Excellent analysis, Nikos. I likely wouldn’t have watched or known about the videos otherwise, so this is a very helpful summary!

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He is primed for big regret!

Watching that "Hill" episode was as painful as watching D. Wasserman-Shultz during the congressional censorship hearing. Physically painful!

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yeah, so why watch??

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To stay informed? It's how I discern their energy, determine whether they are credible or truthful. To explore things with curiosity... I could go on.

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Back fire indeed. His personal quest to ride the famous family name into infamy is making him the national Standard Bearer of the liberal psychosis.

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what you are actually doing is taking their programming and obliquely voting in their favor. You should go on, or just admit a false belief.

More efficient to get commentary exposes, and certainly more entertaining.

Knowledge, Data, Information never changed the mind of any fool.

Legacy media has tanked, very happy to allow them to sink.

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You're assuming I have a weak mind... I clear false beliefs for a living.

Seems to me you're projecting...

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Assuming nothing, You are assuming your mind impervious to high tech programming. It is not. The evil doers project into you mind without you even knowing it. One does not "clear" false beliefs. They admit them once recognized. Well over 3 decades, doctorate.

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no I am not, you are falsely believing there is no tech that can program that mind. I have 3 decades dispensing false beliefs. One of us is a fool.

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I refused to click on any of his videos, so I didn’t know any of this. He honestly sounds mentally ill. Maybe too many jabs???🤣

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He absolutely, without question is mentally ill. He has anger issues. And he is a loser. He needs help. And he knows it. He’s venting online because he is nothing and he will never be anything. Every chance I get I tell him exactly this in the comments on his post. He is a lowlife bully and he needs to be told He’s a lowlife bully. It needs to be made very clear to him.

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accurate evaluation, plausible hypothesis

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The new "epidemic" is mental illness. Causation is multifactoral.

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This guy is the epitome of loser. He is a down and out, fake Kennedy, hijacking the name, with anger issues and no significance whatsoever. He’s a depressed loser and he is bought, paid for funded by the Biden administration. Fact.

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don't candy coat it, say what you really think

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Hahah! 👍

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It is just very sad and I hope he gets treatment for this mental issue. I feel for his immediate family and it says volumes on how Bobby handles this onslaught with integrity and not acknowledging it.

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I said the same thing immediately after seeing his ridiculous egotistical adolescent rants...This is absolutely going to backfire! Who is the real "pr-ck"?! Honestly it is far sadder, to be the grandson of JFK and be reducing his legacy to this.

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would disagree about reducing the legacy as a fool has no such power

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Schlossberg's rants are a disturbing embarrassment to the Kennedy name.

"Methinks thou dost protest too much."

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so who cares? Have never met a family that shares consistent opinions

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Well, Paul, I think that people who care about kindness care .

The Kennedy children were taught by their elders~

Grandpa Joe, JFK, Bobby Kennedy and especially Uncle

Ted Kennedy how to engage in healthy respectful debate while remaining on good terms. The Kennedy children of RFK JR's generation cut their teeth on these debate sessions

As RFK Jr described in his book "American Values -growing up a Kennedy"

the Kennedy children were often given an issue to debate and were taught how to take opposing points and discuss them. They learned that you can have a different point of view from someone else and yet be able to be disagree with a good natured spirit of benevolence and walk away friends.

This was Ted Kennedy's legacy. Because of his ability to seek common ground with his political opponents, he was able to reach across the aisle and passed more bills than any senator in the history of the senate.

THIS is the Kennedy way. expressing a differing viewpoint in a healthy respectful way.

Schlossberg's toxic, malevolent behavior is the antithesis of this valuable Kennedy tradition.

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"Opinions are like assholes, kid. Everybody has one and thinks theirs is the only one that doesn't stink"

(And self aware people don't gratuitously shove 'em in strangers faces...)

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well paraphrased

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Agreed. Yet on a side tangent, the statement “He’s out of step with his generational cohort” hit me the wrong way. As if everyone in a cohort has the same thoughts and values. There are many views and opinions in any ‘generational’ cohort, and individual assholes and unknown saints are distributed throughout humanity.

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exactly which is why its best to give it no attention

an article about it amplifies the idiot

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The ineptness in many of this generation’s love of self interests is sadly evident. I can’t imagine how it saddens our candidate as he watches with his caring humanitarian heart. We have watched RFKJr be forgiving and kind towards those (in his family) who are recklessly being coerced (or perhaps have chosen to believe the propaganda) into following a false narrative and leadership. What a shame.

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Another spoiled, entitled, racist child who is disparaging the Kennedy family by acting like being JFK’s grandson gets him special privileges. He’s a disgusting little brat. I’ve seen his first video, and he’s a liar on top of being deranged. If JFK was with us now, he’d disown the creep. He’s a prime example of what’s wrong with our country.

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Something seriously wrong with that young man. What a squandered legacy.

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Just peeked at his account on Instagram. It appears to be true. “Instagram is for people who can’t read.”

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Instagram is part and parcel of the fake news, peek no more

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Jack Schlossberg always looks like he slept on the beach the night before. Not an inspirer of confidence.

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Hey! Beach people are groovy! the surfer dudes that I know and I am a beach person! But I agree with your last sentence .

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Schlossberg is just another Dem fool. As mentioned his lame attempts failed.

Families especially privileged fams are most often loyal the hand that fad them. No kidding. Beaconites have migrated off the Dem plantation, the one that early on the originators

thought it possible to reform...

Who cares what a fool thinks? The echo chamber that is the fake news will use any means possible

to distract.

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for our convenience the AI spell check algorhythm for comments is lightning fast

I did not mis spell fed and it deleted to in front of hand hat FED them

This is clealy deliberate as there is no way to disable it. Sub are compromised.

My guess is: another data collection means.

Careful editing before posting works... so far

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Schlossberg is a spoilt rotten individual. Probably lives off his parents !!! Needs help for sure since he is so full of hate for his cousin!

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