Would it be incorrect to view the Biden administration's denial of security for RFK Jr. as an implicit death threat?

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It's not an unreasonable analysis, given the facts of the situation. I'd say it's less of a "death threat" and more of an overt message that Kennedy's personal safety is irrelevant. If the end result is the same, well... not their problem!

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Thanks for your response. My question was more of a provocation. If you refuse to place police in a high crime area, that would appear to infer you are willing to tolerate crime in that area. If you refuse to staff a local hospital with qualified personnel that infers you are willing to accept certain avoidable deaths. Deaths can be caused by deliberate acts of commission or omission, but in either case, they are a type of murder.

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Like all Biden admins shenigans, it is statement of their power to us all

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Another reasonable analysis!

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Open season on a rival c andidate..

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sad and obviously true

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Where are the Seals and Rangers now in the Private Marketplace;

wouldn't they be a great bet for Personal Security given personal loyalty

only to RFK Jr. and Family?

Better than Secret Service loyal to the Banker Mafia/CIA/Security Council

and Council For Foreign Affairs and DOD and only God knows who else.

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Thankfully, Kennedy does work with a security firm that provides him protection (even prior to him announcing is run for President).

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much gratitude for that, tho even that's not guaranteed.

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Secret Service are career employees they are not political selections & based on RFK details very supportive to request for protection. Having private security which is an essential part of life for RFK Jr and more so w campaign shifts cost f over $100,000/day to the campaign vs taxpayers paying security for all other campaigns. Bobby characterized the financial burden as the least malevolent motivation for Biden to deny Secret Service protection.

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Amen, Pamela. It's important to not blame rank-and-file Secret Service agents for the actions of their bureaucratic overlords like Mayorkas. Kennedy was emphatic about that, as you suggest.

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You're absolutely correct about the SOP details.

At this point; were I in RFK Jr.'s shoes, WOULDN'T TRUST A ONE OF THE PURGED WOKESTERS REMAINING IN THE BANKER'S MOB and right now, that's all remaining in the D.C. hellhole filled with the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.

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While that's a reasonable reaction to a government that is so deeply corrupted the reality is that most gov't career employees, like most Americans, are not part of the grifting top tier & not necessarily in support of the regime in power. Bobby is not a newcomer to this system & he would not regard his safety so lightly that he would blindly trust his detractors.

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Thank God for that...He's a wise and intelligent man; even though there's little trust for anybody in this time. It would be just unthinkable to hear of him being injured or murdered by the International Central Banker Family Mafia...As his Father and Uncle were. Maybe, he's a bit more as Uncle Teddy...And, have no clue. Just don't wish to hear of another Kennedy murdered as one was too many and the coup resulting from his death changed the whole course of this country.

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I wish I believed that government employees are not necessarily in support of the regime in power. I don't believe it about DC based federal employees. And I question FBI employees throughout the country after the recent revelations about investigating conservative Catholics by the Richmond, LA, and Portland field offices.

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All the presidential candidates should draft & sign a letter imploring Biden admin to give RFK & family protection. It is despicable & unacceptable for Biden admin to act in this manner. The American public also needs to decry Biden’s cruelty.

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This is one of the best ideas I've heard in a while. Think of it - beyond sending a clear message in favor of protecting Kennedy, it would also boost every other candidate who co-signed such a letter. Meanwhile, Biden and all candidates who abstained would suffer big time politically.

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This is scandalous, but is in essentially the same category as the 2,000,000 indictments against Trump. Biden intends to win by hook or by crook...and in his case, almost certainly by crook. The fact that they are so secure that they give RFK Jr. (and all the rest of us) the finger is, perhaps, the scariest part of it all. I think there would be deep support for a third party run. Many/most of us of all political persuasions want our country back.

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You're right that Kennedy's candidacy speaks to people from across the political spectrum, and we're very happy to have such a wide variety of people in the audience for The Kennedy Beacon! However, I have yet to see anybody explain how it would be that Kennedy would receive more support in an independent run than running as a Democrat. It's a nice idea, but may not be factually true. If you can elaborate, I'd love to hear it!

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My expectation is that RFK Jr. will be blocked (effectively) from running as a Democrat -- every indication is that will be true. It will be much harder to block him as an independent. I recognize all of the issues (but, remember, the Whig's lost so it can happen) with an independent run, but these are different times and perhaps the time is right. Otherwise, I expect we will have only a choice between two senile old men. No one I can find in either party wants that, other than the gerontocracy who is afraid to cede power and the deep state who likes to keep the old folks propped in their chairs eating ice cream.

So I will flip your question. Do you have any evidence that the Democrat party will allow RFK Jr. to run anywhere? Remember what they did to Sanders -- and he had, in some respects, an equally big or bigger head of steam. And they seem MUCH more dedicated to shutting RFK Jr. down than they did to the other doddering old man Sanders.

Inquiring minds want to know. This is a topic of much conversation everywhere I go.

