And yet the VP who is a heartbeat away from taking over for our (enfeebled) President, ACTUALLY POSTED THE FOLLOWING on X:

“Some challenges challenge us more than the other challenges. Like the weather - sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cold, but it's still weather. And whether or not our challenge is very challenging or just only small challenging, the people in America often know where the weather is.”

This. This is what Main Stream Mouthpieces would have us vote for.

God Help Us (elect Bobby). To many of you on this thread, I would say that Bobby’s errant policies would pale in comparison to the danger of electing such dim wits.

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Yes! Agree 1000%!

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Thank you, AG, for your thoughtful words and the humorous quote! Take care, AG.

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this dolt just keeps digging her hole deeper, and that also is a good thing

God help us does not equate to (elect Bobby)

Errant policies, and are they Presidential?? Good question

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Perhaps I should have posted: God help us (have a fair election.)

Your second point is even better. Candidates sometimes make promises or proposals about problems over which the office they are running for has no control.

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There are those of us who can see through the lies of the media to the truth, that Robert F Kennedy, Junior, is amazing with a great heart, great intelligence and integrity. And those of us who can see through the lies is a growing team and I am so grateful for it.!

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Such wonderful words, Patrice! Thank you! Take great care.

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Superb listing of the worlds leading Propaganda Machine's methods in the All out assault on RFK Jr.

The DNC coupled with the various Industrial Complex's driving the US economy are all in to denigrate him personally as well as destroy his campaign.. They know if he gains the WH they are cooked... deep fried.... Psyop over.. and Real Investigations into those responsible will begin..

We knew this was coming and will continue till election day.. so we redouble our focus and continue building to improve our efficiencies.. welcoming All Voters... We can Do it.. we can Win this election.. RFK Jr will not be perfect, but he will be a Quantum leap beyond Joe..

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Thank you very, very much, Curt! And thank you for your insightful comments and encouraging words! Take great care.

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Thank you Kristin! We can Win this fight! Let's do it Baby!

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It doesn't matter to people how much he'd take down and expose the corporate oligarchs, take on big pharm, the military industrial complex, protect the environment and disrupt the corrupted two party regime that controls us. The only thing most commenting on this thread care about is he supports Israel and doesn't march along with the anti-Israeli mantra. Shocking.

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That's right, Rebecca. We must keep our eyes on the prize, which is dismantling the system of deep state corruption. The same deep state feeds on conflict like the Israeli Palestinian conflict. As important as this issue is, we can't fix it unless we first expose then take down these actors, who have been mostly invisible, and certainly unaccountable

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Well put, I believe.

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Yes, and I also find it strange that Biden's violent approach towards Russia and his plan for the next decade with China do not receive similar condemnation. Egypt's dictator, as well, is extremely brutal towards Egyptians, yet Biden sent billions in aid. He held up millions for human rights reasons, but still sent the billions (if I have the figures right). Whether it is personal, local, national, or international, every conflict without exception deserves 360 degrees of empathy for all sides and an effort to sink into all perspectives and acquire 360 degrees of truth about all perspectives. We really must get beyond the "good guy-bad guy" perception, no matter which direction we see good and bad. It can be hard if you're in the conflict and have experienced or witnessed horror and injustice, but perhaps those a little removed from the conflict can help each side feel better about itself and about the other.

But back to your main point, it is important to realize how many issues one agrees with and disagrees with for each candidate, and not allow one issue (unless it is particularly life-threatening in its consequences), to eclipse everything else.

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Reparations to blacks, something I might expect from Gavin Newsome, effectively for a slavery issue some people caused (actually very few people) over 175 to 300 years ago. Is a step too far. If it is not just for political reasons, to get a few more black votes, then it sheds light on intellectually inconsistent reasoning from a usually thoughtful individual. In either case a no vote from this independent.

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The idea of reparations is a show stopper for you to support Kennedy? Suggest you do more historical research into the topic of reparations and toughen your pale skin. The money paid for reparations would be much less than what we give to the weapons industry to supply the Ukraine war and would help to correct some wrongs. Put it into perspective please and get back on this train. We need you.

That money would not only be well deserved, but will be invested right here in American families so they can start to catch up.

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Oct 19, 2023
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Ms. Kane, I am of Irish descent as well. Everyone is so binary here on issues, can we not disagree on some things and maybe focus on where we do align? Sorry if you’re offended by my desire to unite where we can, but maybe you can just go back to the great divider Trump and go all in for hate and ideocracy. I do not subscribe to Woke ideology, thanks, but fair is fair. Are you just going to allow your pursuit of perfection to deter you from pretty damn good?

I’ll bet we might agree on more than not, if you’re not too chicken-shit to try, but if you’re truly Irish, you love a good fight as do I. Hang in there with RFK Jr.

