God bless you RFK Jr. Lets hope you can succeed in your endeavor to expose the censorship industrial complex starting with Google and YouTube as well as becoming our next president!

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Thank you for your support, Evans W!

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a casual opinion is that RFK Jr. knows the DNC would toss him under the bus as they did Sanders. I suspect there is zero chance of him becoming Pres. with the woefully corrupt Dems in control. We will watch as this political theater plays out. The Beacon is just that.

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Brilliant article. Thank you for this eloquent perspective. I'm new to your Substack, will send more readers your way. Many thanks for this one!

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Wonderful Bibi, thank you! It's lovely to have you here.

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So, have I got this right?

A public corporation (USA INC) is collaborating with a private corporation (GOOGLE INC) to violate the 1st Amendment right to free speech?

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Yes. An example of a covert public-private partnership seeking to circumvent the Constitution behind closed doors.

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Long tradition.. folks forget 2014 long denied, unconstitutional NSA mass surveillance was leaked by Ed Snowden who ran the systems as Booz Allen contractor. Beltway Bandits put ops outside records retention & FOIA rules too.. fully outsourced Uncle Sam!

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Someday, I hope RFK (and others!!!?) will reveal that every government entity you know of is actually a registered PRIVATE corporation, with particulars detailed by Dun & Bradstreet. Some entities like, for example, the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service (yes, different corporations) are registered corporations in Puerto Rico; others are registered in a US state like Deleware or Florida, and elsewhere. Even states like "State of Virginia" or "State of California" are private corporations, as are your counties and towns and cities. If you'd like to pursue this line of inquiry, begin by visiting AnnaVonReitz.com. Anna has written extensively on such topics, and currently has more than four THOUSAND posts that explains why she and many others are in the process of re-capturing the 'landed government' from the current federal and state employees (including politicians) who run our society. Finally, know that nearly EVERY government in the world, including those of and in China and Russia are also private corporations providing government services 'for the people.' All are as 'public' as the US Federal Reserve Bank (which you may already know is a private bank with special privileges provided by government).

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I've studied Anna's work. Thanks for the input.

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John-Thank you for the Great Comparison to Cicero.

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We're thankful to have John working alongside us. Speaking truth to power is the basis for American liberty!

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Albert - why are you hollering ??

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The Truth Needs to be Clear!

Is this an issue?

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All capital letters mean hollering -- a rude and offensive behavior

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Your putting your thinking on to me Boris. I'm not you and your not be which should be self evident. It does not mean that at all.

To me it means emphasis.

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To the rest of the world, by consensus, it means rude hollering....


But maybe you are new to Internet... How old are you if I may ask?

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By consensus most people took the bioweapon jab. How is that turning out? I'm not about consensus.

It seems now you are being constructively critical which it did not seem like before, it seemed like an attack.

I'll be 61 shortly. You? Not new to the internet but don't chat or use social media. My business life is very busy. Only started posting on the Kennedy Beacon and Dr. McCullough's Courageous Discourse because these True Hero's deserve the support.

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It has been years since I felt proud of being American. Reading The Kennedy Beacon each day and this present post by John S. Leake, makes me feel excited, and motivated to pray harder for our next president!

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Wonderful to hear, Hillary. Thank you!

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It is a joy to read everything you write John Leake. What a privilege it is to get daily emails from you. RFK jr is one of the most remarkable men of our time. I’ll be buying his book.

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Thank you for reading, Deborah!

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Simply amazing - thank you for sharing the courage boldness and audacity of jkr jr

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I greatly appreciate the unexpected (to me) efforts of RFK Jr! I never thought I would see the day that I respected a political candidate. This man has my support and devotion!

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Yes, his decision to run was certainly a pleasant surprise.

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I actually feel embarrassed to be gushing about him. But I'm also thrilled, as I never imagined there would be a candidate that I could support.

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His honesty, his intellectual, his faith: all were a pleasant surprise. Only a surprise, obviously, because I knew relatively little about him. Once you begin to look into RFK Jr, you realize he is whole, consistent, and has integrity. The United States would be tremendously lucky to have him as president!

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by pointing out the considerable corruption and lies of the Democrat party as an insider of monumental political persuasion, Kennedy is positioned to achieve widespread support. He has already achieved that goal. Pray for his safety.

We desperately need a beacon of light and a way forward.

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Are we watching the cabal in the process of their final fall? The critical number of people that see them, know what they are doing, will never be fooled by their old and now exposed cons is much larger than they imagined could happen in such a short time. We see their desperation that is only exposing them at an accelerated speed. We can handle it and will.

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It is interesting watching what feels like reckless (or even lazy) attempts to move certain agendas forward. One wonders if there are powers that be that are feeling the heat of public attention. Once again, sunlight is the best disinfectant!

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They went so long getting away with so much that they got lazy and now desperate.

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Thank you for this piece - well done!!!!

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Thank you, Sue!

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We must Sue the Gov snd these monopolistic maniacs

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Thank goodness that's what RFK Jr. is doing, along with several co-plaintiffs and many state Attorneys General!

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I understand the thinking of fixing it from within. Strongly suspect that is not possible.

That is not projecting hopelessness, it is forecasting a very different and far more favorable outcome...

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Quote from the article: “speech must be protected from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”. I always thought we were supposed to think before we spoke (or especially wrote). I must be missing some context.

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But in order to follow a thought to its healthy conclusion, it must be fleshed out through untethered discussion. That way, our beliefs can be put to the test and disproven/made stronger. In other words, speech is both the beginning and end of thought!

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the order you are pointing out is obviously the correct one, its an important distinction

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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai his already fought this battle and he’s been ignored by everyone, including Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, and Bobby. He uncovered direct collusion between the state of Massachusetts and Twitter through the partner portal created by a law Trump signed in 2018 and Congress supported.

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So Trump created that partner portal? If that's true, it's a sad case of being hoist by one's own petard. But I find it easy to believe that Trump would do such a thing.

OTOH, I also believe that electronic mail, what we now call "email", existed long before Ayyadurai "invented" it.

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And he was the first by over a year. Others ought to give credit where it is due, they do not.

Your point needs widespread acclaim, not to denounce as it does appear there are other truth tellers. We hope they are not grifters...

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Everyone do your patriotic duty and share this everywhere. Friends, family and social media. Truth and freedom prevail but not by doing nothing.

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"the Wuhan cover-up" seems to be "temporarily out of stock" everywhere.

I can't think of any possible reason why that might be. Sarcasm now off.

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