Once the DNC screw’s you & boxes you out of running on their ticket, please talk Vivek Ramaswamy (who’s also about to get screwed by the GOP) into running as your VP as Independents. You two guys are the only ones running that seem to be honest, deeply informed & willing to tear apart the corrupt cabal that is DC. I don’t agree with 100% of either of your policies but I think you guys could be a good ying/yang in saving our republic.

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This is more of a question for “The Kennedy Beacon” than a comment.

Do you think it would be possible to post a “special” substack article that is focused on the actual comments in which people can ask RFK Jr. a question and in future substack articles RFK Jr. will respond?

I think this would give you and him an idea of what people are actually looking for. At the same time it would give the average person a chance to interact with a presidential candidate, which is usually never possible for the average person.

Thank you!

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Lol I assume he reads comments or his staff does here of all places so I often toss out my two bits and ideas. Check: Post RFK Positives 1st before negative news here-done, Go to State Fairs (Iowa), minorities (Compton, barber shop), have future flotus aka wifey in public more hence date nite, modern Kennedy version viral future potus on beach(rings), Get private education on Palestine not a stunt debate w/ Max, Norman whomever - Pending status(hopeful but not setting a holding breath deadline as donor reality usa but I see his Irish heart beats true). Ha, ha got to believe us mere deplorables can nudge the players on elite’s game board. I’m willing to believe in this illusion and fight for a best of rest candidate. Following since before McGovern. Your proposal is solid. Shows him as responsive candidate of the people without shaking hands. Make it so Team Kennedy. Check out that Oliver Anthony dude and viral song....possibilities?

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Ollie hit a raw nerve that runs through the Silent Majority of this country. It runs deep in history, culture, America. Make no mistake, there's an undercurrent in rural America, silent, deep, pressurized and I can feel it coming to a head, soon. Songs like this, like canaries in a mine, portend an explosion, the likes of which America hasn't seen since 1860. Hold on to your hats, it's gonna be quite a ride.

Roger T

The Occupied South

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Oli done hit a nerve. Da?

Roger T

The Occupied South

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Thank you for the impressive history lesson. Anyone with a brain will find it an accurate account but why doesn’t the majority of Americans accept it and move to change the government, for example separating the CIA information gathering from the operations department which is libel for assassinations and terror across the globe.

I’ll tell you why. The 3-letter spy agencies are running an information psych op. The MSM is writing what ever bullshit story they are told to write or show on their programs. Secondly they censor or harass anyone opposing their ideology.

So this is the biggest problem RFK Jr faces is rising above the censorship and propaganda dwelled out by the deep state to get the truth to the American public.

I truly do believe we can achieve this with a very strong grassroots movement. We must definitely gain the trust and support of the younger generations that know nothing about his uncle and father’s assassinations.

We must highlight RFK’s history of real environmental work and his love of nature for one thing. Also his compassion of the immigrants crossing the border and his plan to stop the illegal immigration. He also needs to accept alternative views on gun control and abortion. The easiest way for him to do that is just by respecting the second amendment and telling the people the truth that abortion laws are now at the state and not the federal level.

Does anyone have an idea where we can force a debate with Biden?? This would be the turning point for most Americans.

Anyway let’s keep spreading these kind of articles. One by one we can change public opinion, especially because the vast majority don’t trust the msm or the federal government.

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Aug 17, 2023Edited
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Biden doesn’t make sense half the time and without a teleprompter he would show his mental incompetence. For this reason the handlers will never agree to a debate.

The Covid response was never to save lives but to raise the fear level to see how far they can push people with a future goal of enslavement

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Outstanding, cogent and needed! Congrats.

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Yes - RFK-2 more than EVER !!

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Be mighty careful, Bobby, you're backing venomous serpents into a corner with no way out but Hell. As Andy Jackson knew full well, you'll be up to your neck in a Den of Vipers. God be with you. God help us all.

Roger T

The Occupied South

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Fantastic history lesson & great guest spot on Political Misfits it was awesome to have an informed source for RFK Jr campaign & you slayed. Aaron Goode @23:40


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Can a US political coalition emerge and take power on the basis of a shared desire to preserve human existence from the threats posed by our current leaders?

Not if we have fraudulent elections. Arguably the DNC is planning through illegitimate means — which are already clearly manifest in the ways they are trying stifle RFK Jr’s candidacy — to never lose an election again. You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to question how a man running from his basement got more votes than Obama. That said, I still plan to vote for Bobby as our last best hope for the American people. And to pray for some divine assistance to thwart the oligarchy.