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I agree with RFK, Jr. in so many areas--censorship, Ukraine, organic foods, endless wars, the CIA. I don’t understand how someone with his views could support Israel in its treatment of the Palestinian people. It seems so out of character. I’m disappointed because I really felt that we had a viable, trustworthy presidential candidate who had a chance of making a difference. But I can’t support anyone who is ok with the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

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i'm really beginning to think that this is one place where all candidates and elected officials truly don't have the options we would like. or at least not the options to voice them.

we might need to simply trust the person we have discovered him to be, along with the values he lives, and the internal moral compass that guides him 24/7.

we might have to sort out that this is a view he must claim if he's to make any headway. sometimes we must read between the lines...

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Trusting another's internal moral compass can be important sometimes, especially in times of confusion.

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Regarding the Israel/Gaza issue. I find myself vacillating between the above two points of view (Linda/Suz-an). If RFK is simply ignorant of the full history of this conflict, then he is not the man I thought he was. If he is ignoring the problems in Gaza out of political expedience, that is the first step down a very ugly road. He said he would not lie to us. We are expected to trust him. Why won't he trust us? How can he campaign on truth and peace if he doesn't really believe the voters will support that.

RFK should at least provide a statement that demonstrates he understands the grievances of the Palestinian people. His current talking points are insulting to the Arab world. The Israeli and Palestinian people want peace. The US supporting only Israel has encouraged Israeli leadership to have a false sense of security. Our support of only one side has propped up this conflict for decades.

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Oct 20, 2023
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I hope you are right. For myself, I now have doubts about his character and his grip on reality. I am glad he has at least stopped talking about his absolute support of Israel. I know there is nothing he can actually do at this time to change US policy. I am in a wait and see mode. I hate feeling so cynical when before i was so hopeful.

Peace out.

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This article implies that any criticism of Mr. Kennedy or his positions is "character assassination." It also seems to be part of a strategy to generate support by creation of a movement toward "hero worship." In any case, please take a look at this statement by Mr. Kennedy in Philadelphia: “My promise to you as President is that on every issue, I will listen to stakeholders from every side and beyond any side.” I would like to ask whether, in his statement in support of President Biden's one-sided policy on the Israel-Palestine crisis, whether Mr. Kennedy is indeed listening to "stakeholders from every side." Has Mr. Kennedy been listening to critics of Israel's long-standing policies of oppression and apartheid toward Palestine and its perpetration of ethnic cleansing and genocide that has begun in Gaza. Here I would like to refer Mr. Kennedy to an article by Patrick Lawrence in ScheerPost and ask for his views on the creation of a unified democratic Palestine that includes equal rights for all people. https://scheerpost.com/2023/10/18/patrick-lawrence-roger-waters-and-the-one-state-solution/

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Excellent job picking it all apart. If the powers that be weren't so terrified of RFK Jr. and the movement toward peace and reuniting the country, etc he represents and we all need ... they wouldn't be so focused on these efforts. That says everything. This campaign is the most genuinely potent one that's come along in ages. They must stop it at all costs. Will we let them?

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Thank you so very much, Suz-an. I agree - I've never seen such a powerfully wonderful presidential campaign in my life. Aside from Dennis Kucinich's campaigns, I've never heard a candidate even talk outside the narrow, uninspiring, boring range within which presidential candidates talk. It's like they all belong to some strange breed that I don't understand. I'd never want to write an article for any of them. I find all your comments quite insightful. Take care now and thank you again so much!

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thank YOU, Kristin! totally on board with your comments, as well.

<<It's like they all belong to some strange breed that I don't understand.>> YES!!!

seems to me like it's all attributable to the reality that most of them - NOT RFK Jr - operate in a different arena with a different agenda than 99% of us. and that's why they're all so threatened by his candidacy.

while their competing agenda is all in 'plain sight,' most of us can't see it since it's so bizarro to us and removed from what we believe it needs to be? maybe?

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"To see every one of these 10 devices in action again, we need look no further than the US character assassination program against Russia’s President Putin, the leader with whom Kennedy, as US president, intends to engage in dialogue to increase understanding and take gradual steps of de-escalation.

For the machine, such a dialogue would be a nightmare come true. Developing understanding, revealing the US machine’s reckless lies about Putin, and nurturing US cooperation with Putin would destroy the good vs. evil broomstick upon which the machine rides. "

I once prompted ChatGPT to write a Dr.-Seuss-like poem about this subject.

In the land of Uncle Sam, a tale to tell,

Of military complex that rings a bell.

Trillions squandered on weapons of junk,

A system designed for the money to clunk.

Shareholders smile as profits rise high,

But in the battlefield, these weapons sigh.

For when real war comes, they fail to cope,

A house of cards, a slippery slope.

A proxy war with Ukraine's play,

Exposing weakness in a disheartening way.

The U.S. and NATO, once so strong,

Now seem to falter, oh, something's wrong!

Offshored manufacturing, a path taken,

But now, no capacity for weapons awaken.

Decades spent fighting goat herders afar,

While Russia's advancements shoot like a star.

Air defense systems, hypersonic might,

Drones, electronic warfare, and nuclear light.

Russia leaps ahead, the gap ever wide,

As the U.S. falls behind in this dangerous ride.

China's military rises, a growing power,

The U.S. leaders must face this hour.