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Seems pretty obvious that he oughta seriously consider an independent run if he's going to succeed. DNC is never ever gonna let him be the nominee, even he's winning primaries as Bernie did. Most Dem voters seem to be sheeple and will go along with the anointed incumbent. It is early in the season, so anything can change.

Hoping for victory in the primaries may be predicated on lotsa Rs and Independents registering Dem so they can vote in those primaries? Still, DNC will not allow it, even if he wins. We all know that.

However, as you said, his candidacy absolutely speaks to many of us across the political spectrum thanks to his authenticity which resonates with regular (non-elite) Americans of all stripes. We need him!! Many of us will vote for HIM no matter what affiliation or label he wears.

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The Biden Administration knows RFK Jrs. Election would be rip the Psyop wide open and their WEF agenda exposed... they will drag their feet till the 11th hour.. Nuremberg awaits them.. God Bless RFK and his protectors...!

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Totalitarian governments act in a similar fashion to eliminate their opponents/enemies. The Biden administration is doing it less openly, in a more discreet way. But critical thinkers can see exactly what is happening. We need more critical thinkers.

I just read a similar story where the government published the addresses of their opponents, who then got attacked by a wild mob.


There seems to be a pattern. Which makes me believe that there is coordination and communication happening in the background.

This is not a fair election anymore, so no one is bound to only use fair methods. Our country has some of the brightest and most talented hackers. Get their help to uncover the coordination and communication that happens in the background. Find the source of where the orders are coming from. Feed false information into their system to disrupt their plans. Expose them. Let the people know.

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This makes me cranky. We finally get an honest, wholesome candidate who has the courage and willpower to make all the right and common sense decisions and power-hungry/corrupt people are trying to resist him. I donate every dollar I can afford to help Kennedy get the protection he needs and deserves. Is there anything we can all do to get the best protection he needs!? We NEED Mr. Kenedy!

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So who in the Biden Administration is making the deals with the cartels ?

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I can't possibly answer that question. But generally speaking, there are a few interesting "independent agencies" worth reading up on. For example:

- National Endowment for Democracy

- United States Agency for International Development

...and much of the United States Department of State.

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“What is President Biden thinking? Of course, RFK, Jr. should have Secret Service protection now. The appropriate congressional committee should have a hearing on this. Let the American people find out who in the Administration is responsible for this terrible lapse in judgement.”

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Here's more info from investigative journalist Jeremey Hammond about the rather large number of candidates who have been provided with protection early in the race. https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2023/08/07/setting-the-record-straight-on-the-denial-of-secret-service-protection-to-rfk-jr/

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The one and only message he should be conveying 24/7 is the corruption! The one and only narrative synonymous with his name and campaign should be exposing and putting and end to the corruption!

Why, he Is the only person and candidate capable of accomplishing this! Number one, he is a Kennedy and no one knows more about politics and how the game is played better than they do! Number two, he has been suing the government for decades and therefore knows exactly where the corruption lies.

Number three, unlike all the rest and/or others who go into politics, he has already attained fame and fortune and therefore this is solely an act of sacrifice. As Kucinich said he cannot be bought or bullied!

Yet, that is exactly what is happening - they are controlling the narrative and him as well. He is allowing them to bury him with this false portrayal! If he harped on the corruption 24/7 - the rest would fall right into place. Because, it's the CORRUPTION that's responsible for all of it! Denying the protection!!!

INSTEAD he's out there talking about everything else which is of complete and total irrelevance unless you eliminate or at least staunch the corruption! When they ask him about the vaccines - he needs to put them in their place and say he's already answered it a hundred times and TURN the topic back to the corruption and the pharmaceutical industry!

Instead he's become a broken record saying the same exact things practically verbatim. He has lost his greatest asset which had been his honesty and integrity! He was never rehearsed and now that's all he is! The numbers/figures/stats have to stop - in addition to the constant referencing of his father and uncle which makes it appear as though he's riding their coattails!

Whoever is advising and running his campaign - destroyed everything! I truly beleive he is running for attorney general and plans on using his acquired constituency to secure the appointment and bolster the nominee. He's now drifting farther and farther away from the hot button issues and surrendered all his zeal!


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And always tie the corruption to voters shrinking piggy bank of savings as 1%ers live off their con. Hunter is poster boy for that. I’m still Kennedy/Tulsi. Disgust at War profiteering was her platform theme. I want Bobby talk more of Plan B for our service people as bases closed and rebuilding America. Kitchen table issue of next meal taken back from greedy bloody neocon war industry.

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Totally agree! He's drifting further and further away from the anger rather than harnessing it!! This is why I beleive he's running for a cabinet position instead. He had it in the bag! The deaths and injuries from the vaccines alone (by next year) would've catapulted him into office!

The media handed it to him on a silver platter coining the term anti-vaxer - by this time next year EVERYONE will be anti-vax!!! I would bet a major body organ the wife is running things because it's such an amateur show.

