What is amazing to me is that there are still so many Democrats who limit their information gathering to mainstream media, including print media. I had a friend tell me recently that she believes everything she reads in the New York Times. People like this are so far out of the information pool that there is no way to even introduce alternative ideas or the sources for them.

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alas, I have a few of those in my family. I tried in vain to get my own sister to realize that MSNBC is an OPINION channel, NOT a 'news' channel. they are not reporting the news, they a pushing a party line. period. as (bad) luck would have it, she was visiting our parents (with whom I live & care for) when all the Trump indictments went down. MSNBC was on for HOURS, with my sister on the edge of her seat, watching their pundits practically pee their pants in glee. I finally commented, 'for folks that claim to detest Trump, they sure let him suck up all the oxygen in the room'. you literally cannot have a conversation with my sister and her husband in which the narrative is challenged. my BIL got in a shouting match with my last summer because he insisted that 'adverse reactions' themselves are a 'conspiracy theory'. ugh.

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Some have mud on their eyes, some have dust on their eyes.. the only ones we have a chance with are the dusted.. your sister is obviously caked with Mud...

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apt analogy, Curt. its so frustrating and actually lonely, trying to have a decent time socially (as all in my circle except my mom, to an extent, and adult son) are total 'normies'. any in-depth intellectual discussions are definitely OUT. this past weekend, my SIL actually yelled at me, 'we don't, and can't be expected to, understand the stuff you talk about!' SHE started a convo about the increased incidence of self-harm behaviors among youth; I tried to talk about some of the concepts that Bret Weinstein & Jordan Peterson use regarding this. (I have a degree in developmental psychology) Its literally like people refuse to THINK anymore. ditto with my bff (of over 50 yrs!). SHE went off on a rant over a comment I made about learning from people you don't necessarily agree with. (she basically said that she couldn't be expected to have any respect for anyone that doesn't agree with her.) WTF has happened to our society?!

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Yeah it is that bad. Question is were they ever able to think??

Now as 2000 years ago, whoever asks the best questions gets the best answers. Most simply get in the back seat of someone else's car...

At this point they are not innocent...

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You could not edify your sister if the prize were 50 million in cash. It really is that bad, sadly... Such souls are lost and are fools... I am interested in knowing any who see the irrefutable evidence and admit their inaccurate assessment. So for none

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rare in the extreme, that's for sure. I got red-pilled in regards to pharma and the captured regulatory agencies, about 16 yrs ago. the political shenanigans I have only been hip to for about 6 yrs. been following Bobby since '16 and honestly never thought he would run for office, he said many times he wasn't interested. I think the covid debacle was a massive wake-up call for him, along with many other people.

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It's worse than that even. They won't believe it if it *isn't* in, or if contradicted by, the NYT, WaPo, NPR or CNN.

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Mainstream news isn't "independent" nor are they "journalists," nor do they publish "news" or "facts."

Global corporations BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and JP Morgan-Chase own controlling interests in all mainstream news agencies and outlets.

The news media is also heavily influenced by their biggest advertisers: Pharma, Gates, Rockefeller Foundation and governments.

Mainstream news publishes only propaganda, PR and disinformation for their corporate masters, pushing their agendas.

They also falsely discredit and censor anyone who opposes those agendas, like RFK, Jr.

Only independent journalists/organizations publish unbiased and factually accurate news today.

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Aka, it’s fascism, which is an old story.

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Keihatsu - Thank you. Accurate, Analytical, Penetrating, Perceptive, Spot on.

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Keihatsu - Respects. Keep up your great analyses. JFK Removal is something I am embroiled w/. Thank you from collapsing Chicago where the 2024 Democratic National Convention will be. In 1968 we had riots here w/ Mayor Daley Issuing shoot to kill orders. I am always sorry for ALL Innocent Victims. best... bb.


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What I love about these treacherous times is incredibly bright aware souls who know exactly what is going on. False beliefs parroted by the fake news is like cheap toilet paper...

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Rachel isn’t so much a journalist as an entertainer. Imagine if she admitted to being mistaken about Russia-gate, quit her addiction to lying, and restored her humanity, then embraced the real Democratic party’s platform; peace, justice, equality, and honestly allowed RFK to cast out her snarky-ness. Imagine that...

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I CAN'T imagine it. she truly IS the queen of conspiracy theories.

I'll never forget the dripping distain with which she skewered RFK jr, back in '16, when then-incumbent Trump announced he wanted Bobby to head a commission to study the safety of vaccines. 'I USED to respect his (Bobby) environmental work'... then proceeded to paint him as a complete loony because its CRAY CRAY to want independent review of medical products mandated to go into every child in the country! 'we already KNOW that all vaccines are perfectly safe. that conspiracy theory has been debunked years ago.' Poor Bobby has lost his mind...

