On autism: please see the late Dr. Rashid Buttar's site https://autismdefined.net/

I don't know if Dr. Buttar's clinic continues his work of helping autistic children, but I do know he helped a lot of children including his own son, so he knew what he was doing.

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Such a tragic loss for humanity. He was exceptional.

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These values are great. Dignity and love and the sovereign nature of all, yes! Merry Christmas and on to the Whitehouse--forward ever!

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Mr Conte thank you for a beautiful Christmas post, from both you and Mr. Kennedy. Nov 2024 can not come soon enough- we have much work to do to get Mr Kennedy on the ballot first in all 50 states, but it is astounding what together we can do. God believed in us enough that He gave us His son. It’s time we believe in each other, work together to elect a leader of unparalleled integrity -a leader we deserve who believes in us -and create a better nation for our children, their children , and the world. Thank you for inspiring us weekly through your work!

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This is so heartbreaking and heartwarming. Keep going Bobby and take us to the truth of our human condition today even if it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable!!

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The mercury in the old vaccines that were really vaccines was a MEGA deal so thanks for bringing it up!

The current HOAX of the jabs laced with a varying collection of really bad stuff and labelled as a vaccine to sell the jab is unspeakable EVIL!! BIG PHARMA had the smarts to get legal liability from negligence and stupidity for their marketing.

HOWEVER they are quite liable for FRAUD!


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Merry Christmas 🎄and looking forward to 2024 when we get Bobby in the WH👍❤️

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Great sentiments, but we can't help but note the catastrophe happening in Gaza to so many children! Here is a familiar Christmas song from the children of Ramallah. Please listen for its 4 minutes,


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2024 will be the most transformative year in our lifetimes. Bobby is a guiding force to help us usher in positive change.

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RFK Jr.'s words reek with hypocrisy. When will he speak out against the genocide against the people of Gaza?

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A bit of a reality check from Kunstler here. Sorry if the truth hurts.

"You may have noticed that our country, formerly a republic of sovereign individuals, has become one great big racketeering operation run by a mafia-like cabal with Marxist characteristics

or, at least, Marxist pretenses."


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A term that is mentioned more frequently by the day is microbiome. In us humans it refers mainly but not only to the flora in the gut, the non-human organisms that are vital to our health AND our immunity to disease. Indeed these little buggers are all over the place. Even on the skin surface. We are barely human, to quote Zach Bush, MD. If I state that all vaccines ... ALL ... attack the microbiome thereby compromising immune function and even cognitive function, how far off from the truth would I be? So close that refusing ALL vaccines is thoroughly rational. Most other pharmaceuticals likely do the same. So close that the link between MMR and little boys who got the shot at 2 months exhibited an unmistakable preponderance of autistism diagnoses, as explained by Dr. Hooker, is no surprise. So close that the slaughter of 61000 laptop millenials in the age group 25 to 45 in Q3’21 was documented by group life payouts because they were over-vaccinated as children, never overcame the induced immune compromise when they grew to adulthood, took jobs compatible with a life of gaming and junk food, and died within days of their mandated COVID shots. Age 35 was birth year 1986, passage of VICA and the exponential proliferation of childhood vaccines.

Do doctors lie to us? Consider that 96% of them still recommend the COVID shots because they just cannot backpedal. Who by now does not know that the COVID shots are not a Pharma product but rather the work of DOD contractors produced with no quality control? Since 30% of the vials were duds either by manufacturing errors or poor handling, what kind of public health intervention was that? Thank goodness. Had the vaccines been uniform with full mRNA octane, a pretty good fraction of the population would have been wiped out. 25% of voters refused. 100% of Biden’s electorate took it. You can thank me for passing on a rather nasty remark that I COULD make. Ever play volleyball and that perfect spike setup is right there in front of you? Did you decide not to spike it because it would hurt the feelings of the other team? Of course doctors lie to us on this particular topic. The COVID shots are thoroughly worthless and destructive. Dr. Hazan explained that they wipe out the bifidobacteria in the gut. Babies normally have loads of bifidobacteria in their adorable little intestines. UNLESS the mother got the shots! Then the baby has NONE! What does this portend for the child’s development? Minimally 10 trips to CHOP in the first year of life. And what about cognitive development? The pediatrician doesn’t know shit. Moreover Dr. Wakefield was right all along. He SHOULD be a NOBEL recipient for deducing the gut -brain interaction ahead of everyone.

So let’s get rid of autism and other chronic diseases. We start by protecting the gut flora and protecting the human brain AT ALL COST from conception onward. And focusing the practice of health care and self care on immune science. Clean up the food supply and realize that the soil has a microbiome too. So does your cat. And the farm animals whose contribution to soil reclamation is CRITICAL. But they can’t do it in feed lots where they the wrong food, producing the methane and pools of hazmat blamed for climate change.

What is climate change? CO2 emission is not great but it is not a crisis. We have time to achieve sustainability. The climate crisis is code language for the depopulation agenda. A pretext to declare all humans worthless and forfeit to the grand cause of climate change. No

matter who you are. Nuval and Klaus say it is so. Like my colleagues at work, decades past their PhDs who took the shots to keep their jobs. They died for NOTHING! Me? No-take-em. I lived to becoming a Bobby Kennedy max donor.

John Kerry bemoaned all the folks dying from coal emissions. No real argument there. Coal not great.

But he pretends not to know that 1M Americans perished in our hospitals and another million from the shots. As pointed out, it could have been a lot more but for the incompetence of the DOD. And what about fake approvals for the shots and remdesivir? What is this but the depopulation agenda? It’s not about “saving the planet” because it produced 1M tons of medical waste and semi tractor trailer loads of corpses trucked out of the hospitals for cremation. And they cost $450k apiece, funneled to the medical industrial complete.

So I don’t want to hear about “climate crisis.” Let’s hear about pollution crisis and the remedies right in front of us that entail both medical and agricultural reform. And creativity in domestic energy production achieving energy independence, as opposed to flash cuts that will only involve us in more foreign wars.

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Merry Christmas!

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RFK is interviewed by Charlie Kirk and asked several simple questions.

Not only does he flounder, he fumbles. It's over. That has nothing to do with his major contributions

which are many. He is the only prominent politician that called the Quaxcine out and has single handedly dealt a death blow to the pathetic Democrat party.

The floundering is here: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2023/12/rfk-jrs-answer-to-supreme-court-justice-questions-ends-his-2024-chances/

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Important well-written review of the country by Victor D. Hanson.

"If what we saw after October 7, or the wild and out-of-control reign of weaponized local and state prosecutors, or what we watch nightly on television at the border, or the paralyses we witness abroad of our military, or the breezy way in which our officials promise groups here and abroad billions of dollars in easy money, continues into 2024, then the country as we knew it will become unrecognizable." (It already is long gone down the rabbit hole.)


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Important well-written review of the country by Victor D. Hanson.

"If what we saw after October 7, or the wild and out-of-control reign of weaponized local and state prosecutors, or what we watch nightly on television at the border, or the paralyses we witness abroad of our military, or the breezy way in which our officials promise groups here and abroad billions of dollars in easy money, continues into 2024, then the country as we knew it will become unrecognizable." (It already is long gone down the rabbit hole.)


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Autism numbers are so staggering that it's almost impossible not to call it the biggest crime in the history of the U.S. RFK, Jr.has been with us on autism for so many years, unlike any others. My good friend Anne does a fantastic job keeping us up on autism stories, numbers, all of it. Thank you Lou for this piece.. It's simply too deprssing to even confront the truth and too depressing to know that our government, health agencies, most doctors don't give a damn and lie al lthe time.

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