"...let he(she) who is w/o sin, cast the first stone."

Bobby Kennedy, Jr.'.s family has a demonstrated, earnest, & sincere Legacy of Caring for America

& American's, & our Core Values.

Bobby is focusing on the Truth. He is Focusing on Both Our Core Values & Our Core Problems.

"Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form

of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking."

-Any Rand.

Bruce Patrick Brychek, Chicago, Illinois

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Agreed, Bruce. Thank you.

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Love you Michael.

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As do we!

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Vivek ran off with your Super and that should be outlawed. (Not to start banning everything but that clearly was scam on investment and super funds and that is your money outside of your control) A failed alzheimers drug should never have been passed off as the next big thing in alzheimers. Fair enough, it might have been useful for something else if they found what it was useful for but it was never going to be useful for alzheimers if GlaxoSmithKline had run tests and rejected it.

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Pharmaceutical corruption goes deep, and GSK knows all about it. Apparently what we know about Alzheimer's remains in question. But they'll still try to sell you their miracle cure!

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Thank you Mr. Kane. This is vital for this sector.

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Absolutely, Albert.

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Congratulations to both Michael and American Values 2024. Michael has proven himself to be a leader whose passionate beliefs align with RFK Jr. This is going to be quite a year for all.

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