Of course then the ol' Trumpster must not have realized that you don't F with Pharma (they own the whole show in this country). when the heat turned into an inferno, he threw Bobby under the bus, post haste.

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“It could happen!” Judy Tenuda. Didn’t it happen to Saint Paul?

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Scott, just wondering what that "real" platform is? You are making the case that the party is salvageable. It is not. By no means defaulting to the RepubiCons. We do not need a two party system at all. We need honest people who understand the issues and communicate directly to us. The main stream media has imploded, the avalanche has broken off the cliff, there is no reparation.

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I applaud every word in this post except two: it is "primrose path" not "primrose pass;" and in falling into place we "toe the line" not "tow the line" (although both actually make sense as written). If I want cable TV service, I have no choice but to subscribe to both MSNBC and Fox News. They are as financially disconnected from their audience as the DNC is from voters. As the man south of Richmond sang, "It's a shame."

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A damn shame...

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more often than not spell check completely changes words!! One has to proof read everything as spell check is in the deliberate biz of making people look stupid...

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Anyone who wants to see why the legacy media is no longer is relevant need look no farther than the recent hit piece by David Remnick in the New Yorker about Robert F Kennedy Jr.

The author begins with a fictional account of sitting next to a stranger in a train and listening to him spout off about 5G towers, and WiFi causing “leaky brain.” He never claims these are Kennedy’s views, but a casual reader could easily walk away with the impression that this is the case.

He accuses Kennedy of “roiling with conspiracy theories” such as SSRI’s cause school shootings (which they unquestionably do), and that vaccines cause autism (eighty-nine studies have demonstrated a link between vaccines and autism).

And of course Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

These people think we are really stupid.

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A day fast approaches when listening to these fool makes their stupid allegations valid...

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Indeed the fake news is just that. There is no reason to read and report on their non sense.

In fact doing so allows them to program. Speaking intelligently about 5G threat is intelligent

and the evidence is compelling now and years earlier if you did not know... It is always about the details, always...

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We elected Obama twice. We elected Fetterman. We keep re-electing Feinstein… and you say we aren’t stupid?

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BigMedia, BigPharma, the UN and WHO are pawns of the WEF and transnational money. We must bring back control to the people. We must eliminate the control by the military / industrial complex, that can only thrive with continual wars; enemies must be created. THE WORLD DESPERATELY NEEDS, RFK,JR NOW.

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indeed, it was Trump that got us out of the WHO!! Kennedy would do the same. Abandon these criminal enterprises. There is no reformation... The world needs honesty. We desperately need to implode the Democratic and Republican parties!!

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Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News, is doing a lot more than lowering their ratings. His easy, comfortable shift to X (twitter) is catalyzing the attention to thousands of other news reporters on a vastly growing number of social media platforms and websites. In case you haven't noticed, this trend is the future of cyber information, and it isn't going to stop! Look out Rachael Maddow, you were done years ago when you gaslighted the world with your Russia hate propaganda. Humanity is crawling out from the TV, and desperate for the true news or the world. RM is one of those who put Americans in a self-motivated bubble, which is now bursting. . . . Furthermore I feel that RFK, Jr. is also greatly contributing to this trend, as he gives interview after interview on unknown sites with little known reporters. This is the way to the people. This is the way to a win!

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RFK certainly has a novel way to expose the fraud, as an insider.

I suspect it is not the way to win...that may not even be the goal.

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The only thing you will find today in the MSM is narrative reporting. Trump’s name for them Fake news hits them right between the eyes. There is nothing they report on that doesn’t fit the narrative

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There is a history of propagandizing in our MSM becomes most brazen with the lies we see in the mainstream media roughy since 2019. Utter stupidity does not seem to make it less effective. Rachel Madcow for example has stated the re-election of Trump will be the end of elections because his agenda is to rule as dictator ... feeding the J6 “insurrection” narrative believed by the 100% COVID vaccinated Biden electorate.

JFK and RFK assassinations, Warren commission, Viet Nam, two Gulf wars, WTC demolition, 9/11 commission, Iraq, the fake pandemic, rigged 2020 election, open border, mass extermination of Americans by the State, useless shots, illegal

Mandates that killed employees, universal failure of informed consent by means of fraud, lockdowns that destroyed 3M businesses ... for NO reason ... DOJ promoting crime and urban decay, corrupt Ukraine policies, shutting down energy production in the name of climate crisis as the US is actively set up to default on intractable debt. All this sold or obfuscated to the public by MSM propaganda.

Is this really all from within? I’m not so sure. Are there interests that reside outside our borders that manipulate the current WH and administration, dedicated to the suppression of US influence? Interests that have been already acting over the long term? Some say China, but that is not so clear. The world wide pattern of medical tyranny and the “woke” revolution that went with it suggests something else. Maybe both. What ... on earth ... is going on?

