Thank you, RFK, Jr. for standing up to 5G.

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I know nothing about 5G, therefore I don't know where I stand on it. But what I do know is that Robert Kennedy is carving out a very productive niche for himself of being the People’s Skeptic. That that niche/image can get out there, and not get blocked by the people who have an interest in people not being skeptical, rather being gullible and believing everything that the oligarchs tell you,… that image is politically potent for him.

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Thank you RFK Jr for being the American people's advocate for our health and well-being. It increasingly occurs to me that “they” are trying to weaken us and have more control of our lives. ❤️

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I believe this is a really important topic. In fat, I've been ranting about it forever. 'Does it matter' to us if a webpage loads 0.3 seconds faster than it would have with G4?" This thing is of no benefit to us (OK, maybe for a few gamers), yet corporations forced more or less then entire US to buy new phones (G5 compatible) and we may even pay with our health...

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I am a retired engineer so I must ask - What does Cellular technology have to do with the Internet?

This is the problem here. Your own comments demonstrate your ignorance of the technology you criticize. Like most who criticize, you clearly, have not taken the time to educate yourself to understand that which you criticize in ignorance.

5G is cellphone technology. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the Internet. Web pages don't load using Cellular service. Games don't run over 5G towers. Games DO NOT run on ANY cellular technology, because cellular technology is for cellphone calls only! Cellphone towers route all TCP/IP packets to Internet gateways that route TCP/IP because the Internet does not operate on Cellular(voice) technology. The Internet operates on TCP/IP. Read a book.

Without question, Radiowaves radiate, but that does not make them Radioactive - that notion is vapid pseudo intellectual puerility.

ICYDK, you were created and the whole of humanity evolved within the electromagnetic Magnetosphere that protects planet Earth from the vacuum of space. No Magnetosphere = no Atmosphere = no life on Earth. Electromagnetism is not inherently dangerous... you're living on the surface of a gigantic magnet covered in Earth, while hurling through Space at 67,000 miles per hour! What are you afraid of?

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I have never heard anyone who was discussing this topic, refer to it as 'radioactive'. I would hope that anyone with a high school education would know there's a difference between radio waves and radioactive isotopes.

of course all life on Earth evolved within the magnetism of the planet but we did not evolve with radio waves held against our heads or pulsed through all our living space.

people are not idiots for being concerned and asking for actual, unbiased science

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There's plenty of so-called 'writers' here on Substack perpetuating exactly this nonsense. 'Frances Leader' and all of her lickspittle's believe they're being, and I quote, "irradiated" by 5G Radiowaves.

Nonetheless, I concur with you that anyone with a simple public highschool education should know Radio & Radia are not the same thing. But there are people publishing exactly that nonsense here on Substack - and elsewhere, all over the Internet. Right along with Flat-Earthers, Creationists, and people who believe in ghosts/demons/witches and talking to the dead, or that Mediums are real, etc., etc.

Moreover, the Internet is replete with people who perpetuate nonsense with the intent to conflate & confuse, because they think that it's funny when they get fools to believe them.

Humans demonstrate the idiocy of 'intellectual-laziness' when they criticize and/or join in on what they don't make the effort to understand, in order to just belong to the herd. That's "herd-mentality" and Internet Social Networking perpetuates this 'pseudo intellectual sciolism'.

Nonetheless, Radio Waves exist all around you. They're a discovery, not an invention. Radio Waves existed before Radios were invented to intercept them. The cosmos of the universe is replete with Radio Waves.

Holding a phone to your head is like holding an antenna, the antenna receives the radio waves, not the person holding it. It's as basic as understanding that Radio Waves are not Radioactive and are therefore incapable of "irradiating" anyone.

Just don't contradict 'Frances Leader' on Substack, or her lemmings will demonstrate their childish puerility, and vapid lack of intelligence while childishly gaslighting, and attacking anyone educated with an understanding of well known axioms of Logic.

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Not very nice to talk to someone like that - we are all trying to understand - it is very confusing to some of us lay people! If 5G is only for cell voice then why was it needed?

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I don't answer to you or your expectations. I couldn't care less what you think is nice or not. Grow up.

If you don't understand 5G - nobody can understand it for you. Clearly you can read & write, so you're not illiterate. Start reading.

You alone are accountable/responsible for your education, intelligence, and understanding. Not anybody else. Why do you expect me to waste my time explaining something to you that you're incapable of understanding? It's not anybody's job to 'understand things for you'.

