It’s so infuriating that CNN, the DNC, and the GOP are such spineless, pathetic cowards that are happy with our undemocratic, rigged system. I for one will never be placated with the uniparty. May more Americans wake up and recognize that Biden and Trump do NOT give a shit about them, only their benefactors. The DNC and GOP are controlled by corporations, and not beholden to any voters. Our politicians are puppets.

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What infuriates me is that people haven't recognized the power they possess. These agencies lose all influence once people are informed and then get involved and take action.

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This will not be a debate. It will be more of the same with neither person bringing anything new. Same old stuff that we have been hearing for 8 years. So tired of the divide. I am a registered independent my whole life and mostly voted republican, but this year I will not vote for Trump or Biden. They are going to switch Biden out, but because they have and continue to abuse this man (age has nothing to do with it, dementia hits at all ages), I have not one thought to even care who they put in there. Trump continues to disappoint with his choices in following the GOP anti Kennedy or anyone else campaign. I was waiting to hear who Trumps VP choice would be but the debate debacle has helped me make the decision to vote for Bobby. Bobby all the way.

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As a Conservative Democrat I have voted for Trump twice simply because he was the lesser of the two evils in each election. Now he is just as bad as Biden which is why I am extremely excited that an honorable man like RFK has stepped up. I am looking forward to voting for him!

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More lesser of evils rational. The lesser of evils is evil still Dr.

"Just as bad" are you really that clueless?? I suspect you are a bot to influence.

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It has been my experience that people call other people such things to cover up who and what you really are. Try learning to think for yourself. It's refreshing!

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See also excellent video report on the protest in San Francisco by Sane Francisco:


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Thanks for presenting this fantastic video, and thanks to San Francisco for showing the way!!!:-)

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Thanks! So good to see and I can surely expect see these crowds very quickly growing. What a nice road trip and out of the Texas heat too! Hmmm. I'm talking myself into something? Errggg.

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I don't know exactly who or what Q was, but the statement, "The media will be the last" made perfect sense to me. MSM is the snake swallowing it's own tail. They are their own demise. They will televise their own end right up to the last twitch of that lifeless body.

So "Get out the popcorn" as Q says. The show is just beginning, but the price for pitchforks and torches has gone through the roof. Get yours while they last.

-The Punisher


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Accurate Assessment. MSM has demolished itself, shhhhh this is news to many.

Let us believe that safeguards are on place for Nov. Otherwise...

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Boycott the debate. Don’t watch it anyone. It’s not a real debate anyway. It’s managed and slanted and they’re going to cut out any answers they don’t like.

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I wouldn't watch it if someone paid me. it will be pathetic, scripted crap and the corporate media will convince some tiny slice of the population that it was 'real', you know, like professional wrestling. ;)

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I'm not going to bother wasting my time watching the non-nominees for President having a yak-fest with each other.

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American politics has truly sunken to an abysmal low!!

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Twill be lob balls tossed at the dotard, and fast ball curves with built in surprise hurled at DJT. The fake news will be outed by DJT who is already so far ahead that he is uncatchable.

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According to Martin Armstrong as interviewed on USAwatchdog.com with Greg Hunter,

Biden's real approval numbers are 6 or 7 percent. The media wants to keep up the close-political-race banter, but it's not true. The lie is perpetuated to gain viewers and inject excitement and interest in the race. Biden is failing miserably which is understandable due to the administration's leadership and his mental disintegration. Biden's Admin. is an American tragedy.

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Biden cannot win even if they cheat more than they did in 2020… taking days and even weeks to announce the election results? Yeah sure.

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The DemonRats have a strategy as always. No thinking person believes the Bidenista is an option. This one unprecedented psyop.

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Even if RFK is supposed to be on a ballot that does not mean that he will be in our overly corrupt nation. Please get all of the RFK national and state organizers to send out sample ballots showing where and how we should write his name in when corrupt states like New York do things to keep him off the ballot. believe me when I say that they will try to do so.

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No kidding Doc? How about the stolen 2020 fiasco?? Did you and other Beaconites

forget that fact???

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Of course not. You and I both know what happened then. That is why I am suspicious now as well.

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as you should be, RFK is shrouded in waffling behaviors, now peeps are suggesting

that the DNC might change their mind in desperation. If it smells like a psyop...

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i made a Trump Spinosaurus 2024 meme saying when your nominee has no backbone his running mate needs enough for both of them. since trump doesn't have the guts to debate Bobby

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Nice try Clifford. But a dismal failure

Comprehension always an option.

Subs are great as people out themselves.

For the benefit of all Cliff.

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Interesting Andrea, beg to differ. Always best to consider the preponderance of evidence. .

The Dems have Mike Obama, (yeah Mike), and H Clintonista. Both are dust brooms or worse.

If the Dems somehow endorsed RFK (after he singlehandedly blew an irreparable hole in their battleship) those with gray matter would be HIGHLY suspicious. It would explain RFK's waffling on at least 3 critical issues which sound exactly like Dem talking points!! That would be Abortion (the womans choice up to delivery) commonly called murder, the Ukraine war ( Cspan: "we are in Ukraine for all the right reasons") apparently to include money laudering and organ harvesting, child trafficing haven, "safe" vaccines (there are none), and Climate Change fear mongering tacked onto environmental stewardship...

In any case this psyop is in full bloom. Subs have an opportunity for these issues to be scrutinized, at least for now.

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We should be rallying at all media outlets, especially PBS New Hour -- they always declare they are "fair" among other things. And C-Span, that never treats the bad treatment of Kennedy. I mention these because they seek to portray themselves above discussion of such things as censorship and such flagrant election fraud.

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Another error or eqivalency article, this time by L Watson.

Lets be crystal clear. DJT is not the same corporate hog.

That is the reason the Deep State hates him more than any person on earth.

The man was a multibillionaire, all of the people who worked for him give glowing

accolades. All of the failed Lawfare attempts have failed. He has raised more cash

than the other two "contenders" exponentially.

The GOP is not Trump, he is routing the party one RINO at a time and the list is already long.

Former Dems who have moved off the Plantation (only due to the DNC supposedly taking

aim at RFK). We are watching a psyop. Looks like RFK the protagonist??

The old Dotard has been tossed under the bus. What ruse is unfolding??

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The Dems will come up with a dust broom as nominee if they have to, as long as they see that Kennedy is not a candidate. Unless their imaginations and intellectual facilities come alive and they start exploring RFK, Jr at his Kennedy24.com website, and get what he actually says, rather than what mainline media slurps up and spits out at them.

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It's a damned shame "We the people" have no real choice in choosing our President!! We are forced to "Select" only one of the two candidates put up for us by the wealthy, BOTH candidates representing the wealthy who OWN OUR GOVERNMENT.

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Maybe. I always like the ask better questions option. Have not spent 5 min in the Fake News is over 35 years. Psyop setup, in full swing.

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