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and stupid snowflakes repeat this dictator mantra as if they said something intelligent!

exactly none of them can list egregious mis steps Madcow is a commie fool...

I have far more valuable things to do than listen to her... Yes China has taken the country, and they are pawns for the oligarchs... The medical cartel is owned and controlled by the same, now as before

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Thank you for this article Mr. Kovalik!

John Martine

Florence, MASS.

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I too live in Mass. Farther east in Lincoln, a truly brainwashed blue and only blue little town, full of academics and PMCs (Professional Managerial Class - who IMHO do very little for the people general) what Thomas Frank calls the "corporate and cultural elitism of the [DIM] Party." And now that there's a "New" vax the town is having another vaccine clinic, for children as well. My entire family is vaxed and boosted and they can't wait for the next. It's so sad for me (I worry about the long term effects of these dangerous, profit drive drugs). I find it very difficult to live in this state in general. So glad to hear another Mass resident speak up. RFKjr gives me hope.

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We will watch as these people perish, there is no way to prevent this at this point.

Death and disability up 40% since 3rd quarter of '21, has not decreased since!!

The long term effects are far less concerning than the immediate genocide that is happening. Anyone at this point that roles up their sleeve is a fool and will suffer the consequences. Those that facilitate this on their own children are simply unfit to parent.

No more excuses, none....

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Great article, Dan. A well known fact that is rarely spoken. Keep up the good work!!

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Humor:) It starts with Rachel Maddow but RFK Jr. gives a courageous statement at the end of the video. Sayin' a Lie 5:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqTGOFNuQRA&feature=youtu.be

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Does anyone have any recommendations for where to get straight, factual, non-propagandized news? I was looking at Associated Press this week, but have no idea whether they're any less bias than others.

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You will not find it on any msm platform. The news today requires effort. Substack is actually the best source of factual news imo; but I look all over - substack writers, podcasters, youtube citizen reporters, etc. When you gather numerous interpretations of events, you get a better understanding. Perhaps our biggest problem is accepting the idea that there is no non-biased truth out there. Every single person who is reporting or speaking has a bias. That's why you need many different perspectives to arrive at the truth that feels right for you.

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Thanks, I definitely need to change the whole way I ingest news. Spending more time sifting through it all can be frustrating, but if that's what it takes then so be it.

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100% correct ^^

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I like the Epoch Times. They have certain biases (anti-China and anti-abortion are the big ones) but they cover a lot that other news agencies won't touch and have a lot of well-written articles.

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Thankyou, I'll add them to my list.

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AP is another parrot of the narrative. you really have to shop around, I've found. get used to reading/listening to a variety of sources so you can learn where they lean (because no matter what, they all have at least a 'leaning' kind of bias.)

the alt media is still in the habit of being quite reactionary so finding middle ground is important. straight, old fashioned 'news reporting'... unfortunately, that's kind of a unicorn anymore. you have to be an astute consumer of media these days.

Rumble is NOT the MAGA habitat that MSM would have you believe. its a free speech platform so you're gonna find all kinds on there. Rebel News out of Canada is good. Epoch Times is okay, but all need to be taken with a grain of salt.

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Good to know I can disregard AP, thanks for the other recommendations,

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These aren't really "news outlets" in the sense of something like AP or Reuters or whatever that create headline news, but a significant part of my media diet these days is Taibbi's Racket News, especially the "America This Week" podcast with Walter Kirn, and Greenwald's "System Update" on Rumble. Greenwald in particular often has on reporters he respects and feels are honest brokers that you can then follow from there. Jimmy Dore has his topics he covers and also sometimes good reporters for guests also, such as Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate from The Gray Zone. Schellenberger's "Public" Substack. You have to jump around and piece it together from a lot of places. I also like The Hill's Rising and occasionally Breaking Points, though less so than when the hosts were on Rising before bailing to form their own show, both on YouTube. George Galloway is good too, as has been Russell Brand, but he may be gone now. I lean more left so I also like Due Dissidence, Revolutionary Black Network and Sabby Sabs, although their shows can be pretty long. Naked Capitalism blog.

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'Conspiracy Theorist' is NOW a complement and serves only to further debate since so much of what the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits HAS BECOME FACT AND IS NOW TRUE.

Will wear the epithet "Conspiracy Theorist' of the evil ones PROUDLY. Thank-you very much.

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Wonderful article Dan, MSM is a propaganda network that works for the DOD pushing conflict, war and a need to spend on the weapons industry. They are responsible for countless deaths.

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The real platform is relationship. Human beings speaking and listening to each other, creating a future for possibilities through language.

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