This man unites people like no other

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

The US needs him desperately as the next President, the world needs him desperately and Ukraine needs him desperately to bring peace and unity all over the world

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Thanks but I couldn’t watch it. I simply can’t stand the war-mongering RINO grifter -- Hannity

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by The Kennedy Beacon

If/when anyone comes across the full episode we can watch online, please post here. Thanks.

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Biden needs to be removed on grounds of being mentally unfit. Impeaching him on the legal matters of what his family has been doing will fail simply because he is not of sound mind and cant be held legally responsible for his, or his family's, actions.

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If RFK Jr does not offer any stand against all the woke madness - the Transgenderism being forced on society, the CRT theory and reparations and the end of meritocracy- then he is only marginally better than the far leftist marxists we have now. None of the conservative media seems willing to ask him about his stance on those issues directly either. I’m shocked that Hannity didn’t ask.

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Catch it before they take it down, looks to have been posted on the sly by a regular citizen, not Fox News.

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He says all the horrible things the d party has become, then he claims in the same sentence that the d party isn’t any of those. His positions are correct on covid and foreign policy, but as long as he associates himself with the party of Clinton, Gates, Pelosi, Difi, Schumer, and Soros, I cannot support him. The Democrat party he refers to exists only in his imagination. Any actual decent Democrat politicians are dead. Last one was Moynihan.

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Too liberal give me a Ron Paul type to burn the corrupt government to the ground

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Great write-up. RFK Jr is EXACTLY what we need - and have been needing for decades. It is truly shameful he has been censored and put-down by MSM ... and we KNOW who they are bowing to!

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Most Americans can still recognize the truth when they see it. The evil and corrupt powers who now control the US and are waging a war of destruction against the American people have a major problem on their hands with Robert Kennedy Jr. They assassinated President John Kennedy and his brother but that won't work anymore because most Americans know these men were assassinated in what was really a coup d'etat. And they installed a corrupt puppet in the form of Joe Biden using a rigged election and most Americans and people around the world also know this to be also true. So the banker/globalist Deep State are like snarling rats cornered in a dank basement with no obvious path of escape or continued control which is why they have now unleashed a scorched earth policy of deadly Covid injections, poisoning the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere with massive chemical spraying, cultural subversion and degeneracy, economic collapse, and taking the world to the brink of nuclear war with a war started by NeoCons and the Deep State in the Ukraine. Because their parasitic monetary, banking and financial system based on debt and plunder of honest workers is coming down and there will be a reckoning for the architects of this vile and diabolical system.

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Not sure what to make of this - it's been three months and it is now the same exact questions and answers over and over and over and over! For those of us who're staunch supporters I find this very disconcerting! I believe it truly brings into question his authenticity which is what most people find

to be his greatest asset!! For me personally the one quality that set him apart from the rest was the mere fact he WASN'T REHEARSED! I've said this repeatedly, whoever is advising him HAS TO GO!!!!

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Dont forget China! They dont have enough nukes to win WW3 without Russia but they have enough to start it! Any America Russia peace has to have China feeling comfortable.

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I love when he said to uber-neocon Hannity "We're (democrats) not the party of war, we're not the party of neocons, dictating foreign policy...".

Too bad we didn't get a glimpse of Hannity's face during that statement...

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You are clearly far and away the best candidate for President of the United States.

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You are clearly far and away the best candidate for President of the United States.

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