Dec 13, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

Excellent article. Anything Bill Gates is involved in reeks not only of greed and corruption, but the root of what needs to be excavated from all present systems, the paradigm of "Power Over Others".

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From everything I've read about him, he's got his tentacles in almost everything, all of which is doing more harm than good for both people and planet. He is evil incarnate.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

This "agreement" should not be subject just to presidential consent; it should have to undergo ratification by the Senate if there is even one change (like punctuation), since it is suddenly new. The scheme set up is like the way Congress can create a bill, pass it, then strip it and start over, with it already being deemed "passed". This amounts to fraud.

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There is a worldwide fascist revolution being led by Bill Gates, the Neocons, the Biden Administration, the war machine, and Wall Street with the WHO as the instrument for gaining control of the individual lives and livelihoods of everyone in the world. Do not underestimate this threat. If the WHO gains lockdown authority as it is trying to do, it's game over. Kennedy knows this and gave us a powerful warning with his book on Fauci. But the fascists are not giving up. Their agenda is what is driving Biden's reelection campaign. Trump and some Republicans know it also but whether they have the knowledge and will to stop it is questionable. Worldwide fascism has been on the march since JFK was killed. They are not giving up. The WHO is their instrument of choice. You can read about some of this in my new book, "Our Country, Then and Now."


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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

I agree with RFK, Jr on most issues. When it comes to the WHO, I agree with him 1,000%.

The WHO is thoroughly corrupt, and is owned and operated by globalists such as Gates, the WEF and Rockefeller Foundation, among others.

The WHO pandemic treaty and revisions to the IHR must be rejected. Unfortunately, the Biden regime, most governments in Europe, governments in Australia and New Zealand, and many governments in South America have already committed to signing these agreements.

Will the US Senate go along? Probably, as the Senate is controlled by Democrats, and Democrats are always on the same page on all issues. They're on board with all globalist agendas, and the WHO is a globalist tool.

No matter what the WHO and corrupt politicians say, these 'agreements' aren't agreements. They're binding treaties on nations.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

Nice juxtaposition of Kennedy's sane health plans vs. WHO's insane scheme for world health domination, but I'm still waiting for Kennedy to say in substance if not words,"I'm going to shatter WHO into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

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While you're at this, take away the bullshit single veto power of the security council which allows for genocidal actions in the middle east to continue...

Peace candidate my ass.

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…so you are supporting which viable candidate to be the next president?

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Not sure. I think Kennedy is going to have ballot access issues... He should have went libertarian party!

If he doesn't have issues, I might still vote for him, just because I'm in a lefty state right now. At least they'll see how the status quo Democrats are losing support.

But sadly all candidates are compromised... Kennedy or Trump at least bring about challenge to the status quo in their dialogue which I think helps wake people up.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

At the end of the day, it always comes down to “what’s the alternative?” I don’t agree with Kennedy on everything but the point I always make is that free speech/anti centralized digital currency as well as national sovereignty are bedrock. Biden & his handlers don’t share these convictions about democracy and Trump is —if nothing else— way too divisive and energizes endless opposition that detracts from moving forward to solve our real problems. I think Kennedy would do much better at “handling Washington” whereas Trump got completely outmaneuvered. I agree that ballot access is a huge issue. I am appalled to live in a so-called democracy that costs a viable candidate 18 mill to get on state ballots.

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• Maui was set up to be a smart city island. The plans to rebuild it were set before the Incineration- Attack. The Governor plans on making ‘work-force-housing” for the survivors and prevent them from rebuilding and living back at their homesites in Lahaina. This agenda was planned with the World Economic Forum for years. See Standtogetherhawaii.com created by Hawaiian Michelle Melendez. The People of Maui desperately need help with legal assistance. This is a crime of immense proportions. https://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100864936.pdf

Proof :

Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years, a backpacker and naturalist. A California mountain-man. He has made 106 visits to 39 different incineration events. He saved evidence and has taken thousands of photos. The attack site list includes in California; Santa Rosa, Paradise, Walker, Greenville, Mosquito, Lake Berryessa, Big Basin State Park, Pt. Reyes National Sea Shore, The Kincaid Fire north of Santa Rosa, Weed, Mill Fire, Topaz Lake, Port Chicago- Benicia, Darnell, Salinas, Caldore Fire, Mt. Hamilton Complex between Tracey and San Jose, Calistoga, Lake Sonoma, Whiskey Flats, Oak Fire, Laguna Nigel and more places such as the Canadian fires- 80 million arceas , and recently in Argentina. The Amazon Jungle hit as well.. This is creating the illlusion of Climate change --- it is being created via a Directed Energy Weapon incinerating Earth , people and homes. Yes this is true as unbelivable as it is.

** This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Event- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8

This is a comment on her Youtube channel for this video: “ I’m a microwave engineer (no, I don't build microwaves. My career was to design and build microwave radio links all round the world). All conclusions that Robert makes works perfectly from an engineering perspective. What he showed is exactly what would happen under microwave energy.

** This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration. Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html

** Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.

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Cheri. Please publish your comments as articles at your substack. I have never seen this level of detail on these events. The DEW campaign has felt like a psyop, a setup to get smart resistance folks to take a dumb bait, designed to make them easily discredited. Your work is changing that, and deserves a full platform with properly presented evidence and a subscriber base.

Standing by to help,


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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

How amazing would it be if most member states simply opted out; or better yet, cancelled their WHO membership altogether?

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Dawn Pier

The WHO is no doubt a disreputable organization, and their funding is clearly corrupted by various vested interests. There may be some sleazy way they can slip some supposedly legally binding clauses into the existing agreement, but I think there's still a couple of obstacles to making much headway with truly draconian measures in the United States. And both of those obstacles are under the Supreme Court jurisdiction. The first and most important one is no treaty or agreement, same as any law, can violate the US Constitution. The agreements in a treaty are legally binding when ratified by the Senate, but you can't negotiate away the first amendment or the second amendment or any of the other amendments that were violated during the last pandemic. And similar to the current courts reluctance to give free reign to unelected bureaucrats in executive agencies interpreting laws as they see fit, I think it's very possible that the Supreme Court may be willing to consider whether anything of such a fundamental nature (changing what was previously non-binding to legally binding would seem to be quite fundamental) can be changed in a treaty after the fact without it being re-ratified. If the Supreme Court decides that it's not constitutional to make such changes after the fact, the rest of the world can go pound sand. Or maybe they want to use the military might of the United Nations to force our hand? 🤣🤣🤣

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Author

Please note this article explaining the importance of the removal of the term "non-binding" from the IHR - https://merylnass.substack.com/p/when-they-wrote-the-ihr-amendments

