Thank you. Is RFK, Jr. an anti-Semite?

Are Palestinians Semitic people? (Question to an AI chat)

The short answer is yes, Palestinians are indeed considered Semitic people.

Now, let's dive into the long answer. The term "Semitic" refers to a group of people who speak or are descended from people who speak a Semitic language. These languages include Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic, among others. Palestinians primarily speak Arabic, which is a Semitic language. So, in terms of language, Palestinians are indeed Semitic people.

But wait, there's more! The term "Semitic" is also used to describe a group of people who share common ancestry, originating from the Middle East and parts of North Africa. Palestinians, like many other groups in the region, have a rich and diverse history that includes various migrations, conquests, and cultural exchanges. This means that genetically, Palestinians are a mix of different ancestral groups, including Semitic peoples.

In conclusion, Palestinians are considered Semitic people both linguistically and ancestrally.

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Great episode, thank you!

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Bobby interviewed Ritter and MacGregor in coming up with a coherent view of the Ukraine war.

Regarding the Gaza war I think he should have once again listened to Scott Ritter.

I still support Bobby but IMO has was too easily bullied by the cabal. The nations of the middle east have been too hypocritical in their abandonment of the denizens of Gaza to put any blame on Bobby for one position or another. But funding the Netanyahu regime conflicts with the principle of saving our resources and starving foreign wars of US funding. Get consistent Bobby: tell Netanyahu and Boteach to take a hike.

Zionism ... per Dr. Shiva’s astute definition ... is international elitism that preserves the wealth of those who have it. Bobby please avoid earning that label by virtue of whom you are willing to fund.

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Doing a plug for Kimmel? Wow, that is the lowest cord seen here.

Are editors really that politically clueless? Did y'all shoot yourself in foot with an AK47?

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