Young people? Kennedy popular? Re Palestine?

You gotta be kidding.

I go on Palestine Solidarity marches and Kennedy is dead in the water.

They all talk about Jill Stein, Emanuel Pastreich and another guy I can't remember.

And they are young too, mostly. Much younger than the Kennedy team I used to march with last year.

If you have any clout with Bobby, insist that he talk to Ilan Pappé, author of “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” and then do an interview with Norman Finkelstein, author of “The Holocaust Industry” and numerous other titles on the plight of Gaza.

The four correspondents in his two interviews are no doubt well meaning and well informed but I think Kennedy needs to be far more upfront and condemn the Gaza genocide in no uncertain terms.

Go back to his interview with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Kennedy folded completely and went into a craven submission to the cause of Zionism.

The Rabbi is calling the shots.

It's time for Bobby to face his demons.

C'mon Bobby, speak the Truth.

Or are you afraid of AIPAC?


Yes, I still wear my Kennedy T-shirt. When I get responses, which is quite often, I tell people:

“All three major candidates are Zionist. But of the three, I find Kennedy is much better on other issues”.

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lesser of evils, heard it before

DJT is a statesman and has the well earned respect of every world leader

The error of equivalency is yours, shared by many.

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Trump has earned respect? Are you kidding?

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no jon I am not kidding. Glad you moved off the Dem plantation.

Now stop reading the fake news. I realize y'all are addicted.

There is treatment for the Derangement Syndrome thou some cases are too far gone. WORLD LEADERS RESPECT DJT!!! THEY DISRESPECT AND LAUGH AT THE DEMS AND BIDENISTA

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Like with every issue, Robert F Kennedy Jr. takes the time and effort to understand an issue, get personally involved, and explain it in great detail and with humanity and compassion. His conversations with Palestinians and Israelis through his "Path To Peace" audio podcasts are an example of this. Kennedy is pro-Palestinian, pro-Israeli, and pro-peace. He has a deep and personal understanding of the situation through personal friends living in both Israel and Gaza/the West Bank. His defense of Israel is based on moral clarity and truth - things which Finklestein and Pappe pretend to engage in but whose personal bias reveals to anyone who also understands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Did you listen to the Path To Peace conversations? Especially with the Palestinians involved? I would suggest that you do and focus a bit more on listening to what courageous Palestinians have to say, rather than well-removed Western intellectuals. People like Hamza Howidy for example: This Palestinian from Gaza has no time for campus protesters - https://nationalpost.com/opinion/michael-higgins-this-palestinian-from-gaza-has-no-time-for-campus-protesters

Imprisoned by Hamas in Gaza - https://youtu.be/y8s5mF-DNmU?si=37Nt4SeS5Rm8xToo

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Israel and the Kennedy Assassinations – note the BIPARTISAN War party 60+ year silence

Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, was Jewish. His birth name was Jacob Leon Rubenstein, and he was born to Polish Jewish immigrants.

JFK pushed to halt Israel's acquisition of nuclear weapons.

RFK tried to designate a precursor to AIPAC as a foreign agent. He was “killed” by drugged/hypnotized Palestinian.

Why has Israel been avoided when discussing the Kennedy assassinations?


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Sorry, the CIA killed JFK & RFK and used various patsies of whatever ethnicity or profile that filled out the rouse. The K's were on to Lyndon Johnson & the other shadow manipulators and they had to get out of the way so that we could have our current state of affairs.

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And another anti-semite pops out of the muck.

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Our poor "Tired" - I like all Semites, including Palestinians who are Semites, just as much as any other group of humans. BTW, my family was hiding and protecting Jews -- once a Gestapo unit searched our flat in the middle of night -- luckily a Jewish woman was hiding elsewhere that night.

Don't spill your anti-Semitic hate on substack...

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I read your comment. Proves my point. Thanks.

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how lame, get off the plantation

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What is an anti-semite? What makes Boris's comment anti-semite. Canadian, so I am lost here as it should be fairly easy to google and see if the statements above are true or not, no. Do you not like Palestinians? What is the purpose of your statement ? I'm here to learn. Substack being the great replacement of mainstream media. So please indulge me.

