Good job on explaining and clarifying RFK’s reparations & civil rights plan! Also need to add his plans on issues of medical, mental health, drug addiction & homelessness…! Really excited about the future of the USA with RFK!!

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Thank you so much for clarifying RFK Jr’s stance on reparations and being transparent about what was posted on his campaign website. I had read it before it was taken down and saw how it could be misinterpreted.

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Hello Kennedy Beacon. An incredibly important National Security Message: Please investigate the source of the Maui and CA and Washington, and Oregon, and Tennessee and other locations fires. Robert Brame is an arborist of 48 years and a Californian mountain climber, backpacker his entire life. He is a Whistle- Blower out in the open and needs protection for reporting that the fires being called organic 'wild fires' , and blamed on climate change ARE NOT. Any 5th grader can SEE this folks. HIGHLY FLAMMABLE Trees do NOT BURN UP, their needles and leaves not burnt up-gone as they would be in a fire! Homes incinerated, metal melted, meltal refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, all applicances turned to DUST. DUST! but pieces of paper not burnt. Blue cloth umbrellas not. burnt , not even a ember hole. Plastic and cloth pop up shade shelters not burnt, not even an ember. Cars incinerated, engine blocks turned to DUST! Not a speck of paint on cars, aluminum wheel alloys melted and running in rivers on the ground. These cars not near a source of fire- no fuel near them to burn them. In Maui rows of cars parked near the ocean were the exact same- no paint, incinerated, but not near any source of fire. Robert Brame is scared to death. I have reported this to CHD . His brother Ken commented on the post I made on Facebook of Robert Brame interviewed by Peggy Hall on her Healthy American News Show, that he was contacted by ' Kennedy's foundation and said no, too much exposure". Mr. Brame emailed me: " Too scary". He needs protection of course. He warned me my daughter is in danger . She lives in the foothills on a river. The foothills in CA, Washington and Oregon and other places, 80 MILLION Acres in Canada have been incinerated, not with any organice or ' natural' souce of fire, not lighting strikes or any other climate reasons, no they are ALL radiation attacks. Yes they are. No its not a theory. LOOK with your EYES. see needles and leaves and branches still standing. A whole redwood forest was incinerated. At least two people are in jail for arson , being flaslely blamed! Mr. Brames' life and now mine, and Peggy Hall and others of us who are Whistle Blowing to the Public need protection and I am scared to death for my daughter, for Mr. Brame and for myself. It is SOOOO unbelievable, and that is their main cover, Just like 911. Please citizens, Please Team Kennedy do NOT let that happen again. Do not allow the criminals to burn us out of the country side, incinerating guns too that people legally have for protection, NO chance of the 2nd amendment protection if our homes and lands are incinerated! This is a take over from within. I have submitted a report called The Incineration Report to Team Kennedy. I have been chasised and I am floored and flabbergasted and censored for Reporting to Mr. Kennedy the Truth as he has pubically requested of us all. To let him know when he is wrong aboout an issue. His statement on Hawaii and Ed Dowd's is serously wrong and dangerously wrong. Please watch this interview immediately and someone please contact me. I am a very sane, wonderful grandmother and teacher. I am well researched and so is Mr. Brame and Peggy Hall. WE need the support of Mr. Kenendy. Maui is screaming for his help. There may be more than a 1000 children missing, possiblly trafficked, and their parents missing. The plans for a W.E.F. A. I. City were in place prior to the attack, people were roadblocked in for no good reason, the sketchy police chief of the sketchy Las Vegas shooting was instilled as Maui's police cheif AND coroner which is illegal in Hawaii. Codes to protect lands were cancelled prior to the attack, it is clearly a set up to land grab. Hawaiians who lived on Lahainna since before Hawaii was a state are now loosing their lands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJj0mAahuUM&t=157s

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Will there be any efforts upstream? Some of the poverty is generational and encouraged by culture and tax incentives, even if unwittingly. The culture says have sex without commitment or any plan for parenting. The men seem to always get the bad rap, but young women are not being taught to be discerning about their romantic choices in men and timing. Ladies, just because he says “I love you” doesn’t mean he has any intention to stay with you when responsibility is required. Marriage makes a nice distinction before you drop your drawers.

Congress needs to abolish the marriage penalty for tax purposes. Instead, create incentives for marriage and child rearing. We all know what works...encourage it.

