Democrats aren't even pretending anymore. They're blatantly working to eliminate all opposition to their totalitarian agendas. They lie, cheat and steal to keep themselves in power, and they don't care who knows it.

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Leah - you said "Bellows took his cue from Colorado. " - I believe Bellows is a woman, no?

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Sorry, but this looks more like a publicity stunt than a serious complaint.

While it may have an ulterior motive, the fact is in this instance the ME official is correct. This has no relation to what happened last November because that was NOT a Presidential primary; it was just a general election. Collecting petition signatures for a third-party Presidential candidate at polls where Presidential primaries are taking place would be considered improper in most states, for the reasons cited. In fact, the insistence on being allowed to do so smacks of disingenuousness.

Furthermore, the ME official clearly stated there would be no problem with collecting signatures during the June election, which negates the suggestion this is intended to prevent Mr. Kennedy from getting on the ballot. It has no relationship to the issue of Donald Trump's banishment.

I don't know who is advising the campaign on matters like this, but it's beginning to smell like DNC infiltration. That Mr. Kennedy's X stream posted glowing praise for the President of Argentina, a screaming Libertarian whose policies are the direct opposite of what Mr. Kennedy says he wants to implement with regard to helping workers and the middle class, was astonishing and, frankly, horrifying.

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i was prevented from trying to get signatures at the exit door of a SC democratic primary polling place by the guard dog ladies who were certainly not aware of the details of the law. i decided not to argue with them and went away quietly.

the most interesting moment of the new jeff hays film about RFKjr came at the end when he was talking about how outcomes matter less then just getting up every morning and making the best choices every day. i thought this is the opposite of the "ends justify the means" attitude that has swallowed up the democratic party.

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"Bellows took his cue from Colorado. " Shenna Bellows is a woman. But as I said before you may collect signatures that day, provided that there is a specified distance from the polls. Set up a table and banner at that distance and you're good to go. As a Mainer, I know the rules, and Shenna is reasonable, and the characterization in this article in superficial and unfair. 4000 is very doable in the time allotted. Forget the lawsuit--don't waste the time and money.

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Note: Bellows is a ‘she’ not a ‘he.’

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