Horses and also pigs are not ruminants because they only have 1 stomach not 4.

Good article and very interesting. Farming has become a vast game of monopoly, even here in Australia, with very few farmers left as farms get bigger and bigger.

Agronomists don't know anything or want to know about how the soil and plants and minerals work or interact. They are trained salesmen for the big chemical/fertiliser companies.

You are on the right track using animals to build up the soil. You have not said exactly what you are doing but might be using some of the principals of Allan Savory from S. Africa.

We have been able to change our grass types,spp by changing our grazing pressure and rest periods with our 20,000 sheep and 600 cattle .

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I have been very concerned about Big Ag for a long time. All anyone needs to do to be convinced of the difference between locally, organically grown food and what you get in the supermarket is to taste them both. The local farm's products make my mouth and stomach sing, I can feel what the good nutrition is doing for my body. The other feels like I'm eating something devoid of life energy. When it comes to eating meat, energetically I believe that mistreated factory animals are harmful to eat, and again devoid of essential life enhancing energy. And then of course the harms of antibiotics, hormones and vaccines. Better to not eat meat if you can't get the humanely, respectfully raised animals that are truly part of a healthy environment and cycle of life.

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I have listened to his Ranching Reboot podcast for 2 years and he is consistent with his message on methods, delighted to see he is featured on The Beacon.

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