The ramping up of security state involvement in social media is directly correlated with the "release" of a novel pathogen that led to the lockdown of the world. Just more evidence that none of it was "accidental" and that we are all participating in their psyops.

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Great update but backdoor fascist control of cyberspace goes back much farther.. Read Assange's 2014 book When Google Met WikiLeaks and compare fate of Google founders and Julian Assange.


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Basically, we’re on par with China’s CCP or Russia when it comes to propaganda and information control. Congratulations, deep state. We’ve become our own worst enemy by denying our core values, constitutional rights, God given rights and adopting a totalitarian/top-down model. Bang up job feeding into the subversion of our country. You’ve been duped

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Wow- thanks for compiling and sharing this info. I will say, they sure do seem like a happy bunch of spooks- suggests something about our sorry state of affairs I guess...

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The election interference of the intelligence community needs a narrative to keep the big guy in the White house.


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Deeply Concerning. How do we overcome this group of anti-American elite who may have so much control ..... nothing matters??

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Consider this p;ease;

September 4, 2023 12:19 pm

The very idea of a political Party is abhorrent to a Republic as it puts the party between the citizen and their representative …. Return All representative selection to the County Level with an equal, in County, balanced, representation of incorporated City’s and unincorporated Rural areas…

Political office holder Selection:

(#1) The President of The USA is selected By and From the Current Governors of The States..…

(#2) The Governors of The States are selected By and From the Chief Executive of the County’s of the States...

(#3) The County Chief Executive is selected by and from the Sets of Commissioners….

(#4) The County has Two Equal Sets of Commissioners, some selected from Incorporated City's the other from Unincorporated areas outside City's ..…

(#5) Voting is In person Only with proof of Identity and Residency for a preceding time as long as the term of office.…

16 December 2023

What do I think, I would rather that the Governors of the 50 States select, from among their selves, One to serve as Executive President for a term of Four Years, renewable by a vote of Two Thirds of the Governors subsequently, and, One to serve as Vice President in case of incapacitation, until a new Executive can be selected by the Governors of the 50 States.....

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There are NO former officers of the CIA.....Just like there are NO former members of the KGB....

The Mask they wear just changes, but the Deceptive nature of their soul continues....Beware all....

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95% of them are Jewish and have dual citizenship with Israel. What a cohencidence.

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We are so screwed.

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Like yourself have nothing but tremendous respect for anyone who admits a huge false belief.

That would include Taibbi as well as half ways like Jimmy Dore and Bill Mayer.

You clearly know the truth about these two issues. Have been front row and center for the reveals.

They are mostly for readers of liberal rags and the fake news.

These unfortunates are late to the party and are in meltdown.

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The only positive transpiration of crooked big tech is that the names, faces and descriptions are already distributed and the watchers are watching. These crooked billionaire oligarchists, who TOOK OVER OUR COUNTRY, can no longer move freely about the US - no matter the security they can afford.

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so you are a recent refugee of the Democrat Plantation. Like others you actually have no idea why and for a million dollars could not say anything remotely factual. Now you could look up and post links which you "think" support your assertion. Ignore away Joy, detest all you want, citing wikipedia is telling.

Howz about the NYT's, or Politico? That is the fake news. Thank you for "coming out"

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This an honest and accurate historical expose on the media crooks and their liasons with Big Tech. The victims??? Donald Trump and the American People, those who believe the fake news ( New York Times, The Atlantic, Washington Post, Politico, Rolling Stone, Salon and other snowflake publications.

Fully realize readers are RFK supporters and that is fine. Trump bashers are clueless half Dems who recently got off the plantation.

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Janine Tarot By Janine


Paul Fleuret Absolute 1776 from Badlands Media

I have no patience for you trolls that don’t understand why he had to push the jab anymore. I really don’t. And I’m not apologizing for it either.

#1 Had he not done so, he would have been labeled an enemy of the people for not providing a vaccine. He also would have been immediately attacked harder than ever, and then immediately impeached. For fuck sake, they attacked him for talking about the things that did work, how the hell do you think they would have acted had he come out against the vaccine???

#2 Had he not done that, we’d still be in lockdowns. We’d still have mask mandates, and half the damn country would still be at home.


#4 He gave ALL OF US more than enough information on HCQ, Ivermectin and Regeneron. As well as Chlorine Dioxide, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. He literally told the populace about all of that - like a broken record - FOR MONTHS before a fucking vaccine was even mentioned.

#5 No one in this country was forced to take it. Yep. Some private companies mandated it. But ya know what? PEOPLE STILL HAD A CHOICE. Anyone in this country that took the vaccine made the choice to do so. I get that folks were forced to take it or lose their livelihood. I’m empathetic and understanding to that - at the same time, I’m not gonna ignore the fact that even those folks caved to fear and didn’t even offer up the opportunity for God to serve up a new job or career in their lives. For every person I know who took it to save a “job”, I know someone who stood firm in their convictions, denied it, and were lead to better opportunities by a divine hand. I’m sorry, but the vaccine was an ultimate test of faith in this country, and many failed to place their trust and faith in God to see them through, instead choosing to take the jab to stay in their comfort zone. God can’t work for you if you never even give him the chance by not standing within your truth and conviction.

#6 DJT putting Fauci up front shined a spotlight right on him and exposed his shit to exponentially more people than it ever had been before.

#7 DJT told us all from the get go what Covid was, where it came from, and how to treat it. Many, however, still choose to ignore all the above points and ree like school children being told they can’t have a nap.

He literally had no choice. Period. End of story.

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What will RFK JR do to stop this behavior? Just read today a piece about X-ray evidence that JFK had bullet entry wounds in both the front and the rear of his head. RFK was also shot from two different directions so if that is all true the CIA deep state executed both. What will he do to make sure that they could never do anything like that again?

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Russian hackers certainly had a hand in the 2016 DNC hack.


The evidence of specific co-ordination between the Trump campaign and Russia was much less strong.

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That’s because the whole Trump Russia thing was a lie made up the the CIA. Shellenberger and Tabbi have revealed all of that in their Substacks. Public and Racket news. It won’t take you too long to find them.

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The BBC? They repeat Hamas lies about Israeli Defense Force killing women and children without corroboration, and then have to walk it back.

Let's remember, the whole "Russia hacked the DNC server to get Trump elected" thing was done to distract from the highly embarrassing emails circulating among DNC officials. And it worked. Few people remember what the contents were. One example among many, "One email shows that a DNC official contemplated highlighting Sanders' alleged atheism — even though he has said he is not an atheist — during the primaries as a possibility to undermine support among voters."



The FBI never examined the DNC servers. The FBI relied on a report written by DNC contractor Crowdstrike. As DNC's contractor, Crowdstrike is naturally going to write its report to say what it's client wants. Crowdstrike's report concluded the DNC server had been hacked by Russia. However:

CrowdStrike chief admits no proof that Russia exfiltrated DNC emails


Lastly, intelligence agency veterans examined the file metadata, which included timing for exfiltrating the data, and concluded it could NOT have been exfiltrated through the internet. The speed of exfiltration could only have been done through a connected drive (like maybe a Seth Rich flash drive): "The report mostly relies on the work of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which was founded in 2003 in order to push back against the false claims of Iraqi WMD emanating from the second Bush White House. "


Your BBC link is from 2017. A lot has been discovered in 7 years. Do try to keep up, Mike Wendling.

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