All the talk about whether this is going to hurt Trump or Biden more ignores the millions of people who were never going to vote for either one, but WILL be inspired to vote for RFK Jr, because we have a real candidate for the first time in our lives.

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Win RFK Jr!

The People who know and care are behind you!

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It does not surprise me that all media have failed to notice the quiet movement building under their feet ... when both parties look and act alike; when they are more interested in their power base than their voters; when the world we hold so dear is flipping on its head ... RFKJr is the new North Pole!

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I agree. The MSM and elites are oblivious to the immense groundswell building up for Kennedy. They will only realize it when the tsunami comes rushing in and it’s too late to wonder what is hitting them.

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Just like they kept saying that there was no way Trump was going to win the Republican primary until it was almost convention time and then there was no way that he was going to win the general election until after it was over.

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I've been a republican all my life. If you listen to RFK JR in all his interviews on utube fox, you will hear honest brilliant, ideas and values which all Americans have.


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There is a major topic that no one has addressed. Election fraud. If Election integrity is not restored, you have no hope of winning. We have had over three years to fix this problem but sadly have accomplished nothing. The hour is late !

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Ray R. You are 100% correct!!!!! NOTHING MATTERS UNTIL ELECTION INTEGRITY IS RESTORED!!!!!!! All of the elections are rigged!!!!!

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My hope would be that it will be too hard to calculate how many votes will be needed “ to appear from out of nowhere” in a 3 way race. If Biden (assuming he is not dropped from the ticket) & co over shoot their “supposed ballot harvesting” the fraud will be too evident. In other words, every voter who shows up and votes for Bobby takes away a potential fraudulent vote.

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The fraud was evident in 2020 but it was ignored by the so called media so therefore it didn't happen. Don't forget that you have to contend with the intelligence agencies and the corrupt justice department.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"

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Love these news round-ups, thank you! RFK, Jr. will be our next president.

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Details on what RFK Jr. would do if elected would be most welcome.

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I wonder if they will announce debates after the pivot. Now that they don't have to worry about actual opposition on the stage.

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And that “successful path” is what?

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Get out there and research Rfk’s plan, it’s not anyone’s job to do your research on candidates!!!

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RFKJR is the only candidate with any credibility.

DeSantis? He isn’t too bad. I wrote to him many times (as a Florida ex-pat) supporting his policies. Especially urging him to BACK OFF urging folks to take the shots. That’s me .. among many, many others … promoting what I learned from CHD. And he DID! Now his presidential campaign solicits me for donations daily.

Without Children’s Health Defense Skyhorse Press and Bobby Kennedy, who would DeSantis be but another Governor scared to death of COVID? There would have been no significant, COHERENT opposition to medical tyranny, IMO. Where would DeSantis be all on his own, but for the intensive investigations and interviews with unassailable medical and scientific leadership posted on CHD … by no means do I take away credit from ICAN, Brighteon and other arms of the health freedom movement. It’s just that the opposition to government narratives spread underground by CHD and the other alternative platforms to the rest of the country, in spite of MSM censorship. This should be recognized and appreciated. The impact of Bobby’s leadership on America to date cannot be understated ... only un-recognized by MSM. All this in addition to his long history of galvanizing both prosecution of environmental crimes and implementing solutions.

I use first-name familiarity to underscore the personal connection we all have to our candidate. Polymath though he is, he is one of us and among us. When it comes time to say “Mr. President” we’ll all be pleased.

Trump? There are things about Trump

that I like. But, in the run up to midterms, he, and the rest of the GOP, failed to grasp the reality of the COVID shots and point out how many Americans suffered death and injury from them since early 2021 when the Biden administration perpetuated the program and proceeded to mandate the shots for CMS and SOMEHOW coerced numerous companies and institutions to do the same. This resulted in extra-judicial killings of employees. The shots are completely useless, total garbage ... DOD sourced poison with universal failure of informed consent ... but nobody will talk about it. Why? Because it makes Trump look bad. Data that should have canned the shots altogether were available prior to mandates. But no, funneling our taxes to the Pharma/medical/hospital industry was the priority. Silence about this and about the extermination of Americans by the hundreds of thousands in the PREP/military managed COVID hospital wards was participation in self censorship by the Republican Party. The consequence was failure of the “red wave” and the squandered opportunity to challenge the criminal Biden administration with effective Congressional oversight. What we have now can hardly be described as a real challenge with so many RINOs voting for the war. Why did this happen? Because negative talk about the shots makes Trump look bad, superficial though such reasoning is.

This is the reason the Republicans have to concentrate on bribery and Hunter Biden rather than Crimes Against Humanity. That is serious enough material to move ahead with impeachment. But … it is entirely analogous to jailing Al Capone for tax evasion instead of the St.Valentine’s Day massacre.

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He can and he will.

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Wow... based on the clip from Sabi, there’s a chance that RFK is going to run as a People Party candidate?!?

That’s insane... I hope it’s not true, but Nick Brana talking about “we” makes it seems possible.

I hope it is not the case, but TPP is a hot mess...

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My older sister was telling me about a social media influencer who has a good record of “getting it right” with his political prognostications. Apparently this guy has been telling Trump supporters that Bobby’s run will not benefit Trump’s re-election chances. He also went on to say that there is a strong & influential network of (presumably upper middle class) mothers of vax injured children out there working on Bobby’s behalf. I don’t know if this is true or not, but it sounds plausible.

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What is the “sea change” he is talking about? Sounds like Obama “fundamental transformation”. “Change,” “transformation” are meaningless terms. What exactly is he advocating?

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He’s advocating to scale down the military industrial complex; curb censorship; defeat regulatory capture which threatens our health, democracy, and national security; humanely solve the border crisis, and restore American moral authority across the globe.

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Regulatory capture. Has he come clean on his past climate alarmism? The created climate crisis exists to implement centralized control and detailed interference in our lives. And it will impoverish all of us but especially those already lacking resources. When will he address this? He is on record advocating punishment for “climate deniers.” No free speech for skeptics.

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That was a wild misrepresentation. He was discussing punishment for CORPORATIONS which deliberately publish junk science and cost the public h hundreds of billions in healthcare costs

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Yes he mentions the Koch Bros but he is referring here to individuals.

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