Excellent article!

I have one important question: Shouldn't the War Over Disinformation be won? Or does The New York Times want that war to be lost?

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The NYT is the fake news. Who cares what they "want"?

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It's a great comfort to know that there are people like the brilliant and courageous Dr Aaron Kheriaty to remind us that we are at risk, and that governments habitually behave very badly.

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I thought the exact same thing. The 99% is full of heroes like these men.

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Chalk it up to another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Exactly, though the Beacon got it right this time.

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Excellent article. It all changed with Trump Derangement Syndrome. My family and majority of my liberal friends fit the description in this article to a T. I've been saying it, not as articulately, and wishing someone would write about it. I stopped reading the NYT, WaPost and New Yorker four years ago when it was undeniable that they were establishment propaganda outlets and more concerned about their sponsor revenue than the truth. Thank you! Sharing.

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most of the US has developed immunity to rabid anti-Trump messaging. coastal metros, however, are still susceptible.

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Think about it – A Genocide in YOUR Name !!

A “temporary” pear US is building in Gaza is -- to export intentionally starved and utterly desperate Palestinians to, perhaps St. Helena or northern Pakistan – but out of Palestine. A Nakba-2 horror.

The ones who remain will – die, according to Nazi-dominated Israeli government.

US-Israel cabal is implementing Hitler’s “Final Solution” – we are watching it in real time on TV.


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John Leake attempted to "investigate" the Maui terrorist attack.

His reporting as Dr. M's sidekick was terrible. He consistently missed the

actual issues even after visiting. He had alot to say though missed the actual

evidence and facts, thus degenerated into blaterfest writing.

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Kudos to the Beacon for actually reporting the truth about the fake news NYT.

Guest editors like Talbot ought to pay attention, their employer is the fake news.

Instead of Trump bashing the actual issues are reported here. Perhaps that is a direction to set sail?

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