It's no wonder. Trump is not serious about protecting Americans' civil rights, as his record has shown. Oh, Trump will pander to anyone-say he can be bought and do this or that in exchange for their votes. But Trump isn't sincere. Do you think having a Libertarian in his cabinet is going to stop Trump from trampling all over Americans' civil rights? That will just be one voice, and Trump has shown that he does what he wants. I truthfully believe that for years since Bush and Obama (with The Patriot Act which allowed spying on citizens, etc.), parts of civil rights and democracy has been stripped away from Americans, and since Trump is even worse in wanting to redo everything, Americans had just had enough. This is why Trump is seen as being 'demonized' by some - democracy is precious to Americans. Americans have taught as little school children that only a demon would wants to erase our noble liberties and democracy, and the politician that is Trump fits that lesson description. I also think that over the years the tactics Bush and Obama used to override the Constitution created an atmosphere for a politician like Trump to come on the scene. But now it's historically time for the tide to turn toward a more Libertarian or Independent view and for RFK JR. to be elected-someone who will protect and focus on our civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution. I can't help thinking about the song, "Turn back oh man" from "Godspell" a musical in which I acted while in college. The song is about how people have turned away from the Bible, but it can also be about how Americans have turned away from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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Try accurate assessment. Yours is a babblefest of falsehoods. "But Trump isn't sincere"

then trotting out something about trampling over civil rights. Strongly suspect "Rebecca" is not "Rebecca" but some AI or wannabe. The "opinion" is only a DJT hit piece of another fool with the Derangement Syndrome. Then an appeal to the Bible and even mentioning the Bill or Rights. Libertarians first booed and then listened and then agreed with DJT.

Quite the opposite for RFK.

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"Libertarians first booed and then listened and then agreed with DJT"

Trump was booed throughout, except for when he pandered by saying he would pardon Ross (which he already had 4 years to do). He also parroted few other talking points lifted from Kennedy's speeches.

Kennedy received multiple standing ovations because he spoke like a statesman.

Kennedy already committed to pardoning Ross a year ago - https://x.com/BitcoinCafe2021/status/1659700061046198273

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Not even remotely true. You are crowing. Regardless the UniParty (assuming RFK is not a Dem decoy) hates both and Trump is so far ahead he has lapped the field 7x. There is no "speaking like" one is either a statesman or one is not.

DJT need not pander, he is ahead by so much that is a stupid statement.

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"assuming RFK is not a Dem decoy"

Ah yes, the guy who's fought corruption for 40 years is decoy and the TV celebrity with zero track record who suddenly switched republican in 2015 after donating to Kamala Harris in 2014 is not


Occupy wall street -> SMMA -> woke left and MAGA

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No reason for name-calling just because you disagree with the message. We all have opinions. No, I'm not AI, but instead a thinking voter. Someone else name-calls, be better and find a more sophisticated role model.

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Not name calling assessing your blatherfest. Your assessment was an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge which is a shoe in to sophistication. Your attempt a dismal failure.

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Hi Nikos, Good report, the contrast between these two candidates was definitely apparent. With Mr Kennedy treating the audience with respect and speaking about our constitution and Bill of rights as an adult to other adults and getting a great response. On the other hand, big difference the next day we had a bully talking down and disrespecting the audience who booed him while he was begging and demanding support. The libertarians loved booing trump and listening to Kennedy but they got it wrong thinking that the Kennedy campaign only wanted them to put him on their ballot. I truly believe Kennedy respects the libs and wanted to give the party a boost as they agree on ninety or more percent of the issues. Anyway almost all attendees that I spoke to said that they would probably vote for Mr Kennedy in November. All's well that ends well.

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Nah, inaccurate assessment using fake news talking points. Disrespect allegations.

Lets be perfectly clear. The Unitarians are a dismal failure and have been able to get no traction. If you consider it disrespect that is your privilege. DJT knows this and stated so.