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If Mr. Kennedy is going to halt the World Health Organization Take over and the World Ecomomic Take Over then why in God's name has he not exposed the attack on Lahainna- Maui- Hawaii? The people of Maui are screaming for help! Those were not wild fires from " poor water management and dry plantation fields" as Bobby stated with Ed Dowd. If one goes to that inteview on Rumble a video posting platform, you will see almost 100 % negative comments for Mr. Kennedy's and Ed Dowd's ridiculous incorrect B.S. statements regarding the source of the fire. Dry Sugar fields did not burn, grass did not burn, highly flammable palm trees did not burn, next to cars incinerated whose engine blocks were turned to DUST! Whose wheel alloys melted in rivers on the ground, whose glass MELTED. But the trees and blue cloth umbrellas did not burn up. Palms remain with their fronds intact, radiated to death- dried up but did not catch fire, Blue cloth umbrellas not even an ember hole at a resteraurant whose metal parts melted and twisted and anything that metal touched turned to white-grey dust. Lahaina was in fact " dustified". Rubber trash bins untouched. People incinerated to dust in their cars, babies burnt alive in car seats. Whole families dead road blocked in, circled back IN to the incineration, not allowed to evacuate and escape death. Cats and dogs radiated in midstep, cooked, stiff with fur still on. People radiated to dry cooked corpes, hair still intact but radiated. The day before everyone noticed the air was thick with something, like a coating, yes it was chemtrailed with excellerants, then hit with a direct energy radation weapon, which there just happens to be a DEW Station in Maui, then geoengineered winds from inland bellowed the radiation flames to spread them, not hurricane winds which were not present since Hurricane Dora, being blamed was 685 miles south of Hawaii on August 8 at 5: A.M. and even further south the next day. Lahaina was incinerated in 17 minutes. Zapped. And the people in Maui KNOW it and are speaking out. The World Ecomomic Forum is behind this, the rebuild plans already drawn up to not let anyone live there again, Maui set to be a total Artificial Intelligence City Island, 100% surviellied - a mass murder land grab. Governor Josh Green called what happened a 'fire hurricane' . There is no such thing . All hurricanes are very very wet, sheets of rain, flooding , tidal waves, huge choppy sea water- that is what a hurricane is! Heavy rains of water from the sea wipped up by winds a tropical depression of water and wind!!!! He invented a new term to cover for mass murder. And Mr. Kennedy is going along with this. Researcher Ole Dammagard estimates there are between 1250 and 2200 children and parents missing. Where are they? Why was the press not allowed in blocked with a black fence? Why were cars incinerated two miles from the main fire zone surrounded by homes not touched next to dry short grass not burnt? Maui and other fires are clearly and obviously not natural wild fires. The dry plantation fields and poor water usage and climate change had nothing to do with the source of the incineration. We believe the town of Lahaina was incinerated by a radiation directed energy weapon. As was Paradise CA and DOZENS OF OTHER LOCATIONS! There is no other logical explanation. Please understand the physics of fire and plants and trees of radiation attacks in California in the last 7 years and now Maui. The aftermath of these arson radiation attacks is exactly opposite of what is found after a natural organic fire. A grade school Earth Science student can see this fact.

Facts: There have been at least 40 incineration attacks in CA and now Maui. And probably other places on Earth as well. A very HOT war! We have family who could be the next victims. We are living in a war zone. We trust you will take action and expose this very hot-war attack on our country immediately.

Cars incinerated, engine blocks turned to dust, glass melted, molten aluminum rivers…There are photographs of incinerated cars not even in the fire zone, surrounded by homes untouched by fire.

“Fire can melt glass; however, glass has a melting point of 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit. This means most sources of fire will not burn hot enough to reach that point”. No grass or forest fire gets that hot. An average surface fire on the forest floor…, reach 1471 Degrees Fahrenheit”. All the glass from all the cars and homes was uniformly melted. Car engine blocks turned to dust -- what temperature would that take? 4000 degrees plus? At least!!

• Flammable trees and their leaves, lawns and grass, not burnt up as they would be in natural wild/ grass- organic fire. The water was severely dried out of them by radiation, darkened not burnt. The leaves, trees and grass remain as you can see in photos. Wood things survived.

• Blue things survived as per the physics of radiation space- light- energy technology.

• Plastic and rubber items such as trash bins, children’s toys did not burn/melt, and were carted away in the cover up.

• There is a known Air Force ‘Directed Energy Directorate in Maui.

• Many Maui children are unaccounted for - Where are they and their parents? Between 1250 and 2200 children estimated unaccounted for.

• The perfected siren system turned off on Maui.

• Hawaii has the largest single integrated public safety outdoor siren warning system in the world.

• The all-hazard siren system can be used for a variety of both natural and human-caused events; including tsunamis, hurricanes, dam breaches, flooding, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, terrorist threats, hazardous material incidents, and more.

• The sirens output is 121 decibels and propagate with a manufacture radius of 3400ft. This range may vary due to environmental and surrounding physical conditions. The sirens are battery-powered and use a photovoltaic charging system. https://www.mauisirens.com

• Many people were blocked from escaping and were incinerated in their cars.