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Much appreciated Mr. Kovalik!

Kennedy must apply this same Intelligence, Energy and Courage to Palestine or he is supporting Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing and is just another tool of the PSYCHOTICS!

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He needs to understant the same cabal- Zionists ( nothing to do with God or any religion but the most powerful political cabal on Earth) is the same cabal that murdered his Uncle our President Kennedy. It is not the good people of Isreal that is evil, it is the governments and Zionists. Jewish Voice for Peace denouces Zionism. They are very active and good friends with the Palestian community in San Diego. They just shared Balboa Park as they do each year for a joint festival. Peace is the only way. Peace at home first though- stop the Radiation DEW weather modification attacks on OUR country. Defend Maui NOW The Constitution demands we all do. A hot war attack land grab from within. Please read and watch the evidence from Hawaii : https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires

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There can never be a “perfect” Presidential candidate. Take your pick!!!

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He is losing votes for now being called a war monger. Watch this interview with Miko Peled an Israeli General's son, if Bobby would watch this and talk to this man whom I have met and hosted for a talk here in San Diego he would really like the man, and a good talk between them may go a long way to educate Bobby on the truth straight from the ' horse's mouth' : https://rumble.com/v39ocje-miko-peled-son-of-a-isreali-general.-truth-about-palestine-and-isreal-from-.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=23

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The People of Maui are screaming for help folks. Hawaii is a state of the U.S. and we are obligated to take action when a state is attacked. CA and Oregon, Washington, Tennessee and other places as well ATTACKED !! No C. Theory, Easily provable. 80 Million acres in Canada.

If you have a 5th grade knowledge of Earth Science and know how to work a microwave oven it is obvious as hell. And it is hell being inflicted upon our green Earth:

This is a link to Hawaiian Michelle Melendez's website created to inform us and to ask for help:

Please be familiar with it and her reporting videos and evidence : https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires

RFK's statement about the Maui Incineration is 100% wrong and he will not get one vote from Hawaii until he helps them expose the attack that it clearly and very in-our-faces was! IF he exposes the attack for what it clearly is, a land grab by mass murder space weapon and weather modification, to create a 15 Minute A.I W.E.F. Island City ( the rebuild plans already in place- land protection codes stopped before the attack, the Police Chief instilled from Las Vegas and that sketchy shooting, to be Maui's police chief, over all the Maui candidates more qualified and deserving, who apppointed himself Coroner as well, even though its illegal)

Exposing the attack on Maui will propel Bobby to the White House like a bullet, despite the accusations of a Conspiracy Theorist, as most people ARE very aware it was an attack. All the people of Maui are very very aware. And it will END the W.E.F. and W.H.O. World take over. Bobby will go down in History as saving the world and mankind, a very important thing to do wouldn't you say? And the Constitution DEMANDS it of him and all of us to report a terrorist attack domestic or foreign. Truth is truth no matter how unbelievable, the DEW Radiation Attacks MUST END AT MAUI. Please listen to Robert Brame an arborist with 48 years experience and CA Mountainman all his life report with 1000's of photos: https://youtu.be/SJj0mAahuUM?si=wOeqStXFQXpqmich

Hawaiians lived there in Lahaina since before Hawaii was a state. Old still in shape 90+ year old Hawaiian Elders were incinerated alive. Those still alive have lost everything, all documents. Some had their life savings in their homes not using banks still. And now are told they can not have their lands. The U.S. is being stolen by terrorists via mass murder by incineration. Please care....

A mother who made it back somehow to what their home was, and where their boy's bedroom was found him still hugging their dog. She reports: " He was not as would expect him to be , he was not in ashes, God had maintained him", and she held out her arms to show he was in form, hugging the dog. Radiated not burnt. Here she is: https://rumble.com/v3n2nqt-parents-find-their-son-hugging-their-dog-radiated-to-death..html?mref=6zof&mrefc=19

Cars not near any source of fire were incinerated, car engine blocks turned to DUST, not one car had a speck of paint left on, aluminum wheel alloys melted in rivers on the ground, glass melted.

