My name is Magdalena Soul with KMSF-DB RADIO.I would love to get permission to air your kennedy beacon podcasts on my radio station. I am volunteer for the RFK JR. campaign and I am an avid fan of MLK JR. You can reach me at kcsfatccsf@gmail.com. My direct radio website if kcsf.caster.fm

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Dr. King would not allow the genocidal collective punishment bombing of Gaza to be u challenged and in fact would lead the world demanding a ceasefire and stop sending military support for this crime!

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For the Record: The JFK Truth and Amnesty Commission 1997

JFK LANCER, at its 1997 November In Dallas Conference, announced the formation of an independent task force to draft legislation establishing a legislative amnesty initiative. Its goal would be to encourage surviving material witnesses in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to come forward.

The sole founders of the original JFK Truth and Amnesty Commission are the late radical historian George Michael Evica, William Xanttopoulos, Esq., researcher Chris Courtwright, and writer Charles R. Drago.

We designed the initiative to be the logical successor legislation to the historic JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. It was modeled on the South Africa Commission of Truth and Reconciliation, and was intended, in the words of founder Evica, "...to make historical sense of the flood of new and important documents made available by the Assassination Records Review Board." Evica added, "We are offering what most likely will be the last opportunity for these witnesses to clear their conscience, serve their country, and tell the truth."

JFK Lancer generously allowed the founders to conduct an informal introductory meeting in one of its conference’s break-out rooms. More than 50 conference attendees were extraordinarily excited about our efforts to the point that they began to write checks to support it. George Michael took responsibility for setting up a non-profit entity, including its financial component.

At which point Lancer principal (we shall refer to her as Downer) lowered the boom. She marched onto the dais with a self-promoting researcher in tow and, without our permission, installed him as the putative commission director.

Within 48 hours, George Michael and I secured a unanimous agreement among the founders to withdraw from the bastardized entity that Downer had created out of whole cloth and unilaterally imposed upon us. Further, in accordance with our mutual mistrust of and disrespect for the self-promoter, George Michael ripped up the checks and returned them to the original donors.

Those with the most to lose from the Commission's work had acted swiftly and effectively. And I can’t help but wonder if the same forces have blunted the more recent JFK Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

I note for the record that none of the founders of the second attempt took the time and effort to research, let alone acknowledge, our earlier effort. So I conducted a comprehensive education campaign, recounting our story every time I saw a blog post and Social Media announcement touting the current work. Only Peter Dale Scott stepped forward to state publicly that, in his opinion, our groundbreaking initiative was worthy of the JFK research community’s attention and respect.

No one followed his lead.

History rhymes.

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Bobby: our strong beckoning candle!!

"But as long as a man

Has the strength to dream

He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there's a trembling question

Still I am sure that the answer, answer's gonna come somehow

Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle, yeah"

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