• Metal on boats moored in the ocean disintegrated, but wood not burned.

• No fireboats were shooting ocean water into the fires. No helicopter water.

• Firetrucks could not get in, not alerted in time. Why was there not fire equipment there?

• Radiation fires INSIDE the most water-laden trees cooked from the inside-out. Leaves remain on the trees. Palm fronds and trees that go up like a match, not burnt up and remain standing.

• As per the National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center: On Tuesday morning Hurricane Dora was 685 miles south of Hawaii. And Dora was heading further south away from Hawaii fast. So it is impossible for terrific winds from Dora to have hit Maui. Those winds were not natural, not wet like EVERY island hurricane always is, not like any ever experienced according to the life long residents. And yet winds from Dora are being blamed.

• We need all hands on deck in defense now, of our own DOD? What other explanation is there?

• Children’s Health Defense reporting economist and wise woman Catherine Austin Fitts reporting in agreement that the incinerations of Maui and Paradise CA, were created- “an attack”. To move people out of the rural areas clustered into controllable cities. This is a clip of her broadcast. https://rumble.om/v3nxehi-we-are-under-attack-catherine-austin-fitz-reporting-incineration-maui-land-.html

• There was no water in the winds as all hurricanes do have- Geoengineered-created winds that citizens had never experienced before on Maui fueled the radiation fires. The day before, citizens reported something hazy in the air- sprayed to make the incineration worse? Remember what Dane Wigington taught us about the constant weather manipulation. This is his website. There is not much natural weather on Earth: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org

• Interview – Robert Kennedy Jr and Dane Wigington- Geoengineering Expert.


• On October 24th 2023 Acapulco was hit with what can only also be a geo-engineered wind storm that came up immediately to 200 m.p.h. destroyed almost everything, created a storm surge in the ocean causing flooding, then disappeared just as fast. The storm is being labeled a hurricane, but did not have rain. The people there need help desperately. There is a podcaster who lives there and has his own show from there and many followers- The Dollar Vigilante. Here is his recent report: https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2023/10/26/urgent-media-blackout-dire-situation-in-acapulco-mexico-due-to-category-5-hurricane-otis/

• “Hurricanes bring extreme rainfall. Warm air can hold more moisture than cool air. In tropical cyclones, the air is particularly warm and can hold a tremendous amount of moisture. The moisture cools as it rises and condenses into heavy rain often much more than a typical low pressure system. These rains can occur not only at the coast, but many miles inland, causing flooding that can continue for days or even many weeks after a storm. Always follow evacuation orders and never drive into flooded roadways. If you live in low-lying or flood prone area, always have an evacuation plan before a storm begins”

( https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/weather-atmosphere/hurricanes#:~:text=Hurricanes%20bring%20extreme%20rainfall&text=The%20moisture%20cools%20as%20it,even%20weeks%20after%20a%20storm.

• The Hawaii Governor used the term ‘ fire hurricane’. There is no such thing in real weather. Hurricanes are always dangerously wet with sheets of rain, flooding, huge waves, of course. We learned this in 2nd grade. It is actually another oxymoron much like social-distancing? Is this a new World Economic Forum created false term? Lies. As if we are all fools. We are not.

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I just subscribed to your Substack. What a find! Thank you.

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Terrific presentation. Now let's see who pays attention!

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Great. James Roguski is the Leader in stopping WHO's BS Powergrab.

I agree with Cheri in the Comments on Maui. Why does Kennedy not apply his extensive Knowledge, Intelligence, Energy and Straight Talk regarding Maui and Palestine but instead does BS Government Talking Points? IT HAS ME VERY CONCERNED HE IS NWO PUPPET.

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Interesting, expansive take on RFK’s new book. Got to appreciate Mr. Webb’s lifelong body of investigative journalism:


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Execute them all!

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A Cal to Action INCREDIBLE chant – a Palestinian-Jordan singer – @llunrmusic


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An INCREDIBLE chant – a Palestinian-Jordan singer – in two parts @llunrmusic


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