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One cannot generalize, as in claiming Boris is anti-Semetic, just because he identifies one of the assailants as Jewish or Palestinian Jewish, or that the premise for the assassination was generated from Israeli government. That's a ridiculous assertion. Facts are facts, and this is specific, not general.

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what smells fishy and can be labeled "anti-semitic" is blaming Israel (now a euphemism for Jews) for the murders of JF & RFK and a general control of everything. The US gov't sheltered Nazi's, murdered the K's, leveled the WTC & regularly poisons the entire world with their pharma, food & airplanes rolling forward the 2030 agenda (which is well underway). The evil actors running the show are not Israeli's or Jews. They are a network that has infiltrated every high level location on this planet. Are there some in Israel? No doubt, but Israel - a minuscule country surrounded by people seeking to wipe them off the map, is not at the center of this network. Jews aren't that powerful. Find another villain.

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Thanks for that insight, rack focus, but it seems the bankers are running the show. How many are Jewish, I don't know. There's a Jewish Federation that funds 78% of our Congressional campaigns, so it's no wonder they get the billions they ask for. The UK is pretty involved too in the hegemony. The nuclear argument has some gravitas, but yes, I always thought it was our own Intelligence/Johnson influence for those tragic deaths.

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Why is it that criticism of Joe Biden would of course not be considered anti-catholic or anti-Irish; but any criticism of the equally-corrupt Israeli government and military is considered anti-jewish? Do you think that maybe the people "seeking to wipe them off the map" are angry about being displaced, removed from their homes, forced to live in refugee camps - actions that have been going on for at least the past 60 years, with the full support of the US and UK governments?

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Well, that's the thing. The people weren't "displaced, removed from their homes & forced to live in refugee camps." That's the lie that fuels the anger.

Here is the actual history:


Here's the history told by a Muslim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbOKDxb-u7U

About "stealing land" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXitQhydpck

Btw: Muslims build a mosque literally on top of the site of the Jewish Holy Temple & then barred Jews from entering. Would we stand for the same happening to a church or mosque?

Further, even if the mangled version of history WERE true (which it isn't) let's give a parallel, and say the North American native people - who WERE systematically displaced and murdered - showed up today, raped, murdered, bombed and vowed to wipe all "white" people off the map...would that seem "ok" as a justification for what was done to them?

If you know the actual history, you will see that Jews were thrown off their land & then systematically so for centuries. All they are trying to do it live peacefully on land that they BOUGHT, and were given by those who controlled it, Britain, and they turned the desert into a verdant country. Only then did the Arabs (who lived peacefully side by side them until they decided to start attacking them) want "their land back".

People who know the history see the twisting of the facts to create an anti Jewish narrative. As in all of the insane manipulations of the past 5 (500) years, this is just another. Jews are convenient blamees and so why not play that card again? (...and again, and again)

It's just that now they are actually (finally?) in a position of power and are saying - "Nah, we're done with that."

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Exactly. Thanks

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Kennedy was not assassinted, you have been duped. Welcome to wrong again Boris.


Clueless people sing the chorus.

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Oh please. The Israelis already have no intention of sharing anything and the younger generations just keep becoming more and more ultra-nationalist. Where is Kennedy on the settler terrorism on the West Bank, which has been going on for decades? I stopped giving him money over this months ago and have now accepted that I will not be able to vote for him. The last straw was his statement (in effect) that the war in Gaza should on for ever. That is both evil and lunatic. I can get that from the other candidates!

The flaw in his thinking is the idea that Hamas started this. It's the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians that started it. And the mainstream Zionist leaders never intended to share anything. When Ben Gurion first said he accepted partition, he wrote over and over to other Zionist leaders explaining that once they "built up their strength", they would "spread through the land". Like Balfour said in private, the rights of the Arabs are of "no consequence" to the rights of the Jews.

What's needed now is a good old series of teach-ins about REAL history and what's been happening on the West Bank for decades. And it wouldn't hurt to Remember the USS Liberty!

