I hope you are successful in changing your account to residential and opting out. In California we have had smart meters for 8 years or more, and I have opted out and paid the extra each month, in one case moving into a home that I had to have the smart meter taken off. May we all be free!

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Helena, thank you for sharing. The corporate system of legislating against the people and trying to remove our rights to take health and other decisions away from us is the root of Mr Kennedy's platform. Let's help grow that root into a huge tree.

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RFK jr's green tech investment "VantagePoint Capital Partners" invests in smart meters.

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Hi Hendy, I tried to find any connection with VantagePoint Capital Partners and smart meters and was unable to do so. Since becoming a Kennedy supporter, I have learned a new behavior of not believing everything I hear and read. All of my research on Mr. Kennedy’s role with VantagePoint capital Partners seems to be consistent with his earnest commitment to a clean and healthy environment. Taken from a press release from VantagePoint dated Feb 26, 2009. It says he was named a venture partner where he will focus on the clean tech sector and will take board seats with two portfolio companies: Premium Power, a maker of energy storage solutions, and Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies, a wastewater remediation company. The company said, “ Bobby has a long-standing history of providing environmental counsel to the Firm...”. RFK Jr stated, “I remain deeply concerned about the resource challenges we will face in our future, and believe that in joining VantagePoint I will gain a unique opportunity to both advocate for environmental stewardship and help build entrepreneurial solutions to address substantial problems.”

I did learn that this firm has investments with 70 companies and possibly one of these companies has a division that may be involved with smart meters, but this primary company itself appears to be focuses on the clean healthy segment in each of its investments and that is where Mr. Kennedy will apply his expertise- to do good to help us. This is just one more reason why we need to get this man elected. He is necessary.

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waste water remediation is a real bugaboo. Even the so called environmentalists in NM (Sierra Club, etc) are against it.

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There was more than one smart meter company they funded and he is on record supporting them in one of his talks.

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Thank you, could you give me names of the companies and the reference for his talk in support of them? Much appreciated, Marjorie

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I live in New Mexico and had the option of opting out. I did that. You don't have to pay an extra fee here, but you have to read your own meter. They send you postcards and a schedule. No problem. They installed the smart meter anyway. I made a racket about it and they took it back off. In addition, reading my own meter has so far resulted in far lower bills!!!!

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How did you make a racket? I would like to become a sore for them,

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I called the gas company and used my "mean" voice to tell them I had opted out. Talked to several people because I kept demanding action, and they kept passing me around. But best of all I had received a letter with a personal phone number on it from a woman in charge of the "opt outs". I called her several times until she finally answered. Told her I had the letter she had sent and offered to see a lawyer if she couldn't take care of having the smart meter removed. I also laughingly said I might have to take a sledge hammer to it. I get away with some of that stuff because I'm a harmless little 82 year old "lady".

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awesome! nice work : )

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Having a smart meter lets your smart appliances be under the control of whoever can hack both of them.

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That is why Mr. Kennedy is against them.

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Then why didn't he say so?

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Build a faraday cage right around the smart meters and ground it. You can layer those vests that they wear at the dentist when they take your X-ray around the cage on the outside and ground them too. Since they are lead plated, nothing should come through - both ways. Btw, smart meters are not UL certified I have learned.

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I wish you good luck. Here in Virginia I spent much time on the phone opting out with our power monopoly when I got those letters every couple of years. Even so they would come by to switch it out. Luckily I was home and said "No thanks". Finally thought the opt-out was made permanent last year after confirming with a rep.

Then this year:

NO letter that they would be by

No knock on the door

they DID NOT honor my sign next to the meter saying " We opt-out, etc"


they cut the lock (damaged my property) to do the switch out

all while I was inside the house. By the time I heard the loud sound it was too late.

It is criminal.

If you do end up with one, there are ways to at least lessen the assault.

I'm praying you get to keep your analogue.

I do feel there is a strong push to get everyone "into the system" right now.

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You for writing this

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Beautifully done, thank you.

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Well it’s about time someone writes about this smart meter subject! I had read many scientific studies on these and YOUR RIGHT!

But how do you win over big city hall? Or big Washington politics? You can’t seem to get anywhere without raising the point so others can maybe get thier brains to work on researching to discover the truth on things!

Glad you published this article ! I know this is a very unhealthy item we in our world deals with daily look at the many more persons with cancers even the healthiest vegetarian gets cancers! Look at the plastics in our environment our air water we drink particles in every thing even ground gardens drinking water and air we breathe!

This an radiation from

Mfg an even our sun a computers a cell phones where’s the end? Maybe we found what happened to Atlantis after all! It burned perhaps?

Maybe time to learn from the Amish’s?

They have no power entering no cell phones no microwaves no tv absolute freedom from the utilities!

Are they healthier ? Happy humans

I think so! An thier children grow up respectful of our earth and those we share our planet with!

Think about life little harder but smarter then AI

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Seriously? What the h** is this doing in the Kennedy beacon?

It's quite a drama but it's not about Kennedy.

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Steven, it does pertain to one of the many, many environmental and censorship issues that are a concern to Mr. Kennedy. I believe it serves an excellent source of education and and awareness. Also, where it may not be a concern issue of yours, I know at least two people where EMF’s are their primary health issue and thus are 100% in the Kennedy camp.

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So then 5,000 people can start posting about things that are tangentially related to Kennedy's interests?

That's not the point of this newsletter :)

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Well, then we have different viewpoints which is fine; I do not see this issue as “tangentially related” at all. This is a serious concern to both health and censorship; I do believe that many people are concerned with EMF or censorship- I am concerned with BOTH. My personal #1 is health freedom but censorship is right up there. There is a reason why the right to privacy in our own home is the first amendment and I do think this right to privacy, and thus prohibiting the censorship via the smart meters, is an important issue in this campaign. And yes! I would love 5000 folks to start posting here and get more people excited about and committed to RFK Jr! 😁



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I subscribe to this for one reason ... For *news about Kennedy and the campaign* and to get Kennedy elected - period. I'm sure that's the purpose here and the majority of readers agree.

... 100s or 5000s of posts about OTHER people's stories? Not going to help the readership stick around, or give them the news or information they want and need to support Kennedy to win.

Best regards Marjorie.

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We are 100% in agreement of getting Kennedy elected. I appreciate your perspective!

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Understood…but probably a detail wasted on this campaign.

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David- please look at my response to Hendy- I researched for almost two hours this morning after reading his post and could not find a single mention of smart meter and VantagePoint. This seems to be a company very focused on the environment.

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I’m retired with 35 years from a California utility. We simply disagree about any dangers from smart meters. IMHO, this argument takes away from and enhances the illusion that RFK is beset with heterodox opinions. I’m still a supporter though.

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Smart meters offer more dangers than they do solutions to them.

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As I stated, this is a minority opinion and is not helpful to getting Bobby elected.

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Why would that be important to anyone else?

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Apr 27
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I didn't state any such thing.

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I have a 34 year clean Commercial Drivers License, but that doesn't mean that I either support or oppose driverless tractor-trailers.

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Thank you so much for speaking out so clearly on this frustrating topic. Please know that there is a really good bill that has been introduced to allow NYers to hang onto their old analogs with no penalty. It needs a big swell of support to get it out of committee: https://www.americansforresponsibletech.org/nysmartmeters Hope to get the word out that these are the last crucial weeks this session for folks to call their legislators!

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Also important to know that the industry employed mercenary tobacco scientists to negate citizen health complaints, across the country - from the product defense firms Gradient and Exponent.

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Why is RFK not on campuses - protesting genocide of Palestinians ??

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