So great that all these folks have come together from all political spectrums, and even greater that the magnet pulling them all together is BOBBY!!

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Mastermind and magnet are two entirely different elements. The magnet IS Bobby.

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The "magnet" is not RFK. The mastermind is DJT.

Taking nothing away from Kennedy. Wake up Beaconites.

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Absolutely agree!

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RFK Jr made a tough choice when he recognized the Democrat Party had forced him out of a third party run. Would he take a calculated risk with Trump? Or allow his voice to be silenced by the party he had been loyal to his entire life? - as was his family lineage.

He clearly made the right choice as these critically important truths about the regulatory agencies, the Military Industrial Complex, AND their more recent partnership with Big Pharma, MUST be heard by everyone.

In this partnership with Trump, the message IS spreading much farther. Even many Democrats I know are frustrated with Harris for failing to address these core issues.

We CANNOT afford to continue let these dark organizations run our national security or public health. #MAHA

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Reiterating false beliefs. The mastermind is DJT, What about collaboration escapes the Beaconites???

Loyal Dems continue to move off the Dem plantation. That is as it should be.

If the Dems had not been nasty to RFK he would be in that camp...

Trying to fix the unfixable. That would have been tragic.

Keyboard warriors have loads of opinions based on.... pure speculation.

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God bless you all!!! We need our country back. The constitution was not written for profits.

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Unfortunate that Bret Weinstein was predicting at least 50,000 and likely 100,000 on-site attendees.

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I think he was HOPING for that many, wishful thinking.

but considering the complete media blackout, like all things RFK jr, and the short lead up time, 10k would have been nice. if the weather wasn't so shitty, maybe would have gotten a few more locals. I drove over 12 hours (from Chicago area) to be there. sat in the near-constant drizzle from 9 am to noon, and then was enthralled by the 6+ hrs of non-stop inspiration.

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What a great gathering. It makes me so happy that these people, Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians can all come together as Americans to support what is best for America right now. Neither the Republicans Party nor Democrats Party have the answers to our problems. I think of this coalition of men and women as the Unity Party, people who don’t believe either party is looking out for Americans. Trump, Vance and Kennedy and their supporters are looking out for the best interests of all Americans!!

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About time for COMMON SENSE to rule.

One need NOT love or like the Commander in Chief, the President of the United States. Never personally liked Trump and voted twice for him as he was the only moral choice for PEACE AND PROSPERITY.


Liked Kennedy or Gabbard as people yet could not vote for them as President to take the lead as they aligned with Centralization/ Totalitarianism when the U.S. is a Federal Nation and WAS a Constitutional Republic before the Constitution was REGULATORILY SUSPENDED placing the U.S. into anarchy.

Am pleased neither Kennedy, nor Gabbard are Uniparty Techno-Feudal Fascists as the resident Uniparty of the D.C. Sewer is. They've taken the correct path and are on the right side of history since the Uniparty now defines the CAPTURED FASCIST INSTITUTIONS/AGENCIES/NGO'S as 'DEMOCRACY' to be where power originates instead of 'Free and Fair Elections' of 'The People;' LEGAL CITIZENS as VOTERS.

TRUMP/Vance/Kennedy...ALL THE WAY!!!

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Seriously tone deaf article. First it is impossible to Make America Healthy. It is Americans who chose not to be healthy by eating a garbage diet coupled with legal addictions. It is impossible but in any case underable to legislate human behavior.. A crowd of 6,500 is less than 10 % or a Trump rally. Hardly remarkable.

Reigning in the rogue ABC agencies, preferably by defunding is the way forward.

They work for the corporate polluters, it has never been different.

There is zero evidence that they are fixable. Even if it were possible not remotely efficient.

This takes nothing away from RFK, or his laudable efforts. It is the Beacon "editors" that need help.

Derangement Syndrome has given way to tone deafness.

DJT is the mastermind. He is happy to collaborate with Renegades from the Dem party.

These articles that say nothing about the pure genius of Trump are wanting for content,

to the point of being counter productive.

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I don't think there is anything counterproductive about a Big Tent.

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Were you trying to say something Jennifer?

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