When Bobby becomes President, I hope he reforms the court system so that they are more accessible to injured people and the cases move more quickly. It seems like the courts are our best hope for the people against corrupt corporate government these days. Bobby and Aaron Siri have done more for public safety in litigation lately than any regulating body.

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Another poison being inflicted on us by ourselves in many cases. Quit buying it and using it. We have seen the enemy and it is the person in the mirror.

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Didn’t vote

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Exposer to politicians who never actually fix the big issue causes depression. Getting up every morning knowing that no matter how much positivity I put into my job, I still won’t have enough to take my children or my wife to any of the places they’ve been wanting to go and still make it to work the rest of the week let alone pay the 100% lie that our landlords ask for causes depression. In fact at this point depression is something we are born with, most of us are to stubborn to admit we even have it. We all know deep down the truth of our situation, and that voting is probably what is actually tying us to our situation, if we vote we would at least have an argument. We could say hey wait non of us voted for any of the things your signing of on, so are hands are free of it. Then we draw a line in the sand and go our separate ways?? What do you think?

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It's GREAT Bobby is fighting Round Up! Terrific! But now that it looks like Pres. Biden will probably drop out of the presidential race, (his age) Democrats will be looking for a candidate. They'll have a look at Bobby. He should try to look/talk "presidential" now, rather than the environmental lawyer he has always been.

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I subscribe to the don't bathe in roundup school of thought and this very topic is going through Australian courts at the present moment so it remains to be seen what a sane court system makes of the issue.

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I remember long ago waking up to the cold reality that the FDA approving a food product for market had nothing to do with it being good for people to ingest. Same with prescription drugs. Now I know every regulating agency is corrupt and has nothing to do with the safety and welfare of the people, the planet and all its life forms. I'm grateful to Bobby for being able to tell the truth and wanting to put people first. He needs to keep doing that and not backing down, showing he will not fall into the corruption. I believe he is our best hope for change, real change.

Always spend your money supporting what you believe in. Organic food, regenerative agriculture, family farms. We must stop buying cheap imitation food, not supporting the "convenience" of it all. Same with taking the time to weed the garden not spraying it with toxins. If the corporations creating all this "junk" aren't making money poisoning us and we demand better, they will go bankrupt or change what they are creating. It's always about the money and where we will spend it. It is ultimately the people who create the demand. We must demand better!

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East Palestine Off the Rails!

To see what’s really happening with the residents check out this Facebook group.

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Thank you and -- love the illustrations. Any link to capture each of them -- for reposting?

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Thanks for reporting the landmark Monsanto glyphosate suit that far too few are aware of since news that negatively affects profits seldom percolates through corp news. Fun fact.. US drug enforcement operations in South America led by Dyncorp use glyphosate as their primary tool for eradication of marijuana fields and once an area is soaked with Roundup the only thing that will grow in the area are Roundup Ready seeds.. great racket for stealth capture of farmland.

None of this would be possible if widely used chemicals were tested for safety or human health effects but that isn't how it works. Absence of testing and lack of evidence of harm is treated as if the substances are perfectly safe. It's what I like to call don't look don't find policy.

Scorecard is the global authority for chemical safety the database was online until 2020 when UC Davis who had hosted it pulled the site & posted a note - "This project has ended" much like CDC with mRNA adverse effects.

Scorecard - Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe. For the chemicals being used in large quantities, Scorecard tells you whether or not eight basic types of tests for health and ecological effects have actually been conducted, based on the public record.


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For the record I’m all for a Kennedy win, but do I think he’s honest, debatable!!! I think the nature of this game in its entirety is dishonesty. Thankfully all this has come to show me that god exists, that he has always provided, and that he has always loved us. I needed to recognize this evil before I could truly grasp it. I thankful I saw it before it was to late, and I really hope if there is anyone out there that questions it like I did, that they come to know him.

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