Debra, Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to share your story. Like you I recognized the potential for the future when we elect a man like Mr Kennedy. Let's get it done.

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RFK Jr also showed up in Salem, OR to help defeat a bill which would have taken away parents' rights to exempt their children from the school vaccine schedule.

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A wonderful story with important and salient points, and it is beautifully written and expressed - bravo!

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Thank you for this beautiful piece and for sharing your heart as one who has been on the front lines of many important battles with our dear Mr. Kennedy. I promise to "Hold the Line" with you!

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Excellent article. Thanks

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Thank you for this article!! Sharing the following lightly, for anyone interested: there is a consistent Sunday 7 pm PT zoom prayer group for RFK Jr.’s safety, led by Rev. Wendy Silvers. Lasts 10-15 min., tops, start to finish. Inclusive of all faith paths (omni-denominational), the prayer is for Bobby and Cheryl, their families and the team's safety and upliftment. Every Sunday, 7 pm PT. Sign up is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpde6sqTIrHdS6AAXdsrTL-TxbkTai6go2#/registration

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Malika, thank you so much for providing this link. Many like myself have been praying individually, but I'm happy to know about this prayer group. I registered and sent the link to others.

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Laurie, I am so glad this spoke to you and that you felt moved to share the link with others! Praying solo is wonderful, and together~ very uplifting!

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I hope he continues to make health freedom central, and relentlessly bring up the Nuremberg Code, so grossly violated. Childrens' Health Defense. YES. Gazan childrens' lives matter! too. Bombing their homes does not "protect Israel." Imperative to speak out against the genocide, which of course does NOT mean giving cover to Hamas.

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he also needs to be the peace candidate- against all future and ongoing wars and incursions- to be the president of the leading war monger country in the world- supporting dictators around the world- we need a clear statement that he will not be the head of the war mongers

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Bravo! Extremely well articulated and referenced. RFK is our modern day Galileo. May we all join forces to break through the denial and the propaganda onslaught. In the end, Justice will prevail, and Bobby will be hailed as a hero.

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In Minnesota Team Humanity is sharing the stories of the vaccine injured. Team Humanity believes that we are called to speak for the weak and the voiceless. We are called to tell our stories, gather those who are struggling, and offer them hope and help. We are called to pull those who are stuck in the shadows and darkness into the light. We are part of this movement. If we don’t share our stories we will continue to be considered “acceptable collateral damage”. https://teamhumanity.substack.com/p/who-is-team-humanity

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Monster reasons to vote for RFK Jr. Medical freedom is something no one else running for president is talking about. Basically it’s my body and no one should force an injection into it. Next is his love for a clean environment free from cancer causing chemicals like “Roundup”. I believe he can unite this divided country along political parties as well as race. As we would say in Wyoming--Give em hell Bobby!!!

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Hold the Line includes all human rights especially now opposing genocide in Gaza.

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Kennedy is the leader we need. This means more than any one viewpoint ever can.

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We are actually yet to see how successful a Bobby Kennedy would be in the White House. Bobby Kennedy was in the White House as the brother of the president and with what appears to have been a very free rein to go after the mob. That is actually a much easier target to hit than drug addicts and chronic health candidates. Drug addicts, for the most part, dont want to stop and a $500 a day crack habit is literally that. They have to come up with $500 each and every day to feed their habit or face the wrath of their drug dealer(s) and a $500 a day drug habit does tend to make you unemployable. Chronic health candidates are, the most part, the result of their lifestyle. A lifestyle change sounds like a noble cause for the man in the White House to embark on but the fact remains only the slob on the lounge can put in the hard yards to make it a success. I look forward to a President Kennedy but I have my doubts about him having more success than failures at either of those two goals. You cant change people who don't want to change themselves. (In Australia I could put a joke in there about wives and husbands, and get plenty of likes, but America takes itself far too seriously and it isnt worth the lunacy of the replies from the offended crowd.) Kennedy probably has more chance of negotiating peace with Putin than of achieving either of those goals.

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I appreciate all that Kennedy is doing--however, I do hope he will reconsider his stance on the killing of babies. There is no logic in saving the world but allowing the babies to be killed. His support would go through the roof if he would change his mind on this issue.

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the world is at a critical moment, possible getting into a broader geopolitical war. people are being slaughtered in gaza, they have no food, water, electricity and are doing surgeries without anesthesia and rfk has been largely silent. not a word about the suffering and humanitarian crisis in gaza. instead he goes on the rubin report and expresses his one sided, biased views on the isreali palastinian conflict, which is to largely out dated and so biased. he sounds just like the neo cons that he criticizes. how is he going to heal the divide, end the forever wars, reign in the military industrial complex when he is tone deaf on the Palestinian suffering? this should be the issue he should be speaking about instead he is silent while over 10,000 gazans have already died and Israel is using excessive force and 2,000 pound bombs in civilian neighborhoods. how can he lead this country when he remains silent regarding such human suffering and acting like a neo con himself. his position is hypocritical, he is not the man to bring americans and the world together when he sees the isreali palastinian conflict as one sided and views palastinians as the bad guys. he has said over and over again that the use of placing groups into good guys and bad guys is a huge part of the problem, yet that is exactly what he is doing. How disappointing and shameful. if he doesn't stand for humanity and is willing to look the other way, even the best healthcare system won't begin to fix our problems.

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