It is worth watching and re-watching Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s swearing in as Secretary of HHS. President Trump clearly acknowledged (1) Kennedy’s correctness in pursuing MAHA, and (2) his formidable presidential candidacy, and (3) the strength that the unified government brought to America when the Kennedy/Shanahan campaign joined forces with Trump/Vance. Kennedy, in turn, thanked God for President Trump providing a safe harbor for MAHA. Kennedy said President Trump—on a handshake—met and exceeded every promise to Kennedy and MAHA.

Now is the time to get to work and see through the promise of MAHA!


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And as Americans learn about the corruption, the collusion, the coverup, the conflicts that have gone on for decades, we will see massive changes and we will see healthier children and healthier Americans.

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Don’t count on it ! Clean up our waters and earth an air then perhaps regeneration can happen till we rid of the contaminants you will not get healthy people! Plastic chemicals an all the liter in our waters an oceans n land fills you all have destroyed our earth !

Global warming no trees no air no clean water no nutrient earth nothing lives

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I’m honored and thrilled in my heart & mind, knowing RFK JR(Bobby), has finally been confirmed! I realized(now), what a gigantic and important (also dangerous), position in the new Trump Administration, his task will be!! I hold strong faith, he will succeed, probably the most important job in his admirable career, going forward! God Bless Americans!

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God watch over those that buck against the corrupt system. They will be tested mightily and constantly. They will need the help and strength of the good in the country to succeed….nah to survive!

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RFK Jr and others stand on the shoulders of the original warrior moms of the medical freedom movement, who wrote books, founded organizations, attended rallies and handed Bobby the research that opened his eyes. Their undying love for their children and other children who they wished to save from harm is the burning core, the fire, the spark that lit the flame. And at that core is LOVE.

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I was so moved by this article. RFK Jr’s confirmation is so so much more than the culmination of a stuggle in defence of health. It is reminiscent of a Greek tragedy where one heroic figure confronts the Gods and all the odds in defence of an ideal and against all the forces of evil set to destroy him by any means. He is a David standing up against profoundly corrupt forces seeking power and limitless profits irregardless of the deaths, misery and suffering they leave on its trails. He has said numerous times how acutely aware he is that his destinity may be that of his father and uncle but nontheless confronts it with humility and courage.

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Please get John Beaudoin Sr on your team He has the scientific wherewithal to get to the bottom of the cover up. Here is a recent excerpt from John's substack on Jan 27th (.Coquin de Chien).

Americans have been harmed. The excess deaths in the past 5 years total more than those from any other event or cause in United States history. The causes of these excess deaths are debated by people who cannot know the answers because HHS refuses to perform basic investigation of the evidence in their possession. The TRUTH remains obscured and the public debate continues due to the intentional omissions of dutiful conduct by HHS.

Kennedy is an attorney, a veteran of political family success, tragedy, and conflict, and not one to be duped or controlled by the District of Columbia (DC) machine that spends $1.8 Trillion, while purposely omitting acts beneficial to

the public health.

Kennedy is well-suited to bring TRUTH to The People. Given access to databases in HHS possession, a good analyst can solve all “vaccine” debate in one man-week, or 2.5 months in Washington D.C. time. Debates over drugs can be solved using the system outlined in the method sent to Dr. Joseph Ladapo and published here. The Top-Down Investigation, Bottom-Up Quantification Method (TBM) should have been in place in HHS decades ago. Hopefully, Kennedy will be confirmed and TBM will be employed.

God Bless you all.

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Comparing fully vaxxed and never vaxxed:


Studying the children who regressed:


Maybe NOW, after decades, we'll finally see legitimate studies on autism.

Anne Dachel

Age of Autism https://www.ageofautism.com/media/

Loss of Brain Trust https://www.lossofbraintrust.com

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Excellent! Thank you!

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I pray he will stop chem trails, MRNA vaccines and added in our food, soil, animal injections!! Gates should be held accountable to the highest extent of the law.

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Wonderful discussion about naturing new life and the need to create a healthy nation. Unfortunately, the naysayers still control the narrative in our press. Az Republic has a man named Monti who is spinning the negatives about the changes that need to take place. Repeated across this country by all the newspapers controled by the media corporations!

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and nary a word about the Visionary DJT...

par for the Beacon contributions

RFK did an emotional tribute to DJT, Pay attention people and

remove thy heads from the sand...

It is Big P and the Medical Cartel henchmen that facilitated the demise of Americans.

However it is also clueless people that eat garbage food and believed that health came

from needles that willfully went along with the grift.

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I hope this is true. Perhaps Mr Kennedy can start proving he’s in this for the people by stopping Trump from allowing the FDA to put that damn MRNA vaccine in our poultry. I’m so furious. Two steps forward and 10 steps back it seems!

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The USDA has given a preliminary green light to vaccinating the chickens with a strain of killed H5N2 virus. We just slogged through 5 years of pharmaceutical nightmare! Why are still worshiping at the Big Pharma Alter? Have we learned nothing?

Why don't we get our heads out of our ..... and think out side the pharmaceutical box?

Why don't we treat the bird water with chlorine dioxide? Has anybody considered trying this? This can be done for pennies!

I've heard little or no mention of letting the virus run its course? Heaven forbid we should develop a bird that has natural immunity?

I know I've missed some things here? No doubt there's lots of things to try?

We've come so far! Let's not drop the ball and lose site of all we have learned!

God Bless America and RFK Jr.!

Soldier of Truth

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Thank you so much, Debra and Leland. this piece makes me so proud to be a true-blue Kennedy supporter. We have indeed fought for the truth and the best of what it is to be an American and part of this great legacy of our forefathers. We must never take this for granted ever again. We must keep our spear tips sharp and our discerning eyes even sharper. Let's keep on pushing our fight for freedom further. The vicious words of the MSM and the totalitarian leaders of other countries who I'm sure are continuing to fund their lies, must be stopped. We must look for those ways in which Kennedy and Trump's positive actions can leak through to a hypnotized public. There are ways and if we keep a sharp eye, we can change this tide in a positive direction. It is so obvious that EVIL is running scared!

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