The best example of corporate capture that I can think of is the lack of the environmental groups, such as Sierra Club in peace and world wildlife fund not endorsing Robert Kennedy. They are totally beholden to the Democratic Party. I would not give those groups a penny . Their role in protecting the environment is a farce.

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Are you aware of other environmental groups that are not working in the best interests of the environment but rather interests of big donators?

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Many charity organizations have morphed into politicized tools rather than maintaining their focus on their original mandates. The biggest problem with all charities is the percentage of donations, regardless of the source, that go towards supporting the administration of the organization versus the actual projects. There are organizations that report the statistics of which organizations are doing to the most with the dollars they receive and this is the best way to determine who deserves your hard-earned money.

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Did they morph? or was it always so??

You are describing the dead wood at the top of the tree.

Stats can easily be wanked. The wankers are always a few steps ahead.

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Did they morph? or was it always so??

You are describing the dead wood at the top of the tree.

Stats can easily be wanked. The wankers are always a few steps ahead.

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Outing the Fascist Dems is prescient. Outing the enviro fraud is tangential.

The EPA, a fraudulent ABC agency, one of many. The swamp is large and deep.

If ya'll have a long history of having been wrong about who to trust, why would any of you think your current assessment is accurate??? Smoke rising...

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I know, .I spent time in prison here in Canada for peacefully trying to stop old growth forests for being cut down and to protect the wild salmon rivers. Corporate bullying exists world wide. Corporate Profit at any expense. RFK supported the protests here in Clayoquot Sound and we took him out salmon fishing.

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You are awesome, but then RFK attracts your type!

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Was the net effect a positive one? Was commie Trudeau at the helm??

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For so many years I supported the NRDC, until they came out AGAINST Bobby Kennedy. It blew my mind and broke my heart. It made no sense at all!

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But is does make perfect sense. It is a case of Inaccurate Assessment. You were hoodwinked, donkeyed. The enviro groups are largely for do good Social Justice Warriors, that are almost by defintion, also blind.

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I stopped donating to the NRDC some years ago, after becoming dependent on Social Security. All I know is that for many years, I witnessed the NRDC be the most effective protectors and defenders of the environment. No need to insult the intelligence or trust of those of us who supported the organization. Whatever they became, they did a hell of a lot to save many wild places on Earth. Making what happened all the more heart-breaking.

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Have a advanced Biology degee, then doctorate. Including decades of living low on the totem pole as well as supporting several enviro orgs including Green Peace, and its improvement Sea Shepard. Actually at this late date, the country has been overtaken. First order of biz is to take it back, then environmental stewardship...

Put that in yer pipe, Beaconites.

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Dear Bobby and team, I'm sorry to interject this here but am so anxious to have someone with clout be able to address it and put it out before their audiences. This is such an important issue and such a grave injustice on young Americans. I hope you will find this worthy of giving it a platform:

I would like to bring to your attention—if you aren’t aware already—that the Congress passed the NDAA Act once again last week, but with a new amendment. This information comes from Dennis Kucinich:

The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:  

Section 531. Selective Service System:  Automatic Registration.  SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.”

The NDAA legislation was passed last Friday, 6/14/24 and now it is quickly moving to the Senate. If it passes there without this amendment being strip from the NDAA, automatic conscription will be the law of the land.

As I look over the NDAA Senate Bill, the only ‘Amendment’ I see is—under Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce:

Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

Because an Amendment for Males has already been accepted by the House, does this mean that the Senate accepts that Amendment and now can go a step further by “requiring women”?

The bill is so huge I can see that this travesty could be overlooked. I am hoping that you will shine a light here before the Senate passes it. They are in process. I will call my people to action, but you have a much bigger army. That Amendment must be stripped from the NDAA.

According to Kucinich, this Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee.

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The Chevron persecution of this Stevn D. is dated evidence that the "Justice System" is criminal.

However the egregious persection of DJT is actually far worse. Think about that Beaconites.

Think hard. And the fact that RFK is advancing this as a political play is actually disingenuous.

The Corporate Pig has long been at the trough. The Pig is insatiable, the Pig Stopper is well hated by the Pig. Put that in the Beacon Pipe. Meanwhile Louis is pecking another editorial where he can introduce the latest Derangement Syndrome trope.

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