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I take severe exception to your assumption that you ‘won’ WW1. As in WW2 America sat on its hands until you could ride in like white knights after the British, Australian , New Zealand , Indian and Gurkha and Canadian armies had fought to a standstill and lost so many men!!! The US had never won a war ever. US foreign policy has been a disaster for the world. The Middle East is a mess. Vietnam was a debacle, Somalia is ungovernable. And the people that suffer the most in these situations are Christians and Jews.

I watched RFK jnr with Tucker Carlson and was struck by the fact that whilst exposing the Ukraine debacle well - he still insisted on condemning Putin and told us his son went to fight there!! Seriously you guys send soldiers there! Are you really trying to set off WW3?

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WWIII is inevitable at this point.

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You say we need. I am not in that we. RFK Jr. said, he would sign any gun laws that Congress brought him. He will beak his oath just like DJT.

Pragmatic persons are willing to compromise their integrity and my freedom, liberty, unalienable rights as Codified in our Founding Documents for their best interests.

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I supported your uncle and your father both. I am enthusiastic about the National Day of Service on Sept.11th.

I do not agree with many on here who seem to side with Putin in allowing the subjugation of the innocent Ukrainian people, having said that, I fear I will be attacked as I was a few days ago.

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The 2024 referendum you talked about should be, to continue forever wars and now in Ukraine finds it final in total erasure of human life domestic and abroad.

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All Google search to my inquiry ( “FDA approval of Ivermectin” ) states that FDA approval of Ivermectin for Covid is not true -- literally 100s of items explicitly state it is NOT true to my inquiry.



• On Tuesday, August 8th, a DOJ attorney testified in a Louisiana courtroom at an FDA hearing that the FDA had always allowed physicians to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19. For some in the courtroom it was a startling untruth to unexpectedly hear, but she did state that.

• A lawyer representing the FDA said “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID.” That lawyer is Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA. She made her comments during oral arguments on August 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

We live in an Empire of Lies as intelligent Putin calls US…

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Surely to God, Bobby knows what he's doing. Be mighty careful, Bobby, you'll be backing venomous serpents into a corner; it's indeed a den of vipers, as Andy Jackson knew well. Hope to God you know what you're doing. God's Speed.

Roger T

The Occupied South

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This is another one of these bullshit articles from the Noam Chomsky School of obsessive anti-American- Imperialism . Of course, there was a sort of American- Western imperialism , which included all capitalist 1st World nations, and there still is...sort of. This Chomsky School never has anything good to say about the USA : it's just not possible for any US action to be good, which is total nonsense. In a rare acknowledgement of John Kennedy, Aaron Good at least expresses the view that Kennedy was was an exception to the imperial drift. That will not go down well with the Chomskys and Nation readers of the world, since , in their worldview, Kennedy was OBVIOUSLY just another imperialist. They would scoff at this author. But in the main they agree: nothing the US ever does anywhere has been good or is good. End of story. They can't even acknowlege that the Nazis were worse, or that the present totalitarian Chinese and Russian governments are far worse now than any NATO country now . If Putin invades Ukraine, the USA caused it. Cause and effect have been dissociated. This ignorant gaslighting is totally laughable.

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Thought you might be able to get this email to RFK Jr or someone who probably knows about it but possibly NOT....I got it today and you can imagine my response...

Progressive Turnout Project is a 100% grassroots-funded organization with a single mission: rallying Democrats to exercise their right to vote to and win competitive elections.

Look, we hope to have you on our team, but if you'd like to unsubscribe from our emails, please click here.

UNBELIEVABLE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on track to BEAT Biden in the first 2 primary states

President Biden/Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Look: If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. goes through with his whackjob campaign, he could tank Biden and accidentally elect Trump.

So we are sending his campaign a MASSIVE letter demanding he drop out. If we receive 100,000 signatures before tomorrow night, he’ll have no choice but to listen to the overwhelming opposition and DROP OUT.


Dear Robert F. Kennedy Jr,

Democrats have spoken: We do NOT want you as the 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate.

You spread anti-vaccine conspiracy theories that could threaten the lives of millions of Americans.

Your candidacy is nothing but a sham to sabotage President Biden. Recently, you even said “I’m proud that President Trump likes me.”

You’re an EMBARRASSMENT to the Democratic Party.

That’s why I’m joining 99,999 other Democrats to sign this massive letter to DEMAND you drop out of the Presidential race.


x. jofolino@yahoo.com


Thanks for signing.

- Progressive Turnout Project

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