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Sorry, but Hamas is not interested in a two state solution and, as long as they aren't, it doesn't really matter who else is.

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FYI, the Palestinians (Arabs, which is their original name) have been offered a two-state solution 3 times in the past 30 years. They have rejected it each time. So, 1. this isn't a new idea 2. It isn't on Israel to offer it. 3. It is on Hamas to accept it (which they likely won't).

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To RFKJr; Please be careful, your changes on your stance on abortion are seen by some as flip flopping or not clear. I have listened to you thoroughly and feel I understand your position but I’m a unique really big fan

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seen by some?? the very fact that you mention it is evidence that it is so

If you "understand" then why not explain instead of assert??

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Great that RFK is fostering conversation but holy cripes can we deal with facts? "Palestine" is not a country. (Despite Wikipedia calling it one) If it were they would have a capitol, a judiciary, an actual government and on and on.

The ancient Romans pinned the name on the Land of Israel. In 135 CE, after stamping out the province of Judea’s second insurrection, the Romans renamed the province Syria Palaestina—that is, “Palestinian Syria.” They did so as a punishment to the Jews to obliterate the link between the Jews (in Hebrew, Y’hudim and in Latin Judaei) and the province (the Hebrew name of which was Y’hudah). “Palaestina” referred to the Philistines, whose home base had been on the Mediterranean coast.

The Arabs who live in Israel were offered their own "state" 3 times and rejected it each time. The people of that area are being used as pawns in a game of "Kill the Jews' by terrorists like Hamas and their predecessors, The Musilim Brotherhood, The PLO.

FYI from the woke web:

Election Process

The PNC is not elected through direct elections. Instead, a quota system was put in place whereby factions appoint members to the body in proportion to the size of their support base. This makes Fatah the most dominant faction, followed by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Unions and groups also appoint their own representatives to the PNC.

According to Article 5 of the PLO Basic Law, the PNC is intended to be chosen by “direct election… by the Palestinian people.” However, this has never been fulfilled. The initial membership of the PNC was chosen by the Arab states, particularly Jordan and Egypt, and later, the PNC has been composed of representatives appointed by the PLO Executive Committee.

Note: The PNC has not held a full meeting since 1996, and its role has been largely eclipsed by the Palestinian Central Council (PCC), which is chaired by the PNC chairman and has increasingly taken on the PNC’s decision-making powers.

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145 countries recognize Palestine as a state - who are you to decide Palestine is not a state? Norway and Spain are the latest countries to recognize their statehood. https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/22/countries-recognise-state-palestine-full-list-revealed-20887839/ Your revisionist history is not what the rest of the world has seen or learned from un-biased history lessons.

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Since when does "the crowd" speak for truth? If nothing else, the past few years have shown us that what is "true" is more likely the polar opposite. Did you take the covid vaccine because "everyone" agreed it was the right thing? If you did, we won't be able to find common ground.

What is typical of your comment, btw, is the personal attack, "Who are you..." etc. I never claimed MY opinion, what I shared is simply the actual fact. Sadly, you are the victim of "revisionist" history.

But don't take my word for it, or point a finger at me, simply show that the facts I shared are wrong and yours (after you present them) are right.

I have experience in this kind of conversation and what is likely to occur is another smear on me or what I've said, not counter facts. If you are going to go fact for fact, you can start here. Listen to this non-Jew speak & then feel free to refute his facts. If you reply with more attempt to discredit me personally, I won't reply so you can spare your time.


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Great. A Palestinian Arab who's a Holocaust huckster and an Israeli Jew who thinks everyone should be an ethnic-cleansing Zionist. The perfect ticket for legitimating Israel's crimes of aggression and illegal territorial expansion.

The stillborn two-state solution is nothing but a cover for Israel to continue its ethnic cleansing and genocide ("leave or die"). The only just solution is a democratic state from the river to the sea with everyone having equal rights. And that is possible only with the collapse of Israel, which Israel is hard at work bringing about. The real obstacle to a just peace are the berserker settlers and messianists.