Reality calls, psychopathic or not,

It's time to change, it's time for a plot.

Hegemony's grip, it's time to release,

A multipolar world, where harmony finds peace.

Earning a place with diplomacy's hand,

United we stand in this shifting sand.

No more illusions, no false pride,

Let wisdom prevail, let ignorance subside.

For in a world where strength is shared,

The path to peace will be repaired.

So, Uncle Sam, let's heed this call,

Embrace the change and break the wall.

Together we rise, in unity,

In this multipolar world, we'll find serenity.

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Robb! That is a wonderful poem and it's fun to read, as well! Thank you so much! Wait - are you saying that this was created by a machine? I'm not familiar with ChatGPT. At any rate, it was uplifting to read! It also reminds me a little bit of a poem I wrote (the one poem I wrote), called "Mother's Day." Here, I'll see if I can paste in the link or not. https://countercurrents.org/2023/03/mothers-day/ Thank you so much, Robb! Take care now.

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Wow Kristin! Your poem is fantastic. I read it first, and then watched you read it. I spent the next few hours finding links to your many writings. I have added you to my list of people to follow.

Yes, ChatGPT is one of the several Large Language Model Artificial Intelligence programs that have become very popular in 2023. One can "prompt" it to generate text of different types (including poems) on any subject. I could not have written such a poem myself, but I did feed it some information (the prompt), and it wrote the poem.

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Oh, thank you very much, Robb! What nice things to say! I'm just getting the hang of this commenting here, so I didn't see your message until just now. Thank you very much for reading and watching my poem! And then looking for links for all that time! How very kind! And I never knew about Chat GPT! Thanks for telling me about it. I had no idea it even existed! And especially thanks for posting the poem that you prompted it to create! Take care, Robb. I'm working on my second article now. What's hard for me isn't writing but cutting it down to make it shorter. It's really agonizing and takes forever. Probably that Chat GPT would know where to cut!

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RFK Jr had better think twice on the subject of reparations. This will be a deal killer for him for many independents, center right, and non black minorities. My friend who is from Korea said he'd vote for Trump if RFK Jr took a hard stance on reparations. There are plenty of other ways he can help the black community that is not so divisive and doesn't create resentment. https://nypost.com/2023/10/18/rfk-jr-comes-out-for-reparations-forging-lane-to-bidens-left/

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The central issue I have with RFK Jr is his defense of Israel and Zionism. I can not fathom WHY he would go in this direction. And I think it is absolutely necessary that he discuss with someone extremely knowledgeable and Jewish why he believes as he believes. I have repeatedly asked for him to discuss with someone publicly such as Norman Finklestein. Yet nothing. It's a very big red flag for me....it feels a bit like he is living in a world that no longer exists...pro Zionism...Israel as the Chosen People...it is 2023 and no one is chosen for anything. Such notions are delusional.

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Oct 20, 2023
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In this particular instance, all I can think of is the higher good argument which in his case is focused on defeating the Democrats and Republicans next year....but for me it doesn't work because there is no higher good than protecting women and children from war. I hope he publicly discusses all this at some point.

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The Yardbirds' "Over Under Sideways Down" might be more on point than the also excellent Diana Ross song.

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Mr. Kennedy may benefit from acquainting himself with the ongoing posthumous assassination of JFK, most frequently in the form of fact-starved assaults on his personal and professional ethics.

The shared major subtext of these campaigns serves the agendas of those individual and institutional forces that, existentially threatened by the man's insurrection of light, conspired to remove him from office. Their message in a nutshell: JFK got what he deserved and is not worth mourning.

The parallels are crystal clear. Those of us who cherish JFK and who support the candidacy of RFK, Jr. are concerned.

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Please give us RFK Jr's thoughts on the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people.

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I am not so concerned with the character assassination going on against you--we all knew that would be a given--but rather with the very fragile state of our country right now. With many 1000s of military age men of Middle Eastern and African decent present in our country and Israel just having experienced attacks by men of similar background--our country looks like a next target. Please watch Naomi Wolf interview retired Boarder Patrol Agent, JJ Carroll in order to see the connection between Israel's current situation and the millions of people who have crossed into our country due to the open border policy of the Biden Admin. Our country and we, its people, are in grave and intentional danger. I know you must still run for office in 2024 but there is every chance that, if this man's perceptions are true, Biden will declare martial law in the wake of violence and prevent 2024 elections from happening. https://dailyclout.io/is-israel-a-dress-rehearsal-for-the-united-states/

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I have a sense of that as well, Dariel. The martial law scenario is likely. Where I live the violence on the roads, the shootings, the loss of spirit and the increasing depression and act outs is increasing exponentially. It feels more to me like despair has set in and a what the hell attitude exhibited by acting out on others. On that aspect, RFK Jr has stood tall in trying to connect with people all over the country.

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Dear Kristin

I fully agree with you in your analysis.

However, JFK jr. stated after the Hamas attacks:

“This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.

“I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.”

This is not the words from a truth-seeker. These words turn things up side down just like the propaganda about Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

I don't get it.

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