Excellent letter, asking for the support of one of our democracy''s greatest tenet, the right to vote for the candidate of our choice. I, for one, am a supporter of RFK, Jr, so that we can bring back democracy to our country.

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It’s a great letter too bad the DNC will ignore him. RFK Jr has this conservative support. He is the only one willing to speak truth and do it with facts and a deep understanding of the consequences of what the current parties are doing to this great country.

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The DNC went off track on purpose.

Plus, why are the voting machines still closed source? That means the company is able to rig the vote without anyone knowing.

Sadly both the Republicans and Democrats ignore this, instead focusing on mail in ballots and hacking, 😂

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George Washington was half-right. Parties do become engines of the unprincipled—but THEN the unprincipled buy-out the entire machine, making principled action irrelevant. That’s where we’re at right now.

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Huge lack of integrity

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Wow what a beautiful and humble letter. 🩷

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“Their response will determine whether we live in a democracy or a dictatorship.”

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Zero media coverage of this thus far…

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RFJ Jr for 2024!!!!!! He is brilliant and for freedom of speech.

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RFJ Jr for president 2024

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Such a powerful yet calm letter. RFK Jr has kept his head, when all around are losing theirs (to paraphrase Kipling). Here’s hoping that they find them.

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What an incredibly refreshing change to have an ethical and articulate political candidate.. loved the letter and cross-posted from Bobby's Substack to get more eyes on this truthful miracle in action!

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Wow, Amen. Very well said! I pray your letter doesnt fall on Deaf nor Defiant ears.

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What's the outcome? Does Bobby still have a path as a democrat?

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just one question, is THIS VIDEO REAL indeed????


if so, think again. Sorry, always had LOT of hope, but there always seems to be CRASHED!

I'm saying it because anyone who stands together with WHO/CDC/ et al. is according to Dr. David Martin (the one who speaks about most of the bitter truths out there), NOT OK.

Just in case I receive a humiliating answer here, to this completely JUSTIFIED QUESTION, I'll know all is FRAUD! And Thank you for helping to find out the TRUTH.

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Why do you worry so much about one video, when Kennedy has soooo many interviews where he explains his stance on so many topics?!?!?

He has also fought corporate greed for decades — don’t his actions speak for him???

Who else out there do you see who has the courage to speak truth to power??

There are certain things that would have to be done, if this bioengineering continues, however, he is the only one who encourages effective treatments that the CDC, WHO, etc., have tried to


Perfection does not exist in our world, so if your expectations are such,

you will have to remain alone and afraid!

But Kennedy is more than we could have ever expected in these very

strange times!!!!!!

He is truly a blessing, and, perhaps, more than we deserve; but in all reality, he is our last chance. 🥲

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could not agree with you more, Tasha!

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What you would like done if it is an ebola-type pandemic next time? Those are the guidelines for that and nobody has minded that sort of thing occurring in Africa for decades. What would you do in the next pandemic is a hypothetical with no real relevance to what would occur. There is no way of knowing what would be done because nobody knows what the disease or virus is going to be. If you ask a dumb question you get a stupid answer is the saying.

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Amen... onward and upward. Libertarian party?

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