Kennedy cannot do it alone. MAHA is the peoples' fight, as illustrated in TX about MMR shots--one of the most notorious for autism. And in RFK's approval by Senate.
Three step approach to take down big Pharma, the globalist, and 3 letter agencies that profits from it and remain in control of the death and destruction. Steal kill and destroy only happens when we support it all. Time not to consent to the destruction.
1. Shut down paid subscription to MSM (kick the devil out of your home).
2. Support we the people that are shining the light on the cures.
3. Take and promote chlorine dioxide and share the beauty healing testimonies and publish them on all platforms that do not take down the truth or shadow bans.
It start with you to win and you just shine the light to your circle.
It is easy to become healthy and pharma free with one testimony share at a time.
When the drugs are not taken they are alk taken down by we the people. It is that simple.
Congratulations Mr. Kennedy! are a true ray of hope....I have often wondered...why is there absolutely no health and nutrition taught in our schools ....seems like that would be a monumental game changer....would it not?
RFK has betrayed us. The article endorsing the MMR is not something RFK can walk back. It reminds me of the scene in Animal Farm when the pig Squealer start walking on two legs like the human tyrants they originally replaced.
Have to get the fox out of the henhouse first, and then document the true side effects of the vaccines to shut them down. Need validation, which has been lacking for the last 50 years.
Unfortunately, we can not rest. Yesterday I found a link to RFK Jr.’s email (sent me to a contact form for the administration) and shared my 2cents about his MMR statements. Also found a phone # and left my thoughts on the machine.
My husband and I will not take any more vaccines. Additionally, we refuse to take any medications that have not been on the market for a lengthy period of time and are tried with few reported side effects.
I am signing off for now. I am quite disappointed in the last few days of what’s coming out of HHS. This is not what I signed up for. I hope to be back when we start talking about the real topic of the vaccine schedule. I’m tired of dancing with bureaucrats, and I hope that Bobby has not turned into one. Peace
Kennedy cannot do it alone. MAHA is the peoples' fight, as illustrated in TX about MMR shots--one of the most notorious for autism. And in RFK's approval by Senate.
I applaud action against regulatory capture.
Thanks as always to the Kennedy Beacon for outstanding reporting. Also please see this:
"The British Empire is Alive. It Aims to Destroy the US."
Three step approach to take down big Pharma, the globalist, and 3 letter agencies that profits from it and remain in control of the death and destruction. Steal kill and destroy only happens when we support it all. Time not to consent to the destruction.
1. Shut down paid subscription to MSM (kick the devil out of your home).
2. Support we the people that are shining the light on the cures.
3. Take and promote chlorine dioxide and share the beauty healing testimonies and publish them on all platforms that do not take down the truth or shadow bans.
It start with you to win and you just shine the light to your circle.
It is easy to become healthy and pharma free with one testimony share at a time.
When the drugs are not taken they are alk taken down by we the people. It is that simple.
Only a few pharma drugs may be needed.
Congratulations Mr. Kennedy! are a true ray of hope....I have often wondered...why is there absolutely no health and nutrition taught in our schools ....seems like that would be a monumental game changer....would it not?
keep going!
RFK has betrayed us. The article endorsing the MMR is not something RFK can walk back. It reminds me of the scene in Animal Farm when the pig Squealer start walking on two legs like the human tyrants they originally replaced.
Have to get the fox out of the henhouse first, and then document the true side effects of the vaccines to shut them down. Need validation, which has been lacking for the last 50 years.
Next to eliminate the medical propaganda machine.
Unfortunately, we can not rest. Yesterday I found a link to RFK Jr.’s email (sent me to a contact form for the administration) and shared my 2cents about his MMR statements. Also found a phone # and left my thoughts on the machine.
Keep the pressure on them all.
My husband and I will not take any more vaccines. Additionally, we refuse to take any medications that have not been on the market for a lengthy period of time and are tried with few reported side effects.
Why are you OK with meds that have been on the market a long time? Why do you believe the reported side effects?
I am signing off for now. I am quite disappointed in the last few days of what’s coming out of HHS. This is not what I signed up for. I hope to be back when we start talking about the real topic of the vaccine schedule. I’m tired of dancing with bureaucrats, and I hope that Bobby has not turned into one. Peace
Can he fix this or is it permanently embedded in the fabric of our government?