The Tsunami of Love continues! With ever expanding waves of appreciation from all sectors!

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With legendary stars like these Bobby continues his path to the Presidency.

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The more big names and celebrities that endorse Kennedy the better. Rock on Bobby

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He is exactly what this country needs!! With the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; who Bobby isn't afraid to discuss and you can feel he clearly has a beautiful relationship with our Savior! He presents himself as a man of God, a great man of faith by how he speaks. Which is VERY important. He's been working for our country and God for years!! I share his truth with as many people as I can, even the ones who are still on that Trump train. I used to be one of those people until Warp speed...you do not warp speed ANYTHING in life. & I actually listened to what Trump says during his rallies, same song and dance and bashing everyone, egotistical and will never admit when he's wrong. The rest of the candidates as well are receiving boat loads of $ from big pharma, big tech & big, crooked corporations.

Kennedy 2024!! all the way!!!

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RFK JR Our only hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Covid was the great revealer. It revealed who your true friends were. It revealed what kind of person you are. It undoubtedly revealed the massive corruption in government and media. It revealed the amount of propaganda we are subject to in order to sway and control our emotions. It revealed how terribly broken the education system is. It revealed the weak foundation and bought-off studies most scientific opinion is built upon. It revealed that the world we were living in was essentially just an illusion and it revealed the true evil that permeates throughout it. The silver lining is that we can see this so clearly now (well, some of us anyway). And the opportunity ahead is to take back the good bits we all had growing up, reapply them, and carve a brand new path forward for future generations. One that’s built on truth and integrity. That excites me very much, and I’m willing to spend the rest of my life working toward that goal. I hope you are too. Have faith and push back. - found this on x.


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nice endorsements. I wish it wasn't so difficult to get others to look beyond the slander, distortions and lies and cherry-picked snippets. unless you actually read/listen to the entirety of what he has to say, you have NO idea what he actually believes and intends. even though I disagree with the hardline stance on support of Israel, I will still be voting for him. any suggestion that he is part of the warmongering Dem machine is BS. while others bluster and spout rhetoric, he is explaining actual geopolitical nuance and recognizing the right of others to disagree. that's miles above the crap coming out of other pols on either side of the aisle.

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Answer me this Kennedy Beacon. At the Philly event, Rabbi Boteach stated on stage that Sirhan Sirhan murdered Bobby’s Dad.

This was both insensitive, incorrect and crude opportunism ... a cheap swipe at Arabs in the context of the Hamas crisis if two days earlier. Why did Bobby not correct him? This seems to say Bobby is not quite independent after all.

I’m very sad. I’m grateful for all Bobby has done ... CHD especially. His truth telling to date has been profound. He is the only candidate to put at the top of his agenda elimination of chronic disease, widespread regenerative farming practices, an end to war and policing of the planet using bombs instead of Billy clubs, using our GDP for internal improvements and economic development /recovery instead of forever war.

Now what about vaccines? We need universal philosophical exemption. All vaccines attack the microbiome. This is a reason to eliminate all of them ...they offer only immune suppression.

But now Bobby seems to be afraid of the label “antivaxxer.” He speaks of “no new mandates” instead of ALL mandate revocation. This is a bit of a sell out.

IMO Bobby should worry less about winning and more about truth telling ongoing...at all cost.

He has kind of un-declared his independence.

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