The greatest % of them knew it is true and were won over. Now that you reference the Bill of Rights how about crowing about the gross vilations seen in every show trial ? Have not heard one recent evac from the Dem Plantation do so... That is telling. Trump does not need Libertarians but he does seek unity, that is the sole reason he spoke there. Crow on.

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mole bot much ?

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Unfortunately many who identify as libertarians have a poor understanding of what libertarianism is or should be.

Robert Nozick was the hope for establishing a sound philosophical base - but he failed.

Libertarianism still needs the articulation of such a philosophical base.

In the meantime, in all the confusion, the free market and Capitalism are spoken of by self identifying “libertarians” as if they were the same, and similarly “free trade” is considered to be the free market.

The Non Aggression Principle, the NAP, is a very useful principle towards a proper philosophy.

But it needs to be relative to an ethics and morality that is not yet fully discovered.

Ayn Rand’s “Nature of Man”, her NoM, is inadequate as the source of ethics and morality as it is a projection of herself, an instance of the collection of human beings, as the definitive NoM.

In her NoM, any and all instances of altruism are sins, deserving of Eternity in a Randian Hell.

Until libertarianism is finally grounded the confusion will reign supreme …

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Kennedy only got 2% of their delegates votes.

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that is factual, one would never know or suspect this based on article and many comments.

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I have a friend in the Lib Party who tells me that they have never expected and never expect to win an election, but only intend to sway elections this way or that.

The extreme left are locked in place but the left's moderates can drift center.

The extreme right are locked in place but the right's moderates can drift center.

The Libertariens seem locked center but won't drift anywhere.

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Interesting appraisal and likely true if irrelevant.

The party has gotten no traction though the general philosophy is surely better than the lies served up by whatever the Dems have degenerated into. The RINOs are arguably worse as they are posers. Seems victory, the path the brightest light is traveling...

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Leave it to the Libertarians to nominate someone as dubious as Chase Oliver. Proving yet again they are not a serious Party...

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What took the Beacon so long to censor? Ya'all come from Dem roots?

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Trump... what a weenie. typical narcissistic teenager type come back. one has to wonder why/how his handlers even agreed to him speaking at this event

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Zero track record. Hmmm wonder why the "zero track record" makes him the number one target of the Deep State... Odd indeed.

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Good point sort of. The guy who fought for a clean environment is more accurate.

However he is a life long Democrat and the Beacon was founded on the false belief that the party was fixable. Someone, yeah that guy, realized that not possible.

A restaurant is as good as its last meal. No excuses.

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Just to finalize this rather pathetic ridiculous "discussion"

The Libertarian party totally rejected RFK getting only 2%

Since Trump is running as Republican, he is not qualified for Libertarian endorsement.

Clueless authors and contibutors are devoid of facts.

They see it as an opportunity to crow about their Derangement Syndrome.

If the failed party was to vote (if DJT were independent) his was an overwhelming win.

The fact that it started out with Booing is irrelevant. He spoke they listened.

Really people you must do better.

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This has become the fake news. It is true that Trump was initially booed.

After he spoke, as is often the case, he won the greatest percentage over.

That is the NEWS. RFK most definitely did not fare remotely as well.

Libertarians do not trust Dems or Pubs for a very good reason.

The Uniparty hates Trump for a very very good reason, he is not one of them.

The Art of War, is really an art. Trump was best friends with a Kennedy and his uncle got all the

Tesla secret writings. Time travel??? Free unlimited non polluting energy for all????

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Totally false reporting. Trump was all but endorsed, RFK denounced.

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so says Willard, but Willard is wrong and short of words

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snipets are not watching, you are being spoon fed, and programmed

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4 minutes combined doesn't show much. Do you have the full speeches?

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There was more booing in the short Trump clip than I have ever seenin any Kennedy clip, so it seemed like it was sufficient evidence, but If you have a video of Kennedy getting booed at the same convention, feel free to share it here.

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