Congratulations to RFK Jr. for standing up against the Uniparty death cult that is destroying America.


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Your book looks like a must read. I am spending my quality time/energy in trying to get Kennedy on the ballot in Florida and then elected. When I read the summary of your book I could not help but feel my own complete lack of education/knowledge on our history and how frustrating it must be for people like you and Mr. Kennedy who know “from whence we came” , to listen to those of us shout out about the “right” answers to what we see as the real problems. Once Bobby is president I hope to read your book. Thank you

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Thank you for your heartwarming response. Also please take a look at the short Amazon reviews. You will be glad to see my reference to RFK, Jr. in Chapter 17 of my book when you read it. His own book on Fauci has been an important part of my own education.

Indeed, the future of humanity is at stake. The Biden administration is run by genocidal maniacs.

Thanks again.


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I was the attorney who helped the People's Party sue Florida to change their ballot access laws, which require persons to be registered as independent FOR A YEAR prior to signing a ballot access petition.

DeSantis is scum, but not for the reasons the Democrats give; DeSantis supervised the torture of Guantanmo detainees as a military lawyer.


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I will be signing Maria Davis' petition on Wednesday May 8th, at Bantry Bay Irish Pub. We are old Special Needs family friends and her daughter Noa Davis is painting a Falcon painting for Bobby. Maria is originally from Venezuela, and has been in NYC for years. This is her first voting election, and she is petitioning for and voting for Robert F Kennedy Jr for President of the United States of America!! I am really excited to sign her petition.

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We WILL put Mr Kennedy on the ballot here in ny. We WILL put Mr Kennedy on the ballot in fifty states and the district of Columbia. And then we will campaign to get him elected on a platform of honesty in government. Whatever they throw at him and us we WILL prevail and repair this decaying system and we the people WILL leave a better opportunity for the kids.

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"Due to such challenges, a candidate realistically needs to submit over double the minimum number of signatures as a buffer in order to qualify for the ballot in New York."

Gee willikers! You'd almost think the certifiers were worried about election fraud.or something. Maybe the petition signers should have to show picture ID and have their signatures verified against their voter resignation forms.

Also, I'm pretty sure that requiring an actual address discriminates against people of color who are more likely to be homeless or not remember where they live.

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I wanted the next 3rd party to be named "The Human Party"

Join the party.

Vote Human.

I'm dead serious too. I do not believe that they are all fully human with human interests.

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Please see this new article on monetary reform. Would appreciate it if you passed it on to Mr. Kennedy.


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Fun fact, the Working Families Party has never run a non-Democrat for office; that's right, it is a Democrat-run fraud designed to redirect would-be third party voters from the Greens and Libertarians and PSL.

They are able to do so because some state laws allow the same candidate to be the nominee of multiple parties. As an example, Howie Hawkins was the Green Party and Socialist Party nominee in several states in 2020.

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The Bobby Kennedy video Meta doesn’t want you to see, narrated by Woody Harrelson.

https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1786816692611592223 (26K views)

https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1787752278377824612 (22++M views)

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> "“over the two pandemic years, New York lost 651,742 residents” who moved out of state, causing New York to lose one of its congressional districts. "

I was just wondering how all the movement because of the pandemic affected the electoral college vote allocation. I know a lot of California left for other states. Is the census of 2020 used, or are more recent numbers reflecting all the moves used for 2024?

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