TC - Matt Taibbi: How Intel Agencies Control the Media, Putin’s Rise to Power, and 2024 Predictions -- https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-matt-taibbi

Matt Taibbi is an award-winning investigative reporter and one of America’s more recognizable literary voices. His newsletter Racket News on Substack, is popular among readers all across the political spectrum. He also co-hosts the podcast America This Week.

• 00:00:00 - Matt Taibbi

• 00:18:10 - Putin’s Rise to Power

• 00:52:15 - The Twitter Files

• 01:26:00 - The Most Shocking Story Taibbi Has Worked On

• 01:37:53 - The Intel Agencies, Censorship, and the Upcoming Election

• 02:03:00 - Donald Trump vs. The Elites

• 02:10:50 - Will They Jail Matt Taibbi?

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Taibbi is top tier almost always. Very interested in hearing his appraisal of Trump vs the Elites. DJT is clearly the greatest threat to the Deep State Elites and thus is the most hated person on their list. 150 voting Americans have already chosen.

Some think citing the fake news echo chamber constitutes a valuable contribution. Very sad.

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Although Trump (DJT) record of selection of his top executives is abysmal and frightening -- Pence, Haley, Pompeo, Bolton, Carson, "his generals" (all betrayed him), etc.

I am considering RFK Jr or Jill Stein... ;-))

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Agreed!! When he smashed H Clinton I was amused as knew HC was a criminal.

Then said we will know him by his appointees. Dismal for sure.

However this is '24 and he is so far ahead that it is impossible to implement voter fraud as in 2020. Strongly suspect, due to the preponderance of evidence, that

this go round will be very very different.

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HERE is the OPEN link to Matt Taibbi- Tucker Carlson:

TC -- Matt Taibbi, one of the last working journalists in the west. – FULL length & OPEN


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not all Boris, not all Hang on going to be a rough ride

Last nights "debates" shead much light

RINO's many outed one at a time, many out to pasture

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Thank you. Trump was not much better than corpse Biden yesterday — RFK was impressive.

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You are broad brushing Boris, and not advancing anything.

I did a point by point and RFK failed miserably. Tried to find his vid resposes this morning and its gone. Maybe you can find it???

The disappearance is evidence that his commentary was a lost cause.

In general he doubled down on end stage abortion using the ephemism "choice" for murder

Waffled about the two wars

And agreed with DJT about the wall (now that it is safe to do so)

and the illegal invasion (now that it is safe to do so)

No one disagrees about Bidenista

RFK loyalists need to take a close look at their perceived loyalties

Once a Dem / always a Dem?? There is evidence

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"As a private corporation that does not answer to voters, the Democratic Party can pick anyone they want for both slots on the Democrat ballot." Amen to that. Amazing how few blue no matter who people get it.

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Biden has a lot of experience in debates. He'll do fine.


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Ridiculous comment. He has severe dementia. This is not about "doing fine" its about who is best at taking back this Constitutional Republic.

You Tube is the fake news. Good for car or home repair totally useless for political commentary.

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I finally looked at the video. You might try it too.

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nah, YouTube is the fake news, I already know from dozens of sources over many many month and years. I am not looking for direction.

I am studying the lost. Been doing so for decades.

I realize Beaconites are former Dems off the Plantation. Credit where it is due,

however some very very faulty reasoning exists here. Pointing out the obvious not because of any personal vendetta, but for the tens of thousand of lurkers...

That is the beauty of Subs as long as it lasts...

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It's SATIRE, which you would recognize in about three seconds of watching the video.

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Matt Taibbi reports a rumor that there may be a one-minute delay. If true, this will give them ample time to excise embarrassing moments. Given the lack of audience, that pretty much means it will be about as real as a reality show.

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We can only hope for leaked reports of any edited sections

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Inaccurate Assessment Adam. Bidenista has failed countless "road tests"

So ask a better question. He refused drug testing so it is crystal clear that he will be jacked.

CNN will toss slow pitches at Jo Jo and fast ball curves at DJT.

DJT knows this and is ready. He will annihilate the Bidenista, his polling will surge as will his fund raising. CNN is the fake news echo chamber, has 80% viewership loss... Pay attention peeps.

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Biden is objectively unfit to be POTUS at a cognitive level alone, however the bar his own side has set if very low. This is why they considered his SOTU a success even though by the standards of most prior presidents it was poor. He just needs to "beat the spread" for the DNC to drop contingency plans...for now

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2020 was stolen Adam, that is the POINT

Biden is an installed dotard puppet.

He will not beat any spread, he cannot be propped up.

WE are witnessing a change of batter. There are no good options.

Hence the panic.

DJT is so far ahead he is unstoppable.

After tonight watch him surge yet again!

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All the more reason we need paper ballots or ideally blockchain voting that cannot be altered

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that was not an admission but the solution you mention is the solution

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The so-called debate has been carefully engineered to cast Biden in the best light possible.

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he and his handlers were given the questions several day ago

DJT will still serve the dotard his lunch. Watch and see.

Maybe they will post a deep fake?? That is how desperate they are.

DJT knows this and is ready!!

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Lunch served. The Dotard annihilated as predicted. The fake news has tossed Joe under the bus but they have no good options. hence the panic.

Gonna get real real soon peeps.

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I don't think Biden has to convince the DNC. The DNC has Biden as a front, and drive the administration by the real guys behind the scenes. Those behind for the shameful border security situation, the refusal to Secret Service protection for RFK Jr; the administration was one of the main proponents of the WHO recent "treaty" that was shut down (much watered down) for global control of medical interventions at the call of Tedros (and the "donors"), the WHO having total immunity and secrecy in the convoluted treaty docs. No main media reporting on that. The DNC is all for it, and now probably further emboldened by the recent -very disappointing- ruling by the SCOTUS on the administration coercion on social media platforms. If Biden melts down, or they can't justify him anymore, the DNC may put some other figure still be along those lines, still controlled by them. I am puzzled what happened to the DNC.

Kennedy 2024 !!

watch Bobby this evening : https://therealdebate.com/

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yeah Ernesto, and the guy that got the country out of the WHO long before you or others knew it was a threat was??? Yeah that guy

RFK is really good at parroting DJT, not so good at creative thinking.

His waffling on important issue is front row and center, anything but Presidential.

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'RFK is really good at parroting DJT'

Really? Have you listened to any longform interviews? Are you cherry picking issues on which RFK and Trump agree?

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No not cherry picking, simply pointing out the obvious. To reiterate: Full term abortions commonly known as murder framed by evil as "choice", Climatard positioning that waffles. Waffling on Ukraine (we are in Ukraine for all the right reasons / Cspan) parroting DJT regarding the border and out of the WHO.

As a former Dems (left the plantation much earlier for different reasons) but have not taken programming from the fake news for over 3 decades!!

FOR THE RECORD, waffling is not presidential, please re-read till it sinks in

Beaconites like the renegade stance of RFK but have the Derangement Syndrome.

The Dems are pure evil. I read and listen and report accurately. I do not cheerlead like so many Beaconites.

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No idea what a beaconite is. I agree with you about the Dems. Not much else.

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If Biden ain't roadkill, I want the drugs they gave him.

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hilarious, as roadkill is possum food

the drugs are well known, its the dosage and administration they are "working"on

The old dotard is being slow walked out, question is who will the DemonRats prop up?

Some say Mike Obama, others H Clintonista, there is an another option...

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