Watch this report from citizen reporter Eric West owner of Hawaii R.E. : https://rumble.com/v3frfmv-cars-miles-from-the-fire-zone-incinerated-and-molten.-eric-west-hawaii-real.html

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I agree Shanna but his position on Palestine is not sustainable and based on how wonderful he is on all the other humanitarian issues his position exposes a huge weakness which to me is one or more of the following:

Fear, Blackmailed, or beholden for $$$. None of which is who he purports to be, nor should the President of the USA be.

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i feel the same way

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Not sure about the 3% mortgage to first time homebuyers because in modern America people are often unable to stay in their first home, having to move to where employment takes them. It also puts a burden on other homebuyers who may not be in better financial condition. Gives some an unfair and unjustified financial advantage which will inevitably have a negative effect on the free market and on the purchasing power of a large number of Americans. I think it would be better to fix the housing market in ways that benefit all Americans, not just a subset.

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If he does not expose the hot war attack on Maui and CA and many other states he will never be allowed to be president. If he does expose the attacks and he must according to the Constitution as we ALL do a terrorist attack he will be propelled to the White House like a bullet. A real magic bullet. And he will stop the W.E.F. world take over and have saved natural mankind. True as can be.

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It is still favoritism. Haven’t we had enough favoritism ?

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He means well but I think the plan needs work so that it will succeed in helping ALL Americans to afford decent housing.

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I'm sure he means well, but $15/hour wasn't even adequate back in 2012, when CEPR calculated that, in order for minimum wage to have kept up w/ advances which had been made in productivity since min. wage began, min. wage would've had to be over $21/hour, in 2012 dollars. I doubt he ever tried to LIVE ON $15/hour. Sure, $15 might be a slight improvement for A FEW workers, but "minimum wage" is never going to be a panacaea: it never directly helps anyone who's too young, old, or disabled to work, or those who can't find jobs, nor does it help create jobs. What if we just ENDED poverty, by handing everyone enough CASH to live comfortably--instead of, say, handing it to Ukraine or Israel or telecom billionaires or either MIC? https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself

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It needs to help all Americans. His plan needs to help the individual. Is he capable of seeing that he is still seeing groups and helping groups? Farm subsidies help the traditional farmer but hurt the organic farmer and the organic retailer. I have heard nothing about eliminating subsidies. I have heard nothing about cutting spending, just shifting where it's spent. I do agree though, he means well. He does want to make a difference.

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What were his statements on Hawaii and Ed Dowd?

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Everyone please watch this a National Security Attack , no theory, please watch: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJj0mAahuUM&t=157s

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Community reparations begin with protecting existing communities, now, from these current deadly fires that are created by some kind of fire weapon. Whole communities of middle class families are left burnt down and no investigation into how or why. Climate Change is a convenient criminal, but not satisfactory for the devastation created (let alone the fact that it is a fiction created and sustained by propaganda). Kennedy needs to concentrate less on past injustices and see the current ones occurring in plain sight. Israel's injustices, included. Not to forget who is spraying what, and why are they spraying on everyone in the world?

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Thank you for your wise truthful comment. Please watch this new updated information interview with a Maui resident activist the clips of what must be the radiation lazer are amazingly scary : https://rumble.com/v3wpa1q-d.e.w.-video-clips-update-last-amer.-vagabond-with-maui-resident-patterns-o.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=24

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It is always this group over that. The blacks have suffered, the entire south suffered as a result of the civil war, the entire middle class is suffering because of this debt based, war mongering system and what about the Native Americans- almost completely non-existentent. Where is the outrage at their living conditions? At what was taken from them?

I have heard nothing about dealing with the Federal Reserve, nothing about the interest on fake money that we loaned ourselves. Ron Paul hands down still grasps the issues and solutions better.

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I agree Cheri!

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NYPost is an absolutely garbage rag. In July, they lied about what he said regarding disproportionate impact of Covid on different races (Fact: https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1681063263084355585)

After he went independent, they lied about an interview he did 4 months ago!! (Fact: https://twitter.com/ChristianM_74/status/1716856595483701640)

Another recent lie is that he once wanted to jail climate deniers. (Fact: https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1724152836462698679)

Both wings of the uniparty engaging in the same smear tactics they did with Ron Paul and they're a million times more scared of Kennedy because he resonates with everyone who actually listens to him and he's a death sentence to the corporate oligarchy that owns both parties and the government.

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And I am sorry for these dreadful attacks on your community and for every family that is suffering. Thank you for telling these truths that should be known worldwide.

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