Dec 19, 2023Liked by Adam Garrie

Excellent article!

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All mainstream media, not just AP, is controlled and influenced by the Drug Triumvirate - Rockefeller Foundation, Pharma and Gates. These three entities combined pay billions each year to mainstream news and TV networks to promote their products and falsely discredit anyone who opposes their corruption.

The Rockefeller Foundation, Pharma and Gates make those billions back 10-20X over in increased revenues from mainstream news "marketing" of Pharma products.

The Rockefeller Foundation, Pharma and Gates also own the WHO, being the combined largest funding sources for WHO. The WHO is a thoroughly corrupted and subverted organization pretending to be a "public health" agency.

Everything RFK, Jr. has ever said about the Rockefeller Foundation, Pharma, Gates and WHO is accurate and on target.

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Which is why he's taking so much flak from them, as the saying goes.

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I’m so glad to see CHD going after Trusted News Initiative.

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“He who eats my bread sings my song.”

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The United States of America was built on lies… “All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights — among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

God bless America, one dead Indian at a time, one slaved African at a time, one raped woman at a time.

We still have native peoples living in concentration camps and no one in our government cares. The greed and lies are built into our society. It won’t get better until it crumbles.

I hope RFK Jr can prove me wrong.

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I hadn't realized that the AP, although part of the Trusted News Initiative, is a non-profit. Never thought of that angle.

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deletedDec 19, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023
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“but obviously vaccination is in a different category: A vaccine defends not only patients themselves, but everyone around them — fellow pupils, teachers, family members, strangers with whom they come into contact."

Humm, wouldn’t the Amish community be devastated by now?

ZERO Covid deaths! Their arguments are all lies for profit.

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Very well stated, Diane. Thank you for bringing that article to our attention.

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