The fact that you're on the Internet, using Substack, and you're ignorant of Cellular 'phone' technology only carrying voice is astounding. You clearly have a lot of learning to do.

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Dear retired engineer, may I ask what we need 5G for?

I can tell you one thing the 4G-5G conversion was good for - Everybody needing a new phone!!!

For this reason, in the United States, about 200-250 million smart phones ended up in the garbage, within a year or 18 months.

So, what happened to the concept that we wanted to save the planet?


The interesting thing is that the same government which is pushing for 5G “so we are up to the latest standard (and as modern as China),” and which also wants to save the planet is NOT pushing for highspeed railways.

France opened their TGV-service in 1974!!! Saudi Arabia, one of the oil-richest countries in the world, has highspeed railways, Russia has highspeed railways, and let’s not even discuss China’s … The only major industrial country which doesn’t have a highspeed railway network is the USA. Which tells you everything you need to know.

=> Our government does not help or push for services we actually need, or which will save the planet, but does what corporations want.

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You my ask, but I won't answer. It's not my job to teach you. You're accountable/responsible for your own education and intelligence just as I am mine. I dedicated many years and much effort to my education. You're beholden to the same for yourself.

Nonetheless, your question is Logically fallacious in nature as it's entirely subjective. Only you can answer what your "needs" are. How am I supposed to know what 'you' need 5G for, or anyone else for that matter? You're asking a 'herd' question, when you, are only capable of asking questions for yourself. That's another common pseudointellectualism... You only speak for yourself. You only ask questions for yourself, not the collectives of us, or "we". I am included in 'us' & 'we' and you don't speak for me.

I know what 5G is. So can you. Then you can answer 'what' you need it for if anything. Nobody is conscripting you to use it!

What I do know is Cellular technology has nothing to do with any Internet technology - as you criticize. Which is what I responded to. Because Cellular service only carries VOICE transmissions.

Mic drop.

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I helped with MA, NH and Americans For Safe Technology and I've known for years of the toxic effects of RF. SO wonderful - we finally have a candidate taking this for the serious pollutant it is!

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BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES: No studies showing safety of 5G - 7th Feb 2019 4:48 min

¨During an exchange with wireless industry representatives, Blumenthal asked them whether they have supported research on the safety of 5G technology and potential links between radiofrequency and cancer, and the industry representatives conceded they have not...

I believe that Americans deserve to know what the health effects are, not to pre-judge what scientific studies may show, and they also deserve a commitment to do the research on outstanding questions,” said Blumenthal. “So my question for you: How much money has the industry committed to supporting additional independent research—I stress independent—research? Is that independent research ongoing? Has any been completed? Where can consumers look for it? And we’re talking about research on the biological effects of this new technology.”

At the end of the exchange, Blumenthal concluded, “So there really is no research ongoing. We’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.” Read More


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We have to do everything we can to stop 5G, a weapon to hurt us!

5G is a weapon. Why implement it in every country...simultanously? 6:21 min


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Thank you for taking this stand. We need to determine the safety and act accordingly. Willy nilly installation of something toxic is making us sick. I wonder why that is so difficult for folks to understand. Maybe because we can't sense the danger with our 5 senses, we easily believe there is no effect.

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It should be noted that the radiation pattern of cellular tower, FM broadcast, and TV broadcast antennas is mostly horizontal rather than omnidirectional, meaning that the strongest lobe of their signals runs parallel to the ground rather than down into it. The higher the frequency of a radio signal is, the more power it contains, and the higher its information capacity is. Therefore, the 5G antennas that are being placed at treetop heights aren't radiating more power than the smartphone in your hand. They are placed closer together so they can reuse the same frequencies in similar fashion as the 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G do, having much smaller radii of applicability.

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Unfortunately, it's not just 5G. It's all wireless radiation, and especially pulsed radiation Kennedy knows all about it. WiFi in schools, cell towers inside city limits, smart meters, wireless-everything... The list goes on and on. Until the truth of the toxicity of all wireless technology is widely known, people are going to continue thinking that 4G and below is "not too bad." It's a lie of omission. And Kennedy, Trump, Biden, and all politicians in my experience, are guilty of it, the most insidious of all lies.

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Read all about it.... Great book but can make you depressed. The invisible rainbow by Arthur firstenberg. Lays out the history of radio frequency and electricity complications on living things.

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I know it’s a different issue, but I’d like to draw attention to who ever had the bright idea to introduce light bulbs that contain Mercury.