He totally blew it!!! No one was more qualified then he was! He had everything in his favor!! I stopped paying attention because I got so sick and tired of listening to the same stories over and over and over and over again!! With all the problems and need to educate voters about what's truly going on - instead he sticks to the same stories! His delivery is atrocious as well!

I said it a dozen times - when he makes a point he needs to repeat it and DRIVE it home. Instead all he does is tell stories!!!! I guess he realized the odds were so far stacked against him The irony of that is anything can change! BOTH Biden and Trump could succumb to old age (Trump is supposedly vaxed to the max and the stress has to be effecting him) throwing the entire election up for grabs. I truly beleive Hillary senses this as well - hence her latest piece in The Atlantic I beleive.

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Thanks....I posted it all over the place. I knew this from years ago with the brain swap but this is a terrific link...

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Yes, shocking to see after 60 years of following this tragedy.

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It's important people realize who our last actual president was. We have the opportunity now with his nephew to steer the ship of state back on track. A long slow return I fear. But at least get on the path.

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As Royce White posted on July 2.


Protect RFKjr

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That's great. At the very least supporters should be wearing one of his T Shirts as well

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Woody Harrelson is setting a good example!

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Just to add, without prejudice, some people believe this video has been "debunked a long time ago".

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They can debunk anything but truth always emerges.....imo

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It's really time to stop being naive, America. The drug cartels, our government and many other governments, the deep state, the Communists, especially the Chinese Communist Party, the Marxists who are working to destroy and cause chaos in our culture from within, the self-admitted pandemic planners in the WEF, NIH, CDC, WHO, etc, and its executors in the medical field and Big Pharma, the international child and human traffickers now concentrating on our open border, and those behind the threats to RFK Jr, behind the assassination of his father, JFK, and others who were assassinated and are still being assassinated for opposing them..... ARE ALL WORKING TOGETHER. This is not conspiracy theory, it's fact illustrated every day in the legitimate news, but not in mainstream media. (PS the term conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA, who killed Kennedy, in order to discredit those who asked questions about it. They admitted it themselves in a dump years ago.) If you're still watching cable news, you will have been told nothing about the connections. There is an international criminal cabal undeniably running this world, of which the Biden crime family is a part. MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT THEY WILL KILL JFK Jr if they want to. As far as I'm concerned, Biden should be charged with manslaughter if it happens and the only way it won't happen is to give Bobbie official protection THAT STANDS BEHIND HIM. They took out his uncle, America's most beloved president, in a public execution where the Secret Service and assigned Army contingent stood down to allow it, you may recall. We are in the most danger this country has ever been. All of the opposition to Biden and the deep state who put him in is under vicious, dictator-state attack. The courts are at least partially controlled, including SCOTUS, our elections are being stolen one after the other to put in deep state presidents and lawmakers, our DAs are being trained and bought off by the same forces via George Soros. The major opposition of Biden is not only being threatened, Trump is and has been being law-fared out of existence following back to back prosecution for trumped up charges and two impeachments. Your children are in danger from kidnapping and sex trafficking and the relentless attacks on their sexuality in schools. Our military is in high heels. Our streets are lawless. In our Constitution, the last power, when all else fails, AS IT HAS ALREADY DONE, is given to the people. What are we going to do about it???

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I'm not sure who the editor of the Kennedy Beacon is, and I have no way to contact RFKJr to suggest to him that he make a more considered statement about the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians. Apparently he has made some comments that do not go down well with liberal Democrats who feel that the US is too supportive of the Israeli government's lethal behavior toward Palestinians. Chris Hedges has an article in Consortium News today about this which perhaps RFK should read. It seems that sometimes he does not have all the facts. For example he seemed to think that a 3 month fetus or unborn child was "viable" meaning it could survive a premature birth. Anyone who knows anything at all about pregnancy knows that is not the case. His lack of knowledge about this caused many people, including myself to wonder if they could support him because of his stance on a 3 month limit on abortion. I also feel the same way (as do many others) about the behavior of the Israeli government. Those of us who think Israel should stop behaving like nazi germany (as one Israeli retired general recently said) are not anti-semitic, (I personally have many jewish relatives) we are pro humanity. I have read Russell's book "The Real RFKJR" and I admire his ecoworrior stance, and of course JFK and RFK are my heroes and I firmly believe that the CIA assassinated both of them for their anti war stand. I am worried that America is going to have two senile criminals running for president that we must choose between, because "Bobby" isn't fully informed about important situations that voters care about. Please warn him about this, inform him about the REAL situation with Palestinians and have him speak about it , or his campaign is going to fail.

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I like Kennedy, I think he should have protection and think the commie-pinko bastards in the "Biden" administration are pieces of crap for denying that protection.

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Very disturbing news, but not unexpected in this lawless country run by corruption in politics and

Corporate Industry.

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