes. Anytime RFK has the opportunity to speak publicly on the record, he turns heads, gains a wider audience, and wins over more supporters. I know this is true. Keep pushing. RFK is right...for our country for our time. The right will prevail.

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Great job exposing the current administration as well as the MSM. After three years of censorship and lies from these groups its time to shine a light on their thuggary, lies and deception. I disagree with previous comments, RFK Jr is not whining about anything but merely educating a mostly ignorant population about the BANANA REPUBLIC we currently live in. He will win the Democratic primaries, people have had enough.

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Democracy cannot exist without free speech.

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I'm concerned that the RFK Jr fans out there, including this publication, are too focused on his treatment by the DNC, the media etc. One of the most revolting parts of the way Trump communicates is his persistent whining about being a victim. If that's the way his campaign goes, he'll lose a lot of people who'd like to see what he can do. He has an important message but it will get lost if it turns into a whine-fest about him being treated badly by the DNC/media/elites or whomever.

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That’s a timely reminder. The Democrat voters need to hear about a broader agenda. Rise above the fray dear Robert. You have what it takes.

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I haven't tuned into MSNBC since years ago when Rachel Maddow said on her show that IVERMECTIN is only for horses. My sister died in a Jacksonville hospital since they refused to give her ivermectin or HCQ. Eat that, Rachel Maddow.

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How absolutely awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. The last 3 years have been a nightmare in ways we all thought were impossible.

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Thank you

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Thank You

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Jul 22, 2023
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Thank you

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Each time they attack Mr, Kennedy, I become more sure that we can trust him. I respond to their attacks by making donations to Children's Health Defense and buying his books and tee shirts. If you have not read The Real RFK, please do. You will love it. I promise.

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I’m in a book club that will be starting that book this week. I’m happy to read of your endorsement.

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Thank you Lou for this brilliant compilation of facts. My qyestion to MSNBC and others-Has there ever been a candidate running for office that didn't aim to bring attention to him/herself? I thought that's the normal way one can win an election.

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God bless BOBBY JR.

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Keep at it…they do!

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RFK, Jr. is a man of high integrity, courage, intelligence and rationality. He can't be bought or corrupted. I agree with him on most issues.

The Democrat party doesn't want anyone like him in office or any position of power. They want corrupt puppets like Biden, Harris, Newsom, Walz, Hochul, etc. So Democrats vilify and falsely discredit RFK, Jr to prevent him from winning - just as they've been doing to Trump for 6 years.

The Democrat party is THE most corrupt organization on the planet today.

Their entire history is one of intolerance and that bizarre blend of socialism/Marxism/fascism we see more and more in the world today.

Over the past two decades, they have graduated to being owned and operated tools of globalists intent on establishing a one-world feudalistic governance.

That's why Democrats cannot allow RFK, Jr. to gain power.

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My curiosity is what would Putin have said to Prigozhin? Can not be as bad as the way the DNC maltreated RFK.Jr correct me if I’m wrong.

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I'm so impressed with Mr.Kennedy.He is a breath of fresh air.May God bless him and keep him,May God make his face shine on him,May God lift up his countenance on him and give him peace.May God protect you Mr.Kennedy

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While I am an avid supporter of RFK Jr.'s campaign and sincerely hope he is able to win, I worry greatly about how he can be elected as a Democrat when the DNC despises him and opposes him.

The last time a sitting President met with vigorous opposition from within his own administration, even though he stood on the side of truth and virtue, was 1963. Putting aside these risks, how can he ever get elected as a member of a political party that is using every opportunity to thwart him?

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Since 2020 I started referring to those behind the plot to take control over our lives as the stupid people. The truth is easy to discern if you consider covid, the vaccines, LGBTQ, climate in a balanced manner. Same with RFK jnr. The blatant lies and seeming misunderstandings (they knów the real facts but are acting) are too obvious to be taken seriously. The little tyrants (my other pet name for the stupid people) need to be shown the door but how? Remember Biden when he said its important who counts the votes.

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How is it that everything seems as a huge charade? The seeming attack is simply too convenient all the way around. As all the candidates for President...Mr. Kennedy is associated with the Banker Crime Syndicate and as they're all Prostitutes to the Syndicate; they're first loyal to that Mob...And, NOT THE CONSTITUTION.

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Jul 22, 2023
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An insulting lout...To ever libel as being in the Techno-Feudal Nazi UNIPARTY calling itself the DNC or Democrat.


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