And then the audacity to outlaw old school full spectrum light bulbs. So bizarre, so bizarre.

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I'm not an expert, but I've been reading about 5G a lot and found this substack article, with references, pretty good. I wanted to share it here to highlight that 5G can be used in many more (sinister) ways than the average person can imagine.


Think about it. Instead of spending billions in advertising, a company could just create thoughts in your head that you want to buy their products. It would be so much more cost effective for them. Profit would be through the roof.

It may be hard to capture and visualize somthing like this truly being possible. But think for a moment about a time in your distant past, e.g. 25 years ago. Would you have believed if someone would have told you about his vision of an iPhone and Apple watch, being able to receive messages on your watch and make calls from it?

Imagine what you will realize in 25 years from today will be possible, which you didn't want to believe today...

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This was a good substack article. Along with the dangers of 5G come its synergistic effect with the chemical spraying from the skies. Uh-oh that's wandering into the realm of conspiracy theory. Honestly, when you can merely look up and see what's happening and then you can look around and see the trees dying and bee colonies being decimated, where's the conspiracy? The "theory" is reality.

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Yet again another terrific article in the Kennedy Beacon for us to get up to speed on issues that Mr. Kennedy is WAY out in front of us on.thank you

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I am a retired engineer. The belief that Radio Waves are radioactive is utterly absurd pseudo intellectual nonsense! PERIOD!

The 5G Cellular Tower hysteria is no different than Gluten hysteria, fat hysteria, electro magnetic hysteria, flat earth hysteria, Witch hysteria, Satanic ritual hysteria, God hysteria, electricity hysteria, spiritualism hysteria (beware the Ouija board - invented by a game company), Eugenics hysteria(the Margaret Sanger idea of a master race) or plain ol' 'you're going to Hell' hysteria... all hysterical ideas, originating in the hysterical minds, of hysterical people, incapable of objectivity.

It's when RFK Jr. demonstrates the vapid intellectual laziness of pseudo intellectual hysteria that he jumps right back into the shit-hole of Demagoguery, alongside every other wealthy POS pimping their feckless virtue-signaling opinions for the ludicrous popularity contest.

It's clear that RFK Jr. is just another politician trying to appeal to everyone, and trying to appeal to everyone, is an exercise in Logical fallacy. It is not possible to appeal to everyone. Moreover, appeals are inherently fallacious of Logical certainty, as they're inherently subjective - not objective.

The office of the Executive Officer of the Federal Government of the United States of America is bound by Law alone and not the feckless cacaphony of opinions, of any constituents, of any State Representatives in Congress. It's pathetic how utterly ignorant of civic Law the average American voter demonstrates being.

Serving as Commander & Chief is a Lawful obligation defined by Law. Law itself is a function of Logic NOT opinion. So all the nescient/ignorant opinions of under/uneducated, low IQ constituents, who errantly believe radio waves are radioactive, the Earth is flat, and opinions are Logical - are demonstrably the sideshow freaks of this ridiculous circus of existential absurdity.

Representation is puerile idiotic absurdity when all human beings operate on self-interest. Government is nothing but an excuse for organized civic corruption.

RFK Jr. is an ordinary human being motivated by ordinary self-interest. So are each and every one of his constituents. The delusional illusion is that any human being is not motivated by self-interest. Representation is impossible fallacy.

I certainly will not support any Public Servant appealing to pseudo intellectual hysteria. RFK Jr., nor any other candidate can transcend their humanity - or their own words in the Information Age. RFK Jr. has made some alarmingly ignorant statements errant of Constitutional Law; like "Climate deniers should be jailed"... no you arrogant a-hole, FREEDOM OF SPEECH protects everyone YOU disagree with, you insolent child. Deniers of inalienable individual Rights, not 'should', but 'must', be jailed for violating Constitutional Law!

No Government is good Government.

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Did he really say climate deniers should be jailed?

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Please don't take my word for it. You can search for yourself. I was surprised by some of his statements in this regard, but then again, he was an environmental attorney. Attorneys spend their lives perfecting the art of lying and calling it Sophistry as though that somehow justifies dishonesty & deceit. No matter how it's justified politics is repugnant human activity.

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🤔 FTR - a word isn't a response. It's Logical fallacy.


See what I did there. No, I suspect that you don't have any clue what Sophistry is or how it works.

A Propositional Statement is a Logically congruent response.

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We don't need to regulate 5G we need to eradicate it!

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