The humanitarian horrors our nation is now responsible for blight my heart.

Our media is OWNED by the forces creating this situation, as is our Government. The moral weight on each and every American, either knowingly or unknowingly supporting the policies, behaviors, and individuals creating this world-wide nightmare of human tragedy is HUGE.

It is OUR Karma, our Sin, as it our ignorance, our TAX DOLLARS, and our apathy that has allowed this to happen.

Iraq? Afghanistan? Syria? Libya? Ukraine? Drug and human trafficking?

Trade wars? Economic Hit Men?

Endless "sabre rattling!"

Assassination of leaders protecting their nations?

Cold wars?

Who's CIA is it, Jeff Childers asked in his Covid and Coffee Substack this morning; I wonder!

I think it belongs to the Devil Himself, if you ask me.

And as a beleaguered American, stripped of my rights, my money, and the lives of my family and friends, I swear eternal enmity to that force which turns our Nation from the light to the dark. May I live to see it exposed, and rooted out, in my lifetime! 🙏🙏🙏

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Well stated Katherine. This is central in his plan:

“The U.S. will end its military adventurism and stop supporting despotic governments, juntas, coups, death squads, and repressive regimes that persecute and impoverish their own people,” he said. “We will stop opposing governments that seek land reform, labor reform, and social welfare for their people.”

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Amen. Thanks for sharing this quote, Jon.

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So many questions, so many years of no answers. It's time for this to change.

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Immense public and legal pressure must be brought to bear upon the Government and it's "clients," the Corporations.

Or perhaps the relationship is the reverse??

Or, perhaps, they are just all one entity, lol!

Except that relationship/configuration is known as Fascism, correct?

Whoops! And here I was thinking I lived in a Republic with democratic processes.....


More work to do!

Grab a pitchfork and start mucking the stables. The Agean Stables now relocated to Washington, District of Columbia.

; ))

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How is it that the very powerful surveillance and espionage system of the United States can observe with drones in the Black Sea what happens in the Ukrainian war zone, but its fabulous and mythical FBI, DEA and who knows how many other agencies are unable to prevent drug doses from reaching the millions of drug addicts to the most remote corner of the United States. Or is it El Chapito who gets on a flying sleigh every night and does the magical delivery service?

In Mexico, the corruption and subservience of governments subjected to Washington since the 1980s, but mainly during Calderón's six-year term, strengthened the cartels to inconceivable extremes with the complicity of the DEA. However, it is obvious that the impressive demand for drugs generated by the United States has to be met by suppliers from all over the world and that this has to enter through its land or maritime borders. If the United States were not the avid drug user that it is, the Mexican drug cartels would most likely not exist.

The United States is so exceptional that, of course, it cannot admit that it is guilty of the social disaster of its drug addiction; evil Mexican cartels bring in the drugs and force defenseless American drug addicts to get high.

Even if a dome could be placed over Mexico that would completely isolate it, the drugs would continue to reach the United States in a thousand ways, because the demand is there. Drugs are a fabulous business and where the demand is there is the supply.

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You're highlighting some very real inconsistencies in the government's logic. Thank you, Gonzalo.

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“The U.S. will end its military adventurism and stop supporting despotic governments, juntas, coups, death squads, and repressive regimes that persecute and impoverish their own people,” he said. “We will stop opposing governments that seek land reform, labor reform, and social welfare for their people.” Absolutely!! This is central.

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I think you did miss out on one important fact. Kennedy did point out that he had changed his mind on the wall from the Trump days, and felt there were areas that did need the wall to be put up! I greatly respect him for admitting that his opinion had changed due to new facts!

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Indeed - "The Wall" as a political talking point is far different than the reality of erecting/repairing physical infrastructure that it necessary to protect specific areas of the border.

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Question for the Beacon:

What does RFK mean when he refers to "the open border policy"?

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Watch the video and see who is crossing the border & cartels controlling the flow.


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Hi Mary, thanks for asking. Kennedy explains this pretty well in his speech during the launch event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXlun2EYFvk&t=3048s

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Thank you and important:

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs should get Nobel Peace Prize – not CIA’s St. Obama

20 minutes of best speech I ever heard: “NATO Enlargement and Russian Resistance”


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RFK Jr. A True Courageous American!!!

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I like what Kennedy wants to do regarding our borders, but I'm very annoyed at whoever wrote this because he/she talks about the horrible drug cartels who they say are controlling who comes in and have control of the border, but the author doesn't say how that is accomplished or ANYTHING about what the drug cartels are doing!! This is pure propaganda the way this is being handled and I am very leery of this, because our current government does so much of it. I see a lot in the news about the border and NONE of it mentions drug cartels!!! So what is this article trying to do? What I read are horror stories of how our own US govenment is treating these poor migrants. This article is so bad it has put me off of Kennedy and makes me wonder what he is up to that he is putting out unverified popaganda like that.

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We appreciate your feedback, and have taken note of it. We stand by our journalism and only ever aspire to publish high-quality, honest articles to keep you up-to-date on events surround RFK Jr. But it's also important to us that you know we're reading your comments (positive and negative) and take your feedback into consideration as we progress.

Just an additional note to clarify, neither the author nor The Kennedy Beacon is affiliated with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign. This article was written independently of Kennedy and his campaign.

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