It's ironic that there are now about 700,000 illegal Jewish settlers occupying the West Bank, nearly the number of Palestinians ethnically cleansed from their land in 1947-1948. Pretty easy to see the start of a solution there.

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Kennedy has scaled back a bit of his Complete Support and Cheer-leading of Zionist Jewish Supremacist Israel's Psychotic Insane Genocide, with thousands of 2000 pound US supplied bombs, of about 50,000 DEFENSELESS (They have no Iron Dome, no Army, no Navy, no Air force, no Artillery) Palestinians most of whom are women and children plus all those maimed, wounded, starved etc. But Kennedy has just coached it in more humane words so he does not lose much of his Left Base, especially younger people and minorities. So now he is Bobby Zionism light. Kennedy is a Coward, Zionist controlled Epstein/Mossad Blackmailed, Zionist money Prostitute. You showed your True Colors with your boyfriend Rabbi Shmuley (I sell sex toys with my daughter and we'll make you such a deal).

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Please get your facts straight. Hamas has agreed to the ceasefire proposal:

UNITED NATIONS, June 10 (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council on Monday backed a proposal outlined by President Joe Biden for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and urged the Palestinian militants to accept the deal aimed at ending the eight-month-long war.

Hamas welcomed the adoption of the U.S.-drafted resolution and said in a statement that it is ready to cooperate with mediators over implementing the principles of the plan "that are consistent with the demands of our people and resistance."

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There is no two-state solution. Islam will make sure of that.

There is only one solution in the Mideast, and, really, the whole world:

The death cult called Islam must change or be destroyed.

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Sorry, but Hamas is not interested in a two state solution and, as long as they aren't, it doesn't really matter who else is.

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At this point Bidenistas is finished, that is hardly debatable.

The "two state solution" was not news a decade ago.

The Gaza strip has been largely obliterated.

What else ya got??

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Kennedy can jibberjabber with whomever he wants. And Nikos, you may claim whatever pleases you and write it here on substack but Israel will follow Israel's plan unless the people there say otherwise. The plan. A Dubai coastline.

I am a Canadian so I have no right to comment or suggest but I like Kennedy. No reason not to. His choice of VP not so much. She is too young to run a country shud something happen to Kennedy and she is too young because when you are this young you are never rich enough and therefore corruptible. My opinion.....not worth 2 cents but I had to say it.

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Actually, she has family wealth, so youth has nothing to do with it, in this case. They align quite nicely on their goals to clean up our food through more natural agriculture (that's way overdue!), and their goals to study the vaccines and EMF damage for the sake of public health, and environmental health, too.

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Nicole Shanahan came from a poor family. She is self made - a well educated, Stanford fellow, attorney, scientist, she has pattens in AI. She was married to one of the founders of Goggle. Her understanding of Artificial Intelligence/new technology is what makes her interesting to me - there is no one in our Congress that has knowledge of upcoming technology. I like RFK Jr. for all the other reasons you listed. His blind faith in Israel is a very large negative, though I will still help him.

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Is she old enough to qualify as president? I think she shud debate Vivek. Now that wud be fun or a complete career ruining debate.

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Canadian or not you have every right. Neither candidate is Presidential unless your compare to the Dotard.

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He keeps killing his voter base bit by bit. There will be no two state solution to Israel. Why? The terrorists will never stop until Israel is destroyed from the Earth. No? Then they lay down all their arms. All of them and we will see. God also very specifically says do not divide the land. Won't happen, folks.

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You're listening to Israeli propaganda. They have never offered a decent peace deal to Palestine, as they want to occupy their land, and not pay for the resource development or products, or road access. They are impostors in the view of Palestinians, and have acted immorally, thus the perspective of the Palestinians. Their constant, outrageous financial and military support from the US has only aggravated this chasm. There needs to be one state, where they each have representatives. This genocide has got to STOP!

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History lesson:

By a non-Jew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbOKDxb-u7U

By an Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXitQhydpck

You probably won’t believe him even though you could verify all this facts.

So, the question is: who here